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Neighbourhood Beach Front - *Request* - Map by Deskp, with beach lots!

by himawara106 Posted 4th Mar 2009 at 7:18 PM - Updated 6th Apr 2009 at 11:47 AM by himawara106
48 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 45 Feedback Posts, 2 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 5:13 PM
wow, that is awsome! thanks so much, i love it!

and to the requester, you have a very good imagination!

May good fortune rule over you,
peace lie in your heart,
and the stars watch over you
#3 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 6:16 PM Last edited by d4nny : 15th Jul 2008 at 7:35 PM. Reason: strange spelling mistake (hit wrong key)
wow thankyou to the requester and thankyou for doing such a perfect job!

im so gonna have to download this and i so want to put build a lot on the hill with floor suporting them i know what i mean like a wooden house or rest room with a park!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 6:53 PM
Thanks to the both! I will definitely be grabbing this!!

MUMBLER! Seriously, I cannot understand a word you're saying! .... Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
What just happend?
retired moderator
#5 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 7:17 PM
Now, that is awesome! Thank you to the both of you!!

Life is for LIVING so, LIVE it and have Fun

Please use "spell check" when posting!!!
Prejudice is the child of ignorance.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 7:39 PM
Awesome, I'm checking it out
Test Subject
#7 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 10:25 PM
:o Thank you
Test Subject
#8 Old 15th Jul 2008 at 10:43 PM
Woho, thanks alot!!
you did an awsome job!
#9 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 12:04 AM
Wow i was looking for something exactly like this, great job both of you !
Test Subject
#10 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 1:23 AM
I have been looking for beach front land for awhile and I'm not creative enough to do it myself so thank you to both you and the designer.
Test Subject
#11 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 2:03 AM
Wow, this is AWESOME! Thanks so much!
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 2:37 AM
nice! Thanks!
#13 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 8:39 AM
Admirable! Thanks,
Test Subject
#14 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 9:16 AM
Thank you so very much for this wonderful lot!!!
#15 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 10:43 AM
Oh I like this terrain, not to big and different heights, thank you for sharing!
Original Poster
#16 Old 16th Jul 2008 at 8:42 PM
Oh - wow - so many comments. *hugs all*
Yeah - Deskp did a very good job with the map!!
Test Subject
#17 Old 23rd Jul 2008 at 5:36 AM
Amazing! THANKS!
Test Subject
#18 Old 28th Jul 2008 at 6:23 PM
Heyy, Nice lot - theres an error for me though, when i click the download it doesnt work, it goes to a page with a bunch of links saying errors and such, can anyone help?

Edit: aha, Nevermind - it works noww lol, GREAT LOT ! love it
Test Subject
#19 Old 11th Aug 2008 at 7:59 PM
I downloaded, installed and played it, and it's perfect to every little detail. Thank you !
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 31st Aug 2008 at 8:26 PM
Thank you so much for this
I downloaded this and I'm just about to put it in my SC4Terrains folder, thank you so much - I can imagine many great moments played in this neighborhood for a story I'm brainstorming.

Vo Gerbits and it is beautiful :D
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 5th Oct 2008 at 2:05 AM
I don't normally download Neighborhoods but I really like this one for some reason, Thanks for all the hard work you put into this!

Now Taking Requests for House's and Paintings! Downloads also at
Test Subject
#22 Old 13th Oct 2008 at 9:45 PM
i cnt go to the vacation cause the game is so slow...
on my 512 computer...
thankss anyway!!
can you teach those plzz...

<a href="" target=_top><img border=0 src="" alt="idance, Image Hosting"></a>
Test Subject
#23 Old 14th Oct 2008 at 10:41 PM
is this a new neighborhood type for when you create a new neighborhood, or is it an effect for any neighborhood? i really dont like making new neighborhoods...SOMEONE PLZ TELL ME!!!!!!!! T_T
Original Poster
#24 Old 15th Oct 2008 at 7:12 PM
Hi you all!
Thank you so much for your nice feedback!

It's a new neighbourhood, but it's just a map. When you create a new neighbourhood from the main menu you click on the "+" and then you can use this map for creating a new one. It does not effect any existing neighborhoods.
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 10:29 PM
Very good, I like the beach part and also the different levels to build on, good work, thank you both for your hard work.
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