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#1 Old 18th Feb 2025 at 8:10 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default alien baby was born deformed (even more)
My poor sim that was abducted has had this baby, I downloaded the sim recently, I don't know if it's because it has a skin or something that makes it look so weird or something else that you guys can tell me... the SIM is this one: https://modthesims.info/d/688577/li...by-emirain.html
I hope you can help me
Mad Poster
#2 Old 18th Feb 2025 at 10:15 AM
Do you have a mod to allow facial features on babies? Unmodded, all babies that don't have the EA alien face template have identical faces until you age them up to toddler. I know there is a mod that changes that, so my guess would be that that mod is having some strange interaction with whatever face template your sim (or your alien) uses.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 18th Feb 2025 at 11:35 AM
It's not really "a" mod as in one spesific mod, but edited face templates. You can find those edited for default hoods, default maxis templates, non-default templates, etc.

It's likely something went wrong between the face template the sim uses, and the template the baby uses.

Try deleting the cache files. Then try taking the baby to a mirror via a mod* (make the baby selectable, select "change appearance". Do some change like selecting eyebrows - thumbnails are usually invisible, and you won't see the change until you click yes). If this doesn't fix the baby, there's a problem in one of the templates. Might fix itself if the baby grows to toddler, though.

*such as Insimenator, SimBlender, SimManipulator
Original Poster
#4 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 2:55 AM
it didn't work, I don't know why, plus it cost me a lot to change its appearance (after all nothing was changed), it's a small baby, and I can't take it to the mirror, I could have done it with the big inseminator machine, but as you can see, nothing, I don't have any face templates (that I know of), it's the first time it's happened to me, I do have some personalized pollinator aliens, but they've never given me problems, do you think if it grows it will look good? Also, I couldn't save the game, since then I made it non-selectable and it was no longer part of the family. (I don't know how to make it selectable and not leave the family when reverting it)
Mad Poster
#5 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 4:48 AM
Did you try changing something in the dialog and saving? I'm not sure based on what you wrote.
Original Poster
#6 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 4:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Did you try changing something in the dialog and saving? I'm not sure based on what you wrote.
Yes, I changed the chin and hit save, but nothing happened. Sorry for my English, I'm using a translator.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 5:19 AM
Then the face template is probably an issue.

Could be an idea to test if this particular sim/sim template and another sim (not alien) also get babies with broken faces (you don't need to save the game, just run a pregnancy sped up with a mod and quit without saving after the baby is born). If so, it's most likely an issue with this sim's template.

If it doesn't happen again with that sim, it could be an issue with the alien replacement you have.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 4:23 PM
Those are some scary aliens. XD Does the glitch remain if you age the baby up to toddler?
Original Poster
#9 Old Today at 12:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Those are some scary aliens. XD Does the glitch remain if you age the baby up to toddler?

Hi simmers, thanks for answering so quickly, the girl has grown (I would call her the alien bug has grown) and is normal, she is not damaged, now she is a child, but these PT, have always been good for me (I leave you the link here PT ), their skins are fantastic and have a lot of variety, I will try to do what you said simmer22, I am going to get that sim pregnant (poor thing ...), I do not know if it has to be with the same alien (??), or is it worth it with another sim (one that lived in the same house), I can do that, with the inseminator, I will try it tonight and I will tell you. Thanks, charity, seriously they are scary, but the green ones that come with the game are worse, why do the aliens have to be so ugly? .. haha ​​poor things ... these that I have, are not so horrifying
Mad Poster
#10 Old Today at 1:38 AM
If you've never had the issue with the PTs, try to get the sim pregnant with another non-alien sim. If this too causes a broken infant face, the sim's baby face template is broken.

Technically, all the default templates are kinda "broken" for infants, in that the infant faces show the same face for all non-alien babies. For templates without edited infant faces, normally those would just end up as the default baby face. The only time baby faces blend (and end up looking different) in an unmodded game is with the alien baby face, since the PT has a different attached baby face template.
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