
15th Jan 2012 at 5:24 PM
Last edited by heaven : 15th Jan 2012 at
5:43 PM.
Posts: 3,722
Thanks: 27800 in 66 Posts
38 Achievements
I know everyone has been waiting a long time for this and, honestly, our judges had some tough decisions. However, we have finally made our conclusions and are ready to announce the winners. Winners, have members of the staff working on the calendars now. Due to some confusion, I will clarify. The calendars will be made available to download
for your game. Winners, you will also be receiving blue ribbons shorty. I do also want to make a note that this contest does not meet the requirements to host one of your own. Notes on that have been made in the Contests Section of the site so if you have any questions, be sure to ask! Also, please keep any congratulatory type posts in the chat thread.
Now, without any further delays!
armiel: 89
viri2626: 52
stinkerbell422: 42
x-kisses-for-yooh-x: 76
hogwartsjedi: 34
PDownloaders90: 54
wgroome: 83
ZombieLiz: 45
peedieprincess: 91
sof_m9: 29
eyelleenn: 65
holysims: 50
harlequin_eyes: 90
panjarat: 44
Sparklycookie: 54
wlionrjl: 92
maybesomethingdunno: 88
ShineShine: 64
Fizzy9: 55
Dirly2: 62
TheAppleNinja: 48
TheNPCsim: 62
Liv: 89
Amylet: 62
beeps: 96
stinkerbell422: 41
bake6: 53
TheNPCsim: 64
123blissb: 56
ShadowsMystery: 88
Fizzy9: 50
Essa: 83
eyelleenn: 84
MAB-2000: 88
kikiavicenna: 61
Fira: 68
Irashik: 85
andrewsew_705: 64
x-kisses-for-yooh-x: 64
Croutonian: 60
DigitalSympathies: 57
armiel: 62
ZombieLiz: 61
wgroome: 95
Miuki: 89
Turtledove: 80
Ydacha: 58
messyjessy: 34
QBuilderz: 87
ShineShine: 75
jbeach34: 39
beccajuster: 42
Selly_2009: 89
viri2626: 53
Nightlight: 94
uryufangirl: 57
dlwkdydl: 53
ForeverCamp: 80
lunajumper44: 79
kikiavicenna: 65
Fira: 69
vhanster: 88
uryufangirl: 65
vhanster: 82
Ghost_sdoj: 67
Irashik: 88
Jadhey: 48
Ghost_sim: 60
Selly_2009: 71
Turtledove: 50
Dirly2: 72
Nightlight: 70
messyjessy: 51
scorpion1d3x: 54
xxxman: 51
leesester: 74
thestarocean: 64
scorpion1d3x: 66
maybesomethingdunno: 76
Amylet: 79
pollylaura: 61
Geah: 81
porkypine: 83
wlionrjl: 80
wind666: 79
peedieprincess: 84
Miuki: 88
DigitalSympathies: 77
laguna4life: 63
Ghost_Sim: 60
harlequin_eyes: 72
Kyokoo: 0
hogwartsjedi: 83
lovelyrayaallday: 72
Heaven Sims |
Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."