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#1 Old 3rd Feb 2025 at 10:35 PM
Default Editing Showers
I want to edit the Honeywell Better Bath shower tubs, so Sims can woohoo and try for baby in them, I have the Shared Showers Mod and I already asked Pick' N ' Mix about it and he won't help, so how would I do it myself? any help will be appreciated.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 1:38 AM
Well, first you would have to make a custom animation for it. Are you an animator?
#3 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 1:55 AM
Look in the Shared Showers Mod for the parts that are private and associated with those two showertubs: ttab, ttas, BHAV 10xx. Other showertubs should have them added. But the most difficult part is the new slots in the CRES and SLOT resources to contain the second person. Adding slots is really hard. I suppose you could open the original and modified cres and see what he has done to them.

There don't seem to any animations included so it is a "lazy woohoo" with0 imagination not included, like some that come with the game (sauna). How does the second person get clean if the shower is on the opposite ened of the bathtub? Lol.

This is a Modding question.
Forum Resident
#4 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 4:21 AM
Hunter240x had a "Sinful Shower" that allowed shower woohoo but it's not something I can link to on here since it's definitely not PG rated. Perhaps you might be able to learn something about how to do it from that.

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