
6th Nov 2024 at 3:32 PM
Last edited by ws2003 : 11th Jan 2025 at
2:03 PM.
How to resurrect Family Bin Deleted Sims:
You must have SimPE.
1. Create their clones. (The difficulty can vary. As one of the replies said, If you used the default face templates for them and know which ones you used, it can be easy. If you did Manual adjustments it can be hard. But having your Sim's portrait or full body can make things easier. Also, it's not necessary to add their exact Simology like turn on and offs, aspiration, etc because when you complete this tutorial their actual data will appear)
WARNING! The clone must be in the same neighborhood where the OG sim is located in otherwise, both sims will be IRREVERSIBLY CORRUPTED.
2. Go To SimPE. Copy and Paste the OG Sims and their respective clone's GUID Numbers into a NotePad or something. To copy a Guid number, go to your Sim (clone or not)'s character file by going to their Plugin View and clicking "More". Go to their Object Data, and there, you can find their Guid Number. Copy it.
3. Swap the clone and the OG sim's Guid Numbers.
As for the clone, if you're clueless on what to do with it, do whatever. You can delete their sim description or whatever.
The following steps are completely optional, and it is up to you if you want to do these steps:
2.5. Extract the OG Sim's portrait by opening their character file, and extracting "jpg/tnag/png image". (You'll need this because when you Swap their GUID Numbers, your og sim and your clone's portraits will swap too. Once you swapped them, go to the OG Sim, delete their portrait and add their original portrait. If you did this step after you swapped their GUID numbers, go to the clone instead and extract the portrait and give it to the OG Sim. By clicking "Add" in the character file resource list (dont click on the resources))
4. Add their relationships. You can do this Via
SimPE or in game with cheats, but adding family ties requires SimPE.
(This Tutorial can be also the tutorial of resurrecting those pre made dead sims who have no character data. As for the tutorial in the Fandom Sims Wiki, that tutorial screams "work harder not smarter", so if you're willing to resurrect a dead premade sim with no character data, you can do this tutorial, but as for clones, you can download a clone from the internet, but you'll require a program that installs Sims2Pack files. I resurrected Hidden Darleen Dreamer, an ancestral Sim by doing this.)
If you want to bring back your beloved Sims who vanished after you reset your neighborhood or reinstalling the game, you'll need a
backup that has those Sims. Otherwise, those Sims are permanently erased and there's no way to bring them back. You can "bring them back" by trying to recreate them from their existing photos or clips.
I Hope my tutorial helped, and i hope you managed to resurrect your beloved DVFB sims.
CBF detected, loser! Click between Frames is illegitimate and will not be allowed for use in The Sims 2. Please disable the mod in order to continue playing.
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