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Arched Hedges

by crocobaura Posted 9th Sep 2007 at 4:11 PM - Updated 9th Sep 2007 at 5:38 PM by crocobaura
48 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 41 Feedback Posts, 6 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 4:42 PM
Thanks, I really like them!
#3 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 5:19 PM
Oh, nice! These would be perfect for hedge mazes! Thanks

Please do not re-upload my houses or Sims anywhere, even if it is just refurnished.

Thank you for your consideration.
Field Researcher
#4 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 6:31 PM
Oh, lovely! This will make for some beautiful gardens!
Field Researcher
#5 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 6:57 PM
Just beautiful! Thank you.
Forum Resident
#6 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 7:21 PM
This is such a great idea! I love your grass fences.

I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something is wrong with me.
- Anonymous

Sideways Garage Tutorial
#7 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 7:44 PM
Spectacular job, thanks croc!

Please do not upload any of my lots to the exchange, or any other site.
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#8 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 9:24 PM
Thanks for these. Now, we just need a fence and gate version.
I assume these are the same size as the normal shrub, correct?

I don't mind if you call me "MSD" or something for short.
Perhaps someday I'll have leisure time back...
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 10:27 PM
These are really cool looking! Thanks for sharing!
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#10 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 10:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by maybesomethingdunno
Thanks for these. Now, we just need a fence and gate version.
I assume these are the same size as the normal shrub, correct?

Nope, they are one storey high, same as any connecting arch. You don't need a fence as the sim can't pass through the square on which the column lies, so if you put columns next to each other it's same as with fences. Sims only pass through the archway.
#11 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 10:54 PM
Ah, ok. That's true; I guess that was my lazy side typing (it likes click-and-drag landscaping). Thanks again.

I don't mind if you call me "MSD" or something for short.
Perhaps someday I'll have leisure time back...
Field Researcher
#12 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 11:00 PM
Love them, thanks bunches!

Top Secret Researcher
#13 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 12:03 AM
Very cool!

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at
Field Researcher
#14 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 12:10 AM
That is enormously spiffy.
Field Researcher
#15 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 12:12 AM
I was thinking how I might use this, and I have a request. Can you make it possible to have a gap wide enough for a driveway? Even if we had to use a boolprop cheat to hang it there? That would be so NEAT. (I don't know if it's possible, so no, I don't know what I'm asking!)
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 1:53 AM
Oh my! These are gorgeous! Thank you so much!

"Either this wallpaper goes or I do." ~ Oscar Wilde on his deathbed
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 3:27 AM
Crocobaura! You always come up with the most amazing stuff! I love these hedges!

More from Galilea at TSR, most all of my lots and items are free! Useage Policy: You are free to use my items anywhere (free or paysite).
#18 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 3:29 AM
You are a sweet heart. Thank you so very much. I have not tried it out yet but I am sure it is perfect. You are so talented.
Top Secret Researcher
#19 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 5:44 AM
Thanks these are fantastic, what a great idea.
Slacker of Immense Slackness
retired moderator
#20 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 7:53 AM
Ehehe fantastico! Love 'em thanks for sharing =)

<:3))~~ Loverat
"In some cultures what I do is considered normal" Check it out for other recolours & lot uploads =D
#21 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 9:09 AM
Wow. Your arched hedges are so beautiful.

Update: July 2009-I am back now to make invisible and tranparent recolors again in sims 2. You can pm me if you want your objects to be invisible and transparent from now.
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 4:41 PM
Ooh, nice..!
I really like the shape, it's still natural, thanks!
#23 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 6:52 PM
Yup, this is great. You're always share with us something which is original and creative, thank you forever! kiss and ciao.
Test Subject
#24 Old 11th Sep 2007 at 7:57 AM
OK...seriously. You talented creators have got to stop doing this! Not only am I a download junkie, but I have to have tons of recolors too, just so I can avoid having similar homes inside and out. My downloads folder already has more than 10gigs worth of custom content. Pretty soon it'll take 2 days for my game to load But once again I HAD TO HAVE THIS new item. Many thanks to you and all of the other very talented creators out there. Awesome work!!!! Any plans for recolors?

"If you don't think women are explosive, try dropping one!" ~ Anonymous
Forum Resident
#25 Old 11th Sep 2007 at 7:52 PM
Woot, these are great!! Makes me wonder about regular hedges that match up now! Hedge Maze is just what I was thinking!!

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