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#1 Old 6th Aug 2024 at 7:46 PM
Default Favourite Sims Lore?
What's your favourite sims lore? This can include the more commonly talked about lore such as the Caliente Sisters, but I'm gearing this thread to the more veiled lore most simmers wouldn't know about!

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#2 Old 6th Aug 2024 at 8:34 PM
I find the mystery of Hero Monty's fate fascinating, and I wish it got even a tenth of the attention of, say, Bella Goth's disappearance, because there's so little to go on and I'd love to know what others make of it, especially with things like Benedick's bio stating he might become essential in solving the mystery.
On a similar note, I think it was pointed out in a Youtube video I watched a while ago, though I can't remember who made it, that the line in Antonio's bio about how the feud may have cost him his one true love doesn't necessarily have to refer to Hero but could also be interpreted as him having been love with one of the Capps or even his brother's late wife, Olivia. I didn't have any of that in mind when I played Antonio, but I like how it's open for alternative interpretations in a way that might not even have been intended by the developers.

I also like how the Grunts don't have memories of Lyla dying, possibly thinking she simply left them behind while she's actually been buried in Olive's graveyard just some minutes away the whole time, because it's sad and unsettling.

On a lighter note, I think it's a funny detail how Victor Aspir has memories of Hannah Bell's and Sharon Wirth's parents being abducted by aliens. Both the fact that it happened and that Victor apparently saw this transpire.

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 6th Aug 2024 at 9:46 PM
I love the connections that carry over between different EAxis games, and especially when it's bigger than a single Sim or household... Things like Landgraab Industries showing up not just in the Sims games, but in SimCity games too... I've had fun kind of adding to this with some of my own uploads like making the "Landgraab Country Club" for my golf course, or using appropriate characters from the citizen petitioners in SimCity 3000 as the ones to speak in the public forum for my stadium upload's flavor text.

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#4 Old 6th Aug 2024 at 10:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
I find the mystery of Hero Monty's fate fascinating, and I wish it got even a tenth of the attention of, say, Bella Goth's disappearance, because there's so little to go on and I'd love to know what others make of it, especially with things like Benedick's bio stating he might become essential in solving the mystery.
On a similar note, I think it was pointed out in a Youtube video I watched a while ago, though I can't remember who made it, that the line in Antonio's bio about how the feud may have cost him his one true love doesn't necessarily have to refer to Hero but could also be interpreted as him having been love with one of the Capps or even his brother's late wife, Olivia. I didn't have any of that in mind when I played Antonio, but I like how it's open for alternative interpretations in a way that might not even have been intended by the developers.

I also like how the Grunts don't have memories of Lyla dying, possibly thinking she simply left them behind while she's actually been buried in Olive's graveyard just some minutes away the whole time, because it's sad and unsettling.

On a lighter note, I think it's a funny detail how Victor Aspir has memories of Hannah Bell's and Sharon Wirth's parents being abducted by aliens. Both the fact that it happened and that Victor apparently saw this transpire.

I wonder if the Grunts not remembering Lyla's death could be the fault of the development team or an actual easter egg?!

I also feel as if Veronaville was kind-off half assed by EA. We got SUCH lore with Srangetown and Pleasantview yet Veronaville is just the retelling of Romeo and Juliet - which is fine, but I kind of wish they put more of their own spin on it! Hero's death could've actually been like one of the main storylines of the neighbourhood potentially? I don't now exactly how they could do that, especially that the murder mystery story was already done by Olive Specter, but what if the death of Hero was the main drive of the family fueds?

I hate that we can't ressurect her because she has zero character data, like what IF ea set out a story as to why she died, and we could see it play out in her memories, but she ended up with NOTHING!!

I also like the fact that Bianca Monty can be found as a child in Monte Vista

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#5 Old 6th Aug 2024 at 10:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
I love the connections that carry over between different EAxis games, and especially when it's bigger than a single Sim or household... Things like Landgraab Industries showing up not just in the Sims games, but in SimCity games too... I've had fun kind of adding to this with some of my own uploads like making the "Landgraab Country Club" for my golf course, or using appropriate characters from the citizen petitioners in SimCity 3000 as the ones to speak in the public forum for my stadium upload's flavor text.

I loooveee the lore behind the Landgraab families!! I kind of wish there was more to them though..

Forum Resident
#6 Old 6th Aug 2024 at 11:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by dontbebleakdahling
I wonder if the Grunts not remembering Lyla's death could be the fault of the development team or an actual easter egg?!

Indeed, either way I think it works. (Same with Denise Jacquet having fears about being caught cheating by her dead husband. That one was almost certainly by mistake, but one could interpret it in different ways, such as her still feeling committed to him, or not being able to accept that he's gone, or even genuinely being unaware or having forgotten due to dementia or something.)

