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#1 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 6:44 AM
Fun with Pets
I'm opening up my birthday presents and very excitingly, I got new games (yay!). Specifically, it's Fun with Pets collection - which is great because I didn't have either Mansions & Gardens or Family Fun. Less excitingly, I already have Pets.

Will already having Pets installed cause any problems installing Fun with Pets? Or am I better off returning it before I open the package and try?
#2 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 7:57 AM
Happy birthday! FwP works just fine with Pets previously installed. I bought it for the M +G ,because it was cheaper by far, than M and G was by itself. I chose not to install the Store Edition , cuz; , you know...EA. I don't even know if that's still an issue/option at this point in time. If it is , I'd avoid installing the Store Edition due to potential compatibility issues. M and G is the last game engine for Sims 2 so FwP will be the disk you play on.

Shotgunning bland cucumbers since 1974
Mad Poster
#3 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 12:21 PM
As Mookie said it will work, but you should know that the collection packs were meddled with by EA. They are not just the original games put together, there's alterings that could affect mods. Collection packs are also not compatible with AGS:

Most people who use them have no problems, but it COULD happen, and since you haven't opened it yet I figured I'd point it out
Forum Resident
#4 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 2:28 PM
Yes, I run collections pack and it is the Pets one but I wish I had not but it was first I got so I did not know. It will make for your SimPE not to work but I had long thread with moderator from these forums who helped me so very much so my SimPE could run with collections Pets. I do not know where is that thread but if you install and need it let me know. It will not be a game break but it will make difficult many things. It is almost like a virus to the game itself the Store Edition was evil work on EA's part. They wanted more money so they try to do bad things to game - you cannot use custom content from game Medieval with Store Edition installed. EA are very bad people. Maxis was good people.

Is advice to you ask for receipt of gift giver and say you need an exchange it. You need to get the old games not collections. But if to late you already installed do not uninstall (that hurts game). Just go for you will be like me always have to stay one step ahead of it.
Site Helper
#5 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 7:06 PM
Here's the thread where we discuss how to run the AGS with collection packs:
Meet Me In My Next Life
#6 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 11:45 PM
Whatever you do return or not ( I like Pets it add to the game, plus people have pets in real life, so why not your Sims. ) Just be sure you "Patch" Pets once you download it.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 11:48 PM
That's typical EA. Always striving for more money while simultaneously breaking other people's games. Seriously, why did they even mess around with the collection packs in the first place, to the point AGS doesn't even work on it? If they wish to meddle with code, they can do that in a patch.

Quote: Originally posted by Simonut
Whatever you do return or not ( I like Pets it add to the game, plus people have pets in real life, so why not your Sims. ) Just be sure you "Patch" Pets once you download it.

Remember to patch all EPs and the Family Fun Stuff as soon as you install them! The patches are essential!
Undead Molten Llama
#8 Old 17th Apr 2014 at 4:49 AM
Meh. I used FwP on a previous install and SimPE worked just fine for me all long; I didn't have to do anything to it. Maybe I was just lucky...or maybe LaurellKH was just unlucky. Either way, if you're not a SimPE user, it won't be an issue. I did have to update many of my mods, especially the "biggies" like Inteen and ACR, because when I installed FwP my latest EP was Freetime. But that's just a consequence of changing my game engine, not a problem with FwP. But I couldn't use AGS with it installed, no. That wasn't a huge loss to me, though.

When you install it, if you haven't already, you can choose which of the games to install. So, if you already have Pets, simply de-check Pets from the list of things to install. Not a problem.

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