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#51 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 6:20 AM
Still, frantically working on my lot. Aside from spending the week I'd planned on working on the lot at relatives and my original idea for the fog emitter not panning out (I have a back-up plan though), I've been having some vital CFE issues that I'm having issues resolving. (So many issues that I get ticked off and work on other lots for awhile...) However, I'm still gonna try and finish up. Though, if it comes down to it, my additional lot has all the requirements and could work.

I went massive, and yes, it's kinda biting me in the ass... :/
dodgy builder
#52 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 8:03 AM
I instead went on a couple of ideas. At least one of them is now finished and only needs some good pictures, I hope I will be able to finish the other in time.
Field Researcher
#53 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 8:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cutsocks
Still, frantically working on my lot. Aside from spending the week I'd planned on working on the lot at relatives and my original idea for the fog emitter not panning out (I have a back-up plan though), I've been having some vital CFE issues that I'm having issues resolving. (So many issues that I get ticked off and work on other lots for awhile...) However, I'm still gonna try and finish up. Though, if it comes down to it, my additional lot has all the requirements and could work.

I went massive, and yes, it's kinda biting me in the ass... :/

It's difficult, you need somewhere big enough to get everything you want in and not feel crowded. I wanted to use Monte Vista and be overlooking the sea, but as I started to take photos, realised I needed to move trees on the hillside above the resort as I was taking photos of foliage and a bit of resort
Forum Resident
#54 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 10:33 AM
Thanks, Armiel. And yup, there are shiftable fog emitters and different sized fog emitters out there. Yay!

And see, silly Finn, no head tricks. ;p We've just been quietly busy laying stone, mortaring brick, and sawing lumber.
I've been chipping away at it as much as I can & play-testing as I go, as well. It's been a really fun build.
I had to start over 1/2 way through, so I've spent a lot of time staring at grids. And I've learned that my UI disappears at whim in buy/build mode now, so it's been an unrelenting challenge of patience, indeed. ^^

I'm intrigued, cutsocks. I keep thinking mini-world. Hmmm...
And Volvenom's going for the double whammy, as well. Cheesh.
And I'll just be struggling with pictures. Damn flighty UI.

Can't wait to see some more entries.
Field Researcher
#55 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 8:49 PM
I wanted to say since deadline is coming up that I do really like this contest and I HAD planned to enter... but I think I picked the wrong time to finally buy Skyrim... the 20 minute load times and the crashes just don't seem as worth it in comparison. I will make one last attempt though before I call it quits, though. I have one idea left that I like too much to not attempt at some point... the only question is whether it will be done in time.
Forum Resident
#56 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 10:13 PM
Oh my, Aree. Say goodbye to hours on end. Skyrim is soooo addictive when you start.
I hope you can make it in time for the contest. It does seem like the game is intuitive to be crappy when we're on a mission. ;p
#57 Old 30th Jul 2013 at 1:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PlayinSafe
I'm intrigued, cutsocks. I keep thinking mini-world. Hmmm...

That would, er... not be an inaccurate assumption.

However, my idea for this contest fit in with a project I've wanted to do for awhile now. So it's a bit of a combo thingie for me.
dodgy builder
#58 Old 30th Jul 2013 at 6:39 PM Last edited by Volvenom : 30th Jul 2013 at 7:00 PM.
I'm going to make two entries in two posts. Easier for me and better for the judges probably. I hope I've got it all sorted, it's kind of a lot to organize. I have them in two different games as well, just in case

The Spanish Steps is a fountain lot with a ton of fogemitters and some cfe used. It's also a stage here. Zoned as a live showtime venue at the moment. Pretty fabulous, but perhaps I missed the brief on this. Good thing I have the Resort lot coming.

Size 30x50, Price 109k/58k. No CC, but some store content included. Posted in two different bulks to make sure it's not going to crash on me.

Fogemitter codes used:

SpanishSteps Poster by Volvenom, on Flickr

dodgy builder
#59 Old 30th Jul 2013 at 7:37 PM
Fredvang Resort Size 50x50, price 225k/138k, No CC, but store content used.

Fogemitter codes used:

cfe used for the fountain in the lower garden and the pool entrance/conservatory/reading nook for the TV room.

Fredvang Resort Poster by Volvenom, on Flickr

Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#60 Old 30th Jul 2013 at 8:35 PM
Ooh, two entries even? Will go edit them right in to the entries-table.
#61 Old 30th Jul 2013 at 11:59 PM
Almost done. Then I get to fight with an image program! Whee!

And as a side note, I just thought of the BEST IDEA EVER. Grr.
#62 Old 31st Jul 2013 at 10:08 PM Last edited by cutsocks : 1st Aug 2013 at 12:01 AM.

