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#1 Old 14th Sep 2024 at 8:36 PM
Different interpretations of aspirations
Today I have realised that no sims in my game have the romance aspiration. I have always avoided the concept of cheating, promiscuity, polyamory and the like in my game and I really always create a very idealistic, maybe conservative look on relationships of my sims. Everyone's first love will be their last etc. I would like there to be more diversity in my game and that's why I was wondering if any of you have used this aspiration differently than is assumed by it's description, how you act upon it. For example, I'm not sure how many Sims in @andrewgloria 's game really have this inspiration, but I really love reading about Andrew's life and I think in a sim like him, this sort of spin of the romance aspiration is very interesting and cute. With this, I therefore also started thinking more about the other aspirations and unusual uses for them, storywise, without ignoring them completely. So I am asking you, what are your favourite creative takes on aspirations in the game? What are some really wacky stories you intended for your sims in relation to their goals?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 14th Sep 2024 at 9:07 PM
Sims of all aspirations generally roll wants to do things that are similar to things they've done in the past. If you have a romance sim that doesn't cheat all the time, they won't roll constant wants to cheat. You just have to ignore any initial cheating wants instead of following up on them, and maybe sometimes reroll a "have 20 woohoos" LTW.
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#3 Old 14th Sep 2024 at 10:30 PM
You might want to check out a couple of the sims 2 aspiration calculators that gives you two meaning for each aspiration. So effectively 12 not 6.

Romance can be A Serial like Don or B Helpless Romantic. There is a trait you can download for the second. https://belladovah.tumblr.com/post/...e-loves-woohoos "This mod stops the ‘Have X loves at once’, ‘Makeout with X different sims’ and ‘Woohoo with X different sims’ wants from rolling for sims who have the Hopeless Romantic Trait, regardless of aspiration."

My game is fairly family focused, conservative, faithful couples etc but I still allow for some differences. If I play my Uber hood than I play Don and Daniel exactly as they are, both womanizing cheaters. I honestly can't see them in any other way. Don basically goes to work, dates and whoowoos his entire round. I play to wants and that is what he wants.
When kids age to teens I use the Crumpulator as well as traits. I just got an evil, unstable serial romantic with pleasure secondary. Her hobby calculated as games. Zero interest in school or work. I was like how did Blossom Greenman (Greenman family you might know, she is a plantsim. She had normal triplets) and this is one of the triplets, how did she turn out like this?!?
Calculating aspirations forces me to play sims in ways I might not, so consider doing that. I certainly would not want too many as frankly after playing Don and Daniel I am getting tired of serial cheaters.Some people find them super fun, I would rather play a big family with toddlers.

But don't stop there, think outside of the box for other aspirations as well.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#4 Old 14th Sep 2024 at 10:31 PM
Some Romance sims want to make a single Grande Passion into their life's work. Some are in love with love but haven't the temperament (or possibly the maturity) for the stable, sober love of marriage. Some are serial monogamists. Some want to have a good time and show a lot of other sims a good time, and what's a better time than dating and woohoo? Some marry with every intention of carrying it out and struggle against temptation all their lives long.

You have lots of options. If you have FreeTime you can use the Secondary aspirations to give sims urges that might or might not be in line with their primary. (I like to make Peter Ottomas a Romance/Family sim and Samantha Ottomas Family/Romance - the combo explains their family structure well! Also you may notice that Peter always rolls wants specifically to woohoo with Samantha before he rolls generic woohoo wants.) You can use mods to change how jealousy works to make casual liaisons more ethical and less hurtful. You can give sims character arcs so that they sow their wild oats and then settle down, but are occasionally haunted by past mistakes! You can make a villainous, or just recklessly thoughtless, Romance sim who sows chaos and drama all over the hood and gives you lots of juicy stories to play! You can, with a certain amount of trouble, make a bigamous sim leading a double life with two families! You can make rules about dating, woohoo, and romance that add a layer of complexity to the game mechanics. I've gotten a lot of good character stuff out of a blanket "no woohoo without a want" rule, and other people have set up societies with taboos and customs about where, when, and with whom romantic interactions are allowed.

Think of sims as characters in a story, and characters in a story as representatives of real, complex people, and you'll never run out of interesting things to do in the game.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Needs Coffee
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#5 Old 14th Sep 2024 at 10:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
(I like to make Peter Ottomas a Romance/Family sim and Samantha Ottomas Family/Romance - the combo explains their family structure well!

I always forget that Peter is romance, as even before I used the helpless romantic trait he was always faithful. I always give him family as secondary as its- just him. The way I view them is they both want a lot of whoohoo and they are very happy with each other, plus Sam just had her unplanned seventh child, I think they are too dang busy and tired to step outside.

I only give some sims secondary's up until elder. Either because they are pre-mades who don't feel anything like the way Maxis made them so they need that secondary to be true to themselves or because they calculated to be Pleasure, and I always give them a secondary as I feel they need rounding out. Peter feels like a helpless romantic with a large family secondary.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#6 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 12:01 AM
With my mix of mods, the Romance and Pleasure aspirations can be very useful, as they generally have little to no jealousy. In my Strangetown, I have a very fun polycule household that raise the children as a group, and I love them, but it works because they don't get jealous.

I also like the hopeless romantic type of Romance Sim and use the traits mod to enforce that.

For some of my Sims, the romance aspiration represents some dysfunctional views on relationships. For instance, they are a "grass is greener" type or they fear commitment or they got dumped by someone early and are afraid of getting hurt again. Sometimes they will change over time, which is why I always give my elders a chance to change their aspiration if they have the points.

And some are straight-up players, which is OK, too.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 4:22 PM
Two of my knowledge sims (Appleby and Silke) have been outromancing my romance sim

I have come to the conclusion that their personalities (both are quite outgoing and very playful) may have something to do with that. They are growing older and are behaving themselves (slightly) better these days.

I am not extremely fond of playing romance sims, that is why I only have one. Because one is enough (or, sometimes, one too many).
Mad Poster
#8 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 6:12 PM
I kept a monogamous Romance sim happy by always having his Popularity boyfriend ready to satisfy woohoo wants. He started to roll more woohoo in bed, hot tub, public wants and less 'cheating' wants.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 7:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I kept a monogamous Romance sim happy by always having his Popularity boyfriend ready to satisfy woohoo wants. He started to roll more woohoo in bed, hot tub, public wants and less 'cheating' wants.

I have had a couple over the years - I think if they have a LTW other than woohoo 1360 sims, they are a lot easier to handle. Yet they tend to bore me a bit, especially if there are a lot of them (I tried that once ). I have decided that I like fun sims better
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