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#1 Old 13th Aug 2015 at 1:35 PM
Default Anybody interested in starting a creative writing group/circle

so I am sure a lot of people on this forum are interested in writing or are even aspiring authors. If so, you will agree with me that writing can be a tiny bit frustrating, mainly because readers and feedback tend to be in short supply until you hit it big.

So I as thinking about starting a sort of "support group" for aspiring writers on this forum.

This thread is basically a survey if people would be interested in this, and to brainstorm about how this group could function.

One way I can imagine it would work would be that each week (or fortnight) someone posts a writing prompt; that can be a picture, a link to a song, a few words, a poem, a newspaper article, and each member who wants to participate writes a 500-word short-story inspired by that theme. Once all the stories are in, we all take a few days to read each story and pick our favourite (though it would also be good to give feedback for as many stories as possible), the person with the most favourites would get to pick the next theme.

But this is by no means the only way something like that could function

So here are some questions for the good readers of this thread:

1) Would you be interested in such a writing circle?

2) Would it be good to start it here on the forums or do you have other ideas? A social group on this forum? A subreddit? A different forum? A mailing list? A yahoo group?

3) Do you have ideas or feedback about how this could work?

Write in this thread or pm me.

I'm looking forward to hearing from people

....so says the Phoenix! ♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 19th Aug 2015 at 2:49 AM
1. I might be interested in joining! I might not contribute very often, though. I haven't been on MTS much lately.
2. I'd recommend making it a social group on here, so we could make as many posts/threads as we want and not clog up the forums! Plus, then we'd be an official club. B)
3. I don't really have any ideas. I guess people could just make a thread in a group, post a sample of their writing or a link to a sample and ask for advice. Or maybe, we could just post our stories, and post whether we want feedback or if we just want people to read and enjoy our stories!

Hello, I'm Anna! :) I like playing violin, writing, and simming of course!
my tumblr - starblasted muffin
Test Subject
#3 Old 21st Aug 2015 at 9:28 PM
Hi! I'm not very active on this community, but I am an aspiring writer, and love to review other people's work. I would love to join a group such as this! I might suggest making a Skype group chat for it. I can't wait to join!!
Test Subject
#4 Old 22nd Oct 2015 at 9:35 AM
I'd be interested! Whether its on here or what not. You might just have to point me on where to go i usually dont visit the forums here often. Also, my thread replying is much different that my actual writing. I'm having to type around my sleeping daughter lol.
#5 Old 12th Dec 2015 at 1:41 AM
I'm very interested. I love writing but I've never shared neither on MTS, neither about sims.
I'd like to be a part of such an official group, as suggested by starblastedmuffin, but I'm not quite into skype and other chats.

I think it should start now because the first stories will result in more members coming, so no need to wait !
(If it has already started and I've missed it, just tell me so ...)

I believe in the "Thanks" button and its amazing powers !!!
Test Subject
#6 Old 21st Dec 2015 at 1:32 AM
Hello! Just wondering if this is still a thing because I saw the date it was posted. Anyway here are my replies below!
1. I would most definitely be interested in a writing group/circle.
2. Possibly we could find a good free hosting site and build up a site for this idea? But of course first see how many people are interested. (If you want you can pm me for more details about this) I would also start it off in a forum/ group (before you make a site) so you can really see if it will start something big so then as I stated above make a website of it!
3. Mainly all my ideas are above that I can think of!
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