I hate that we can't ressurect her because she has zero character data, like what IF ea set out a story as to why she died, and we could see it play out in her memories, but she ended up with NOTHING!!

Yeah, that's really frustrating.

I am Error.
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#7 Old 7th Aug 2024 at 12:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
Same with Denise Jacquet having fears about being caught cheating by her dead husband. That one was almost certainly by mistake, but one could interpret it in different ways, such as her still feeling committed to him, or not being able to accept that he's gone, or even genuinely being unaware or having forgotten due to dementia or something.

Bugs/mistakes like these make stories better than initially intended honestly!

Mad Poster
#8 Old 7th Aug 2024 at 4:32 AM
This oddity involving the Strangetown Bella Goth I find quite interesting:

In Thai, she's called "คิตตี้ คิวเรียส". Both of these translate to "Kitty Curious". In Simplified Chinese, she is called "贝拉 好奇", and it translates to "Bella Curious".

Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
Indeed, either way I think it works. (Same with Denise Jacquet having fears about being caught cheating by her dead husband. That one was almost certainly by mistake, but one could interpret it in different ways, such as her still feeling committed to him, or not being able to accept that he's gone, or even genuinely being unaware or having forgotten due to dementia or something.)

It also causes Gilbert to throw tantrums when she romances another Sim.

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#9 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 1:25 AM
Hi, sorry to necro, but this is my favorite subject when it comes to The Sims 2, so, I have a lot to say about the matter.

First of all, I think it's very interesting that Olivia Riley, of all the dead ancestors in Belladonna Cove, is the only one who's not (supposed to be) buried at Gamesend Grounds, the actual cemetery. Instead, her grave is located at the art museum, which makes her death being a "freak accident" rather suspicious, don't you think? Sure, it could be because of an oversight on the devs' part, but since is the same game that has Olive Specter in it, and since this game would be succeeded by the same game that would have Macy and Lacy in it later down the line, I honestly doubt it was an accident that her grave ended up there. Plus, there's the fact Timothy moved on to Vivian VERY quickly, what's up with that? It could all be coincidental, that's for sure, but I like how it's framed in a way that leaves room for sinister implications... I just really wish people talked about this more! The TS2 lore involving the neighborhoods other than Pleasantview & Strangetown, and sometimes Veronaville, tend to get left to collect dust.

Speaking of Veronaville, I find the implication that the feud reached a point of people being murdered to be deeply fascinating, and I wish people talked about Veronaville as much as they do the other two basegame 'hoods. Like, sure, it gets brought up semi-often, definitely more often than the EP 'hoods do, but you'd think that "A bunch of people were very likely killed in a feud that started likely because of two men fighting over the same woman" would get a lot more attention! On that note, I forget who exactly in this thread said it, but I 100% agree the mystery behind Hero's death should be talked about just as much as Bella Goth's disappearance, if not MORE, because the thing is, we already know the full timeline of what happened to Bella, thanks to TS3 and multiple interviews on the subject, but there's just no closure for Hero's death. Veronaville also has lots of other oddities worth discussing, I think, such as Contessa, Claudio, and Olivia all having pre-written bios indicating they could've once been intended to be playable, especially since Claudio and Contessa's bios in particular seem to indicate they could've played a major role in Romeo & Juliette's romance and uniting the families.

...on that note, I absolutely love the entirely fanmade lore people have given Viola Monty. I know, on a technical level, there's NOTHING indicating that's who she was meant to be, but I still love how people came up with that lore for her anyway, especially the idea that her deletion is actually because Viola faked her death to escape the family feud, or the idea that she's some sort of glitch ghost still haunting the narrative and the code. I'm not sure how many of you here are familiar with Touhou Project, but the fanon lore for Viola gives me the same vibes as Touhou fans running along and making up their own lore for the scrapped third protagonist, Rin Satsuki. I think this sort of thing is truly within the spirit of what these games and their lore are about; we're just out here, playing with our Barbies and giving them elaborate storylines.

Next, I want to talk about the Tricou family, and also bring in TS3 lore and ways this could coincide; I have to wonder, since the Tricou's family patriarch is named "Jon Smith," which is also a placeholder name for unidentified men, akin to "John Doe," and since the House of Fallen Trees is particularly notable for its large basement, if the Doe family from TS3 is meant to be a callback to the Tricous, or possibly even related to them directly in some way? Since they all have placeholder names, an air of mystery, and their house apparently once had a basement. Speaking of the Tricous, I love the idea of Rainelle Neengia moving into a haunted house, only to die from fright upon seeing ghosts. I especially love this because the devs put a lot of care into everything around the House of Fallen Trees, and Rainelle herself having big eyes as a way to indicate her eyes bulged from sheer fright. The Tricous and Rainelle do pop up in lore discussion quite frequently, but I do wish more people talked about how neat the "haunted house" aspect of the House of Fallen Trees itself is, and I really wish at least TS3 had touched upon this again, but alas!

