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#1 Old 9th Sep 2024 at 7:47 PM
Default Multiple Universities Per Hood
Has anyone figured out a way to streamline this? I know this has always been not recommended because of the game bloat with all the students and professors being generated, but are there empty (or semi-empty) versions of the hoods that have all the university functions? I'm just curious because I've been out of the loop for awhile and wondered if this was still an unresolved issue.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 9th Sep 2024 at 9:10 PM
Yes, there are empty templates for all of the universities, or you can use the meetme2theriver templates which don't have dormies but still have the playables.
Original Poster
#3 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 4:31 AM
Do they still work properly without all the professors being generated?
Mad Poster
#4 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 11:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
Do they still work properly without all the professors being generated?

I'm pretty sure they do work as a lot of people use them. Myself, I've only played one university so far, @Peni Griffin 's Land Grant University, and it comes with only one professor per major. However all those professors were male, which seems about right for a university in the 19th century or earlier, but today??! (What happened to your feminism Peni, the day you made them all men?) I found that idea somewhat antediluvian, so I didn't get the One Professor mod (which is available somewhere), and I let the game generate a lot of female professors too. (At the time I thought the One Professor mod meant one professor per university, and I thought it wouldn't be much of a university that only had one professor!)

In real life of course, if you switch from one university to another, you will find it full of students and staff that you don't know! So I don't fully understand why people want the same Sims at every university. To me that kind of negates the point of having a choice! I think the people you meet at university are much more important to the student's experience than the university buildings.

I wonder how easy it would be for Sim students to switch to a different university during their course. (I suppose it would need a mod.) In real life it happens in the UK, but it's fairly unusual. However when, in the 1980s, I studied for one year (two semesters) in Germany, I found switching universities remarkably common, especially among theology students. They would switch to Göttingen, Tübingen or Marburg, mainly to be able to hear lectures by different professors and lecturers. There would have been no point in switching if you got the same lecturers at every university!

I should probably admit that, not having all the EPs, I just don't get the bloated Sim numbers that other people complain of. In fact I'm constantly adding new playables to my game to give my Sims new friends to meet. At LGU, I opened a fourth dorm, to force the game to generate some new dormies. I have no regrets at all about that -- some of the male students who generated were real eye candy. (I'm gay.) I think I'd be happy to go to university just to meet them! Which of course I know is not the "right" reason for going to university. But I do think that meeting and talking to different people really is a very important part of the student experience -- probably just as important as academic attainment.

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#5 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 12:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Yes, there are empty templates for all of the universities, or you can use the meetme2theriver templates which don't have dormies but still have the playables.

Do you maybe have a link for those? My googlefu fails me!

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#6 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 4:23 PM
I didn't make any of the NPCs, @AndrewGloria - the game generated them, and it only generated professors for the courses that sims I created took, so you having all male professors is on your system, not mine. My LGU has plenty of female professors.

One of the things that annoys me about having multiple universities in a hood is that YAs show up indiscriminately in all of them. So if you send Woody Weiss to ALT and Dixie Land to LGU, they can run into each other, and to all the same dormies, on community lots even if neither of them ever leaves their own campus.

To transfer from one in-game college to the next, all you have to do is have a sim Find Own Place to leave where they are and go into the student bin. Then switch campuses and move them into a residence. Just like moving between subhoods in the main hood.

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Mad Poster
#7 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 5:13 AM
Mad Poster
#8 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 10:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
One of the things that annoys me about having multiple universities in a hood is that YAs show up indiscriminately in all of them. So if you send Woody Weiss to ALT and Dixie Land to LGU, they can run into each other, and to all the same dormies, on community lots even if neither of them ever leaves their own campus.

Vaguely related, one of these days I hope that someone will make a single Uni subhood with all the premade Maxis students. I moved all the students to SSU and it was kind of a pain.

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#9 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 10:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Empty templates: https://modthesims.info/d/615468/cl...-templates.html

Meetme2theriver clean templates: https://meetme2theriver.livejournal.com/63030.html

Thank you! For some reason I could find everything for the main hoods and empty Unis, but not the Unis as clean templates with playables.

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