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If you're not getting the scenario that truly opens the portal for time traveling, that's probably the root of the issue that you're having. I can't imagine that it would have anything to do with a lot, even if the lot is corrupted. But to test that, you could start a new save, open up any other household, wait for the portal to arrive and then try to travel. What ought to happen is:
You have a Sim "Inspect" the portal
The Time Traveler comes out of the portal, talks to your Sim, and gives you the "Almanac of Time." This adds that item to the inventory of every Sim in town, not just the "inspector." This item is not in the regular inventory menu, but there should be an icon for it next to the icon for your Sims' cellphones.
After that, a scenario should be triggered where you have to collect five power cells for the time portal. They'll have been spread around outside on the lot you're playing. You collect them and give them to the Time Traveler.
The Time Traveler spends a little time repairing the portal and when he's done, he jumps back in it and goes on his way. Once he's gone, you can then use the portal to send any Sim (not just the "inspector) to the future.
Once you send a Sim through the portal the first time, the Time Traveler should greet him/her on "the other side" and then offer you the first of another chain of opportunities. He gives you a free jetpack (which goes into your inventory in the usual place, and you get to keep it) and instructs you to use it to fly around. The purpose of this opportunity chain is to introduce you to the new things you can do in the future. Following that chain is optional, but they should be offered to you when playing the first Sim you send through the portal in any save.
If all of that isn't happening and you are absolutely certain you have no mods at all and have properly cleared your caches, then I'm lead to believe that there's something wrong with your install of Into the Future. I'm assuming you're running through Origin because it sounds like you've bought disks. I'm pretty sure that any disks you buy these days will have to be registered in Origin and your game subsequently run through that using patch 1.69. If this is the case, try repairing your game in Origin.