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#1 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 2:00 AM Last edited by sims 1 : 2nd May 2014 at 9:30 PM. Reason: grammar
Default the sims 2 glamour stuff and holiday stuff pack do you have them?
I was vary lucky I guess. Because right when I wanted to complete my sims 2 collection of cd's, I got both at a flee market, just stuck, in a bunch of random old PC Games someone was selling. My family paid $10,00 for glamour life stuff pack and $5.00 for holiday stuff pack. I got them as a gift from my mom a while back. I got every expansion pack and stuff back scense 2010.

happy holiday stuff pack offers new Santa outfits as well as ZZ top beards, new hair woman hair styles that are supposed to be Miss. Clause. Santa outfits from around the world including the fat red american version

it includes the German Santa, the Russian Santa, and many other world santa outfits. Also an elf outfit that I don't care for the kids, and teens. Also fireworks, sparklers more decorations and even a window with snowflakes, and a door with wreaths. and decorations for all other holidays. I would recommend this stuff pack for anyone who is using seasons

throw a real new-year's bash. if you want. get your sims drunk for their new years day by using the deluxe champaign bottle i think comes from celebrations stuff pack or holiday stuff not sure.

All i know is either the champaign comes with double deluxe and or celebration stuff or holiday stuff. not sure throwing a new years bash is an addition to seasons or to holiday stuff.

AND glamour life stuff add new objects and outfits for the rich sims: nuff said.

the exact games i have installed on my computer in order

THE SIMS 2 DOUBLE DELUXE- comes with Base game - Celebration Stuff and Nightlife expansion in one

THE SIMS 2 UNIVERSITY LIFE COLLECTION.- comes with University, Teen Style Stuff and IKEA Home Stuff Packs

THE SIMS 2 BEST OF BUSINESS COLLECTION.- Comes with Open For Business, H&M Fashion stuff and The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff packs.

THE SIMS 2 FUN WITH PETS COLLECTION-comes with pets, Mansion and garden stuff, family fun stuff



and don't waste your money on the stuff packs by them-self when you can get 3 in one. Look above and shop wisely and if you have an expansion pack or stuff pack included or installed the sims 2 installer lets you choose what stuff and expansions to install on the 3 in one deals go for the deal 3 in one beats the odd of paying for 2 separate shipping when you can buy three sims 2 expansions all at once think about this ok

if confused read this whole article closely
#2 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 2:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sims 1
not sure throwing a new years bash is an addition to seasons or to holiday stuff.

That came with the Seasons EP. New Year´s Bash is disabled when you are not in the right time frame (winter and early spring, not sure if possible in late fall), so it must be a Seasons-feature.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 3:33 AM
You do know you can check out the EPs/SPs at the Wiki, right?
The holiday packs are from 2005/06, so they're not exactly big news...


I got the first holiday pack back when I first bought the game back in 2006, and realized a bit too late that there were two editions of it (or the other one came out later that year - can't quite remember). Now I've got both of them. Get the 2006 pack if you can, as it's got al the goodies. The 2005 pack has only about half the items, and lacks a lot of the clothes.

I bought most of hte EPs and SPs in the order they came out, from Nightlife on, I think. I've got all the original single packs, and no collections, which I'm really happy for. The box sets tend to mess things up a bit for some people...
Mad Poster
#4 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 3:57 AM
Seems like..you only missing Mansion & Garden I LOVE this one..
The roof pieces and new plants/flowers are my favorite.
Ahaha! No big news of course, but when it is new to YOU..it is
Enjoy your game Sims 1.

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

Find all my old MTS Uploads, on my SFS, And all new uploads Here . :)
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#5 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 4:09 AM
I have every EP and SP bought on separate disks soon after they came out. If Sims 2 was slapped on a box I got it.. Looking at the back of the box, I use the record player/radio, the modern bookcase, the adult male outfit that came with a vest and the lamp mostly. I use the bedroom set as well sometimes. I never bought collections and I'm glad as they have their own issues, one being you can't use Any Game Starter with them.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#6 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 8:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Enki
That came with the Seasons EP. New Year´s Bash is disabled when you are not in the right time frame (winter and early spring, not sure if possible in late fall), so it must be a Seasons-feature.

