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Mad Poster
#34376 Old 5th Sep 2024 at 7:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
That's the one that they were talking about before, but the non romantic part only works for family. I want friends to be able to dance non romantically too, even if I have to sacrifice it being romantic at all.

Oh, I guess that isn't the mod I'm thinking of then. Because I feel pretty certain that what you're asking for already exists, but if it's not Piqwi's, IDK where to find it.
Mad Poster
#34377 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 12:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Try 15, I think. I use LD's motive adjuster and I think that halves it.

Thank you I realized the easy solution to my uncertainty would be to try it out. And if you want the game to move slower, you need to increase the number rather than reduce. So half the speed, would be 30. Thanks for the push to just try and see what happens.

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Mad Poster
#34378 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 1:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I was just looking at this. Would it be possible to make the entire Classic Dance interaction non romantic? I'd really like it to be available to family and friends as a kind of ballroom dance and to leave the slow dancing to the lovebirds.

If you edit BHAV 0x2552 in that mod to change the false target on line 0x1 to be 0x3 it will run the platonic interaction for sims who aren't family. Unless you make the other change I mentioned, they will still fall in love, though.
Mad Poster
#34379 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 10:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
If you edit BHAV 0x2552 in that mod to change the false target on line 0x1 to be 0x3 it will run the platonic interaction for sims who aren't family. Unless you make the other change I mentioned, they will still fall in love, though.

That is great. Thanks a lot! I already made the other alteration, so I'll add this one to it.
#34380 Old Today at 3:21 PM
Is there a way to make a Teenager-Only household without having to create (and then kill off) a parental Sim?
Mad Poster
#34381 Old Today at 4:21 PM
Turn the parent into a townie instead?

I have done this, and it's almost as cumbersome: Make a family of adults, load them, age them down to teen. They will all have an F grade.

Unfortunately I wanted a child in the household, too, and the social worker came for her immediately due to the grade! I had to quit without saving, do it again, pause nearly instantly, then act to change her grade.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#34382 Old Today at 5:29 PM Last edited by AndrewGloria : Today at 5:46 PM.
If you use the Sim Manipulator, rather than the AgeSimsCheat to age a Sim down, they don't get an F grade. I think they usually get a C.


Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Is there a way to make a Teenager-Only household without having to create (and then kill off) a parental Sim?
In my Baldrair Bluffs custom 'hood, Alastair Gunn's parents moved out while he was at school. So he came home to an empty house. I understand that his father thought it would be character-building. His parents then had the nerve to keep 'phoning him to complain that he wasn't keeping in touch.

Now he's quite settled. He fell in love with a townie girl who helped at that time, and they went steady and she moved in with him. With the help of a Squinge mod, they have adopted a younger girl.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#34383 Old Today at 6:14 PM
Very random question, but... do you people play with your kids?

I had not played much lately, but the other I picked a populated hood and decided to enjoy a little gaming.
My 9yo came over as soon as he saw me, and wanted to know everything that was going on, what is this, what is that, what is this Sim doing, can they do this or that, what do they say, why do they react like that. He does not even understand the texts because I play it in English (not out native language) so he asks a lot of questions.
Honestly, it kinda killed the "relaxing moment" vibe I was looking forward, but on the other hand it thrills me to see him interested in the kind of games I enjoy...

And I tought, some of you surely have kids older than mine and have been through this in the past.
How did you involve your kids into your games? Or you just did not, and set them their own games?
#34384 Old Today at 6:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Amura
Very random question, but... do you people play with your kids?

Well, I tried to show my son the game when he was younger. He played for a little while, spent a long time making his family complete with a teenage boy, and then he moved them into a house. He was clicking on stuff, figured out he could send the teen to watch clouds, and you can guess what happened! Satellite. I, on the other hand, have never had that happen to any of my Sims in all my years of playing. I don't know if that was the reason, but he didn't play anymore after that, although he's a huge gamer now and into all sorts of games.

Just a few weeks ago, my niece was over to visit, so she made a family with me. It was a very cute family named Moon: a scientist father with big glasses named Quantum, a mother named Autumn, and a teen girl named Eclipse who wants to be a biologist when she grows up. Also, a black cat with white stars. I hadn't even played that much with making pets in CAS, so I didn't know you could make them with patterns like that. She moved her family into the old Specter household, which I thought was fitting. It was fun making the family with her, but I think if we really did play the game together, I'd have to take out a bunch of my mods. I'd be embarrassed if there was some unexpected woohoo happening.
Mad Poster
#34385 Old Today at 7:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
In my Baldrair Bluffs custom 'hood, Alastair Gunn's parents moved out while he was at school. So he came home to an empty house. I understand that his father thought it would be character-building. His parents then had the nerve to keep 'phoning him to complain that he wasn't keeping in touch.

Awful parents.
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