Finally, does anyone else get a very uncanny vibe from the Roth household? Sure, almost every family in Riverblossom Hills is a parody of Pleasantview families, but the Roths in particular stand out to me just due to how incredibly blatant it is, with all of them having similar appearances and incredibly similar names... it gives the family really uncanny, sort of "creepy perfect family" vibes, not unlike the aforementioned Does from TS3.

Ah, in general, I just wish there was more lore discussion around the EP 'hoods! Hopefully my own contribution to this thread will inspire others to talk more about it!
Forum Resident
#10 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 2:12 AM
Another thing about Veronaville, that I find fascinating but can't make much sense of, is the amount of ancestors who died in the adult lifestage, and in a pretty consistent way.
Namely, the parents of the oldest living Summerdreams, Montys and Capps (plus Contessa, who seems to have been meant to be playable originally) all died young. So, Titania's mother and father, Oberon's mother and father, Patrizio's, Isabella's, Consort and Contessa's.
Same with spouses who married into the family: Albany's parents and Cornwall's parents all died young, as did the parents of Olivia Monty, who seems to have been meant to be playable originally. Hero's parents, too. Caliban Capp would be the exception, his parents both died as elders.
But it strikes me as such a pattern, it has to have been done on purpose. It's so odd, though.

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 2:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
Another thing about Veronaville, that I find fascinating but can't make much sense of, is the amount of ancestors who died in the adult lifestage, and in a pretty consistent way.
Namely, the parents of the oldest living Summerdreams, Montys and Capps (plus Contessa, who seems to have been meant to be playable originally) all died young. So, Titania's mother and father, Oberon's mother and father, Patrizio's, Isabella's, Consort and Contessa's.
Same with spouses who married into the family: Albany's parents and Cornwall's parents all died young, as did the parents of Olivia Monty, who seems to have been meant to be playable originally. Hero's parents, too. Caliban Capp would be the exception, his parents both died as elders.
But it strikes me as such a pattern, it has to have been done on purpose. It's so odd, though.

Maybe it's meant to represent the feud and imply that they killed each other off.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 10:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
Another thing about Veronaville, that I find fascinating but can't make much sense of, is the amount of ancestors who died in the adult lifestage, and in a pretty consistent way.
Namely, the parents of the oldest living Summerdreams, Montys and Capps (plus Contessa, who seems to have been meant to be playable originally) all died young. So, Titania's mother and father, Oberon's mother and father, Patrizio's, Isabella's, Consort and Contessa's.
Same with spouses who married into the family: Albany's parents and Cornwall's parents all died young, as did the parents of Olivia Monty, who seems to have been meant to be playable originally. Hero's parents, too. Caliban Capp would be the exception, his parents both died as elders.
But it strikes me as such a pattern, it has to have been done on purpose. It's so odd, though.

I was always under the impression that it was due to the neighborhood itself being literally Shakespearean, and thus, to make the neighborhood kinda feel "older," almost all the dead ancestors died young due to the average life expectancy being significantly lower in the past. It could for sure also be more (heavily implied) senseless violence caused by the feud, but I somewhat doubt that simply because the bios and memories of all the living Sims point towards Patrizio and Consort being the ones to start the feud in the first place.
Forum Resident
#13 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 10:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kat Attack
I was always under the impression that it was due to the neighborhood itself being literally Shakespearean, and thus, to make the neighborhood kinda feel "older," almost all the dead ancestors died young due to the average life expectancy being significantly lower in the past. It could for sure also be more (heavily implied) senseless violence caused by the feud, but I somewhat doubt that simply because the bios and memories of all the living Sims point towards Patrizio and Consort being the ones to start the feud in the first place.

It's just, if that was the intention, I'd expect the oldest shown generation(s) to be the one(s) dying young. But all those sims have parents of their own shown in the family tree, and they all died as elders.

I am Error.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old Today at 12:41 AM
Thought of another piece of what I call "fanon lore" that I really like, which is the idea of Strangetown Bella Goth being a clone. I know it's been stated by people who worked on the game multiple times at this point that this wasn't the intention, and that storywise, they really are supposed to be the same person, but I just like the clone theory anyway since there's aliens involved. There's so much you can do with it! I know I'm enjoying doing stuff with it just writing Belladonna Blues.
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