Mistlemire Hall

One of the most elaborate country estates of the Gilded Age, Mistlemire Hall was built by Otho Crumholdt for his wife, Helen. Situated on St. Rorrick's Isle, he presented the home to her on their twentieth wedding anniversary. The Georgian Revival mansion features a grand hall over looking the grounds, an art gallery, parlors and offices for both Mr. and Mrs. Crumholdt, an aviary, a billiard room, garage for four, and a swimming pool with hot tub, exercise room, and sauna in the basement. The master suite has dressing and baths for him and her. There are five additional bedrooms, each with attached bathrooms. Four bedrooms and two restrooms are reserved for staff as well.

Lot size: 64x64
Price furnished: 1,045,300
Games needed: ALL OF THEM, except 78&9, Diesel, and Sweet Treats.

Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#63 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 4:46 AM
Just edited cutsocks entry in, thanks for taking part!


then as a side note to all my contestants who entered before this post...
since I allowed editing your entries till contest is closed for judging, I might as well say this, and I'm sorry I didn't realize to point it out earlier, but cutsocks entry made me realize something that has been missing:
Quote: Originally posted by rules
All images except the ad need to be min. 800x600px up to max. 1280x1024px and uploaded to the thread!

I must have been half asleep reading this thread in the mornigs, but yea. This particular rule. If your pictures are not uploaded to the thread, technically by the rules I have to mark the pics as forgotten, and thus remove quite a few points from your scoring. So I sincerely hope you see this note, and go edit your pics in!

There is still time till midnight to do those picture edits. Oh, and there is still time till midnight to get a couple of more entries in as well!

All the entries so far look very interesting, and I thank you for your efforts to take part!
Echezzman Nwokeoma
staff: senior moderator
#64 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 5:11 AM
This is to say a big thank to all that have entered and all your entries are just lovely. Looking forward to having more contestants before the deadline
mature minion
retired moderator
#65 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 9:30 AM
I'm frantically scrabbling to get this ready for the deadline, not long left now!
dodgy builder
#66 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 7:22 PM
Only 3 hours left Tee Perhaps this can be added a day or so if we can get in more participants that way?
Field Researcher
#67 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 7:33 PM
Oh darn, I dont think I'll be able to make it. I miscalculated how much time would be left! I'll try to get it done if I can though and post it anyway, even if it wont be judged!
Forum Resident
#68 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 8:21 PM
Volvenom & Cutsocks-- holy shnike! Awesome, awesome lots!

My lot's done and the blurb's been saved in Notepad, just have to do pics & then edit them.
To cuss at my game, wait for rendering, and my lack of photo-editing skills, don't think I can make it in 2 hours. Just got home so gonna try like heck.
Sadly, I'm with Aree. I put time into it with fancy hopes of timeliness, but...
Well, I'd like to post anyway just for fun, if that would be okay. -?-
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#69 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 8:35 PM
I'm sorry to say, but since this contest already had a month to get your entries in, the time when it will close for judging will hold - Only entries posted before the time runs out will be judged and compete for the prize.

But, you can still show us what you made if you have been building for the contest and can't make it in on time.

Entries already in, if you missed it, please scroll up a couple of posts and see the note about the pictures!!
Forum Resident
#70 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 8:41 PM Last edited by PlayinSafe : 1st Aug 2013 at 10:36 PM.
Yes, thank you. That's what I meant, armiel. To show entry for fun with realization of not being official entry.
With regrets of being untimely, I do have to show gratitude for the inspiration. It was really fun to build this one!

ETA: Got pics done but the required overheads & part of front are have failed miserably with rendering. Previous pics I took don't show finished lot as is (i.e. finished).
ETA: And dayummmm. Just checked game & the front just now finished rendering. 30 mins...
Forum Resident
#71 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 10:59 PM
Default Roadside Kitsch Stop

Forget about tomorrow and visit yesterdays gone-by!

Come visit the Roadside Kitsch Stop and get lost in the carefree and simple times of yesteryear when you choose this lakeside resort as your summer get-away destination.
This 64x64 property boasts roadside attractions worthy of postcards and nostalgic entries into anyone's photo album.

Come for the day and fish in the lake, relax on the beach, play some carnival games, have a cup of our world-famous coffee, and take in the sights of summertime a la retro.

The Roadside Kitsch Stop is the world famous home of Big Bill, the biggest T-Rex this side of Riverview, Sunset Valley's largest ball of string, and many other roadside attractions.
(That's right! We have too many to mention! You've got to come see it all to believe it!)

We aim to meet your needs so that you can enjoy your vacation here amidst the fun, relaxation, and beautiful scenery at the Roadside Kitsch Stop.