No, New Year's bash is from Holiday Stuff. I know, because I have it.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#7 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 8:37 AM
New Year and Christmas falls in the middle of summer down here in the Southern Hemisphere. I threw a sims new year party in summer and it worked just fine.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#8 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 10:25 AM
I'm going to be that one person, and ask OP to please make an effort to write properly. If you have punctuation, you probably also know that the first letter is supposed to be capitalized. Reading your posts scrambles my brain, because it feels like one long run on sentence.

You clearly know what you should do, as you punctuate and have paragraphs, you're just forgetting some parts. It's internet manners to think about your readers, so perhaps try?
Mad Poster
#9 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 1:10 PM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 23rd Apr 2014 at 2:12 PM.
May I just add in support of gummilutt that I sometimes find OP's posts hard to understand? And, if that's true of me, it must be even more difficult for those who are not native English speakers. As a lot of the users of MTS have English as a second or third language, we should all aim at clarity in our posts. Proper punctuation helps.

Quote: Originally posted by sims 1
if you want. get your sims drunk for their new year day by using the deluxe champaign bottle i think comes from celebrations stuff pack or holiday stuff not sure.

All i know is either the champaign comes with double deluxe and or celebration stuff or holiday stuff. not sure throwing a new years bash is an addition to seasons or to holiday stuff.
The only one in my game is the 1914 bottle of Titania Vineyards sparkling white grape juice that comes as part of the Titania Vineyards 1914 toasting set. (Possibly not ideal for getting drunk!?) As I don't have anything else, this must have come with Double Deluxe. It's not mentioned in the list of Celebration Stuff items in the manual, so I think it might be base game.

And the answer to the question is of course no. I don't have either of these SPs. As yet my only SP is Celebration! The holiday one sounds interesting though.

[EDIT] Thanks for tidying up the punctuation in the original post, sims 1!
Mad Poster
#10 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 1:24 PM
The sparkly "wine" or "champagne" is not much stronger than grape juice. Sure, the bride or groom tends to get into some cake throwing, but not much more.

It's linked to weddings (you get a message that says "toast to the couple" or some such, or they just do it on autopilot), so I think it's basegame. It's been in my game since forever.

For a new year party all you need is to throw a New Year party, and put some fireworks on the lot. Doesn't matter about the weather or season. You also need one of the Holiday packs.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 2:10 PM
I hate the champagne. Or to be specific, I hate how sims moth it, queue-stomping every action in order to raise their 20th toast to the happy couple.
Mad Poster
#12 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 4:33 PM
Yeah..and when there is no occasion to toast..they sure find one.
I have put one on a sim's kitchen counter..just because. All he has in his loft is..a bar, a fridge..but no tables & chairs.
He seems to want to toast to everyone in the block..for no apparent reasons.

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

Find all my old MTS Uploads, on my SFS, And all new uploads Here . :)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#13 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 8:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I'm going to be that one person, and ask OP to please make an effort to write properly. If you have punctuation, you probably also know that the first letter is supposed to be capitalized. Reading your posts scrambles my brain, because it feels like one long run on sentence.

You clearly know what you should do, as you punctuate and have paragraphs, you're just forgetting some parts. It's internet manners to think about your readers, so perhaps try?

I know i need to write better but forget often, I am not good with punctuation most people complain because I'll admit I have bad grammar and spelling skills often i use goggle to correct my spelling or a spell checker that was not me disagreeing with you btw.
Mad Poster
#14 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 8:35 PM
miriamnz, I'm pretty sure the mistletoe and the other objects with extra functions (except for the tall christmas trees with ribbons) came with the 05 bundle, so it should be in all the Holiday packs.
Mad Poster
#15 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 8:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sims 1
I know i need to write better but forget often, I am not good with punctuation most people complain because I'll admit I have bad grammar and spelling skills often i use goggle to correct my spelling or a spell checker that was not me disagreeing with you btw.

I use spell checker as well, because even those who care about such things can make mistakes. Nothing wrong with that. Most people aren't going to care if you make a spelling mistake, but a lot of people will care if you write the way you are writing because it makes it hard to read and hard to understand. Your first post here has plenty punctuation (others do not, I admit), it's just lacking the capitalization.