Roadside Kitsch Stop services include:

lakeside Snack Shack
Self-serve laundromat
Auntie Bee's restaurant
Uncle Zeke's General Store and Souveniers
Well-appointed lodging with full amenities
Park office (including first aid station, bicycle rental)
Picnic areas
Public restrooms/Showers

Want to stay for more than a day? (Who doesn't!)
We have several themed cabins and cottages for rent.
Our woodsy, 2-story Lake Laguchee Log Cabin accomodates up to 8.
-This spacious, lakefront log cabin boasts the best views in the resort. Our most secluded rental unit has a full kitchen, indoor bathrooms, dens with stone fireplaces, and a balcony. So rustic and woodsy, who couldn't relax here?
*rent a bed or rent the entire cabin, please call ahead to check for availability
The Diner Dreams abode accomodates 4.
-This 2-story lodging is for the 1950's enthusiasts and has a 2nd floor split-level design. Everything from the furniture to the kitchen is retro-themed. Soak up the breathtaking resort views from the big living area windows or the 2nd floor deck. The only thing this 50's diner-themed rental is missing is grease in the kitchen!
The Simple Times Victorian accomodates 2.
-Our world famous honeymoon stay. This romantic cabin is the perfect place to get cozy. Nothing less than charming here!
The Kennedy Cottage accomodates 2.
-Step back in time with our newly renovated mid-century cabin. Enjoy the lakeside views while relaxing a la retro. Classy vintage at its finest!
Tenting and camper campgrounds
-Bring your own tent or rent one at the park office. Tow-along campers welcome, also. Don't forget to sign up for our weekly campground barbeque grill-off!

Open all summer, every summer.
Located just off Redwood Cove, Sunset Valley.
For reservations, rotary dialers please call SV 4-8181.
The Roadside Kitsch Stop-- Where the best of yesterdays comes to today!

CC used: NONE (EPs, SPs, store items only)
CFE used: YES (log cabin, 50's unit, bridge 1, bridge 2)
Fog emitter codes used: YES
ANIMALLOBSTERWALKING..............sp1fishlobsterfx1 (on beaches)
butterflymonarchfree (around the lot)
ep3fishcrawfishfx4 (lakeshore and beach edges)
ep3pigeonwalkingthree (sidewalks)
seagullsimple (shore)
toyovensmokeleak (snack shack roof vent)
ep3pigeonstandingone (sidewalks)
oceansurfreduced (lake edge)
poolsimwake (on sand castles at water edge)
ep3pigeonwalkingfive (sidewalks)
fireflies (beach below rope bridge)
butterflysitflapmonarch (tree platform/rope bridge)

Credits for mods used in building:
NRaas: NRaas: Master Controller, Johna: Any Game Starter 3, VelocityGrass: Stencil Remover, Granthes: Adjustable Curtains, Buckley: Shiftable Fog Emitter, Gelydh: Shiftable Mirrors, HystericalParoxysm: Flower and Tree Default Replacement, HystericalParoxysm: Concrete Parking Barrier, Buhudain: OMSP Resizer, Buhudain: Fog Emitter/Small, Buzzler: Build/Buy Restriction Choker

(will add more pics if in time...)
Forum Resident
#72 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 11:07 PM Last edited by PlayinSafe : 2nd Aug 2013 at 12:03 AM.
Not meaning to double post, but don't want to edit my post as the confetti's falling on the countdown timer.
Just apologies for not putting pics in spoiler. Just now realized as I see it. And I didn't have all of the requireds uploaded in time. Ahhhh, so close.
But thanks for the challenge! It really was fun for me and forced me to use CFE & fog emitters, which I should do more often.
Great entries everyone! I hope to see these lots for download! They're awesome! :D

ETA: Seriously, frantic just breeds oopsies. The mod credits are incorrect. I changed the lot day before yesterday but now see that I forgot to correct my notes.
I did not use HystericalParoxysm: Concrete Parking Barrier, Buhudain: OMSP Resizer, or Buhudain: Fog Emitter/Small.
And I accidentally uploaded a pic taken before the lot was finished. The snack shack is about the same, but should have fish on the side. I guess nobody would know if I didn't say.
dodgy builder
#73 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 11:41 PM
That is a cute lot PlayinSafe
Forum Resident
#74 Old 2nd Aug 2013 at 12:17 AM
Thanks, Volvenom. Would that I could present it better.
I purposely haven't played much because I haven't had a graphics card. Gone since right before patching & getting IP, to boot. Card's apparently coming on a slow armadillo from Texas, so Tuesday will not get here soon enough! Hoping that will fix all of my game errors. This challenge was irresistible though. Suck graphics and disappearing UI couldn't stop me. :p
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#75 Old 2nd Aug 2013 at 6:34 AM
You made it in just on the last second PlayinSafe!

The contest is now closed for judging!
I need to PM my judges about the judging, and make them a template for the scoring (just maybe I should have done this already).

Tomorrow evening I'm flying back to Finland, and will most probably spend the Sunday -sleeping-, as it is a night flight with long drive to home afterwards. But I'll try to get the judging running today, so we might have the scores out on the 5th at the earliest, as promised.

Seeing how Qbies contest has ~50 entries or even more now, I'm kinda not sad at all that I got only a couple, really great ones! If there is someone who had a lot in the makings but didn't make it in time, you can still post pics so we can look at them in awe.

Thank you for everyone who participated, by entering, or just by posting questions and comments!
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