Just a general tip on punctuation. Read your own post out loud to yourself, in a monotone voice, only pausing where the punctuation is. Because that's what punctuation means, it's a pause, breaking up what is otherwise just a lot of sounds flowing on endlessly. The monotone voice normally helps because it exaggerates the "problem" with no punctuation. If you do, you can probably hear where your sentences have a natural end and need a pause, and that's where you put punctuation, and then capitalize the start of the next sentence

And don't worry on the disagree, I don't care if it was you or someone else It's just a way of saying "I don't agree with you", and there's no harm in that.
Field Researcher
#16 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 9:46 PM
I have actually both Christmas packs (2005 and 2007 editions), I think the first one is much "rarer" than the second one. Although I think there was a The Sims 2 Christmas Edition that was released with base game and christmas pack (2005 edition).

The other Christmas pack (2007 edition) lacks a serial code and holds more stuff than the first edition (no more functions though, just more objects and outfits).
Mad Poster
#17 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 11:51 PM
Wasn't it called 2006? They're called something like "bundle05" and "bundle06" in the game files. The 05 edition is probably rarer, but there's no point in getting it if you can get the 06 pack, as the 06 pack has everything from the 05 pack plus some more items. The 06 pack (I think?) was also released in a bundle with the basegame either in 06 or 07.

And adding to what Gummilutt said, punctuation is very important for the reading flow and the understanding of the text. Putting punctuation in the wrong places, or using no puntuation at all can actually completely change the meaning. Full stop (.) is for a complete stop in the sentence, while commas are for small breaks. You don't need to know the punctuation rules inside and out, because it's usually enough if you put them where it feels natural to take a small break, or to stop the sentence. Reading what you've written out loud or inside your head is a very smart trick, because you'll start seeing where the punctuation goes. Learning where it goes will not only help those you want to communicate with, but it will help you as well. You don't need to strive for grammatical perfection, of course. Writing so people can easily understand what you mean is enough.
Mad Poster
#18 Old 23rd Apr 2014 at 11:58 PM
Hard to read at first yes. Because you don't expect it, and you are wondering when this sentence will end.
So when I notice this in anyone's post, I will re read, adding punctuation where it make sense to me.
Yes, I do that effort.

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

Find all my old MTS Uploads, on my SFS, And all new uploads Here . :)
#19 Old 1st May 2014 at 8:54 PM
Is Happy Holiday Stuff the Festive Stuff? as i have that one i also have Glamour Life, i really want Bon Voyager too though and possibly University, i have Pets too.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 2nd May 2014 at 9:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I'm going to be that one person, and ask OP to please make an effort to write properly. If you have punctuation, you probably also know that the first letter is supposed to be capitalized. Reading your posts scrambles my brain, because it feels like one long run on sentence.

You clearly know what you should do, as you punctuate and have paragraphs, you're just forgetting some parts. It's internet manners to think about your readers, so perhaps try?

thank you it was corrected sorry for the delay

being nice to people has it's benefits and being mean or nasty has no benefit and your only hurting yourself in the long run.
if anyone want to make an angel like mine here is the wings link (blue eyes not included) sorry
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 2nd May 2014 at 9:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by miriamnz
I enjoy your posts Sims 1 - they're quirky. There is personality in the way you write, and if that does not meet the expectation of certain individuals, then please don't let that stop you from feeling that you have the right to participate in this kind of forum.

Edit: Back on topic, I was lucky enough to pick up my entire collection of Sims 2 and almost all its SPs and all EPs, excluding Pets, from a Hospice store, for 2 bucks a CD. Those places can be treasure troves. I've filled in the few gaps, in my collection, since then - except for M&G.

thank you

being nice to people has it's benefits and being mean or nasty has no benefit and your only hurting yourself in the long run.
if anyone want to make an angel like mine here is the wings link (blue eyes not included) sorry
#22 Old 2nd May 2014 at 11:35 PM
Your posts are often really confusing.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#23 Old 3rd May 2014 at 12:27 AM
I have a hard time reading your posts as well Sims 1. I'm not saying my grammar is great, and I can't say I am trying very hard when I post online, but I do want people to at least understand what I type. Try reading it over and at least placing commas where you take a breath.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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