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#1 Old 19th May 2014 at 5:25 PM
Default The Hemp Mod
Has anyone tried the "hemp" mod ? The one that let's sims plant hemp water and harvest like a ordinary plant? After the harvest the sims finds blunts in their inventory lol. Which are usable with a custom animation.

I came across it, I downloaded it to test it out, I will later today it sounded pretty funny even though I don't do that irl

If it works it I have a few sims that would be interested haha

Peace, Harmony & Balance... Libra is Love..
#2 Old 19th May 2014 at 6:57 PM
Sounds fun lol...can I ask for the link?
Mad Poster
#3 Old 19th May 2014 at 7:11 PM
iCad comes to mind. I wonder why
Mad Poster
#4 Old 19th May 2014 at 7:56 PM Last edited by gazania : 20th May 2014 at 10:07 AM.
I'm a little curious, too. As far as I know, there are three hemp/marijuana/cannabis-type mods. One is from Pandora Sims, one is from Blackypanther and one is an old cannabis plant I have from PC Sims. (Not in the Graveyard, unfortunately. I did submit it, but either the e-mail got buried or the mods there decided not to use the submission. If it's the latter, that's obviously their call.) With the PC Sims one, you just stick the plants anywhere and they grow (it's in Decorative/Plants). They're like a weed (no pun intended). You don't have joints in your inventory, nor do you cultivate the plant, however. (That DOES sound cool.) Sometimes, your Sims autonomously decide to give the leaves a nibble. Partaking really ups their fun bar. That one is probably the most basic with the smallest amount of features. I downloaded it off the site while it was still around, years ago. I'm not sure if you need Seasons for it ... I found it so long ago that honestly, I forgot.

Blackypanther's comes with so many disclaimers and instructions that I'm reluctant to use it. However, it looks like the same disclaimer is on many of their downloads. Has anyone given that one a try? I would think it would require Seasons, since you do grow it. The creator also had many other EPs and SPs that you might or might not have. (Note: I finally got the download; unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere in my folders while in-game. The Sim Organiser can't either, which is usually not a good sign.)

I believe that Pandora Sims has the most popular one. There are alternate ways to get this download, which is for pay on the actual site. That one requires Seasons. I'm curious as to others' experience with it. Sounds like it could be an interesting business venture for certain of my Sims.

I have no idea if the neighborhood will do anything odd if you decide to remove these herbs in the future. I don't believe the PC Sims one does, but please don't take my word on it.

While the creator of my Sims hoods never got into pot in real life (just not my thing), my Sims certainly enjoy it!

EDIT ... No, I think the person who wrote that Simslice had a pot plant might be mistaken. I do not see one. I STILL would use Simslice items with utmost caution, however. Some are great; some can mess up your hood. Hopefully, none of them mess up the game.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 19th May 2014 at 9:12 PM
No thank you! I think we have enough of this IRL so let's not introduce them to our sims!
Undead Molten Llama
#6 Old 19th May 2014 at 9:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
iCad comes to mind. I wonder why


Yep, I use the mod. (The one from Pandora Sims. Didn't pay for it, though, HAH!) And it's marijuana, not hemp. There's a difference.

But it works just fine, yes. I have even used it to do a bit of container gardening. It looks a little wonky because of the custom garden plot, but I find I can disguise that pretty well. And it's more realistic. Weed's not always grown outside, after all.

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
#7 Old 19th May 2014 at 10:02 PM
I use the mod, and quite like it. There are a couple of seedy Sims in town who grow and sell it. Mixes things up a bit.

Some of the more influential residents would be stunned to know that some of their neighbors are purchasing such a thing.

“Seize the time... Live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” ― Jean-Luc Picard
Mad Poster
#8 Old 19th May 2014 at 11:09 PM Last edited by gazania : 20th May 2014 at 10:09 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
No thank you! I think we have enough of this IRL so let's not introduce them to our sims!

I use it more as a giggle; pretty much how Maxis uses bubble-blowers. I'm pretty sure there isn't Mr. Bubble in those things!

As an aside, I also don't toast people with endless amounts of champagne for days, nor do I do nearly as much woo-hoo as some of my Sims do thanks to ACR/the bouquet. Egads. I'd probably seriously sprain something if I was as athletic!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 19th May 2014 at 11:09 PM
I've used the mod from Pandora's Sims, and it's not too bad. They grow it, and smoke it-get buzzed and then raid the refrigerator. It's really too bad that it was made before OFB, because some of my growers would make lots of money were it a sellable item! (and I've tried to see if I could change the coding. Unfortunately it's locked inside the mod itself, and not available for changing.)

Of course they could just give it as presents to their friends.

As for Simslice, the only mod I use from that place is the 6 pack of beer. It's a staple in my towns, and it's fully sellable.

It's also the most fun anyone has in those places, too.
Mad Poster
#10 Old 19th May 2014 at 11:12 PM Last edited by gazania : 20th May 2014 at 10:10 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I've used the mod from Pandora's Sims, and it's not too bad. They grow it, and smoke it-get buzzed and then raid the refrigerator. It's really too bad that it was made before OFB, because some of my growers would make lots of money were it a sellable item! (and I've tried to see if I could change the coding. Unfortunately it's locked inside the mod itself, and not available for changing.)

Of course they could just give it as presents to their friends.

Ah. Too bad. That would probably be the main reason why I'd download the Pandora mod. Some of my Sims do pursue interesting business ventures.

But wait .... didn't Seasons come AFTER OFB? I know the one I'm looking at requires Seasons. However, the instructions clearly state you can't sell the finished product. The buds, however, might be another story.

From what I'm reading, the beer and the party treat dispenser appear to be OK, though I haven't fully verified that, so again, please don't take my word for it. (I have the party treats.) Certain others .... not so much. When Simslice is great, it's fantastic. When it isn't, it can really affect gameplay.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Original Poster
#11 Old 19th May 2014 at 11:48 PM
Ha I have no clue who made it, seems like it maybe came from pandora through the pay sites must be destroyed site, will find the link when I go on my laptop, found it off YouTube

So it is a custom patch of dirt from the gardening section, and it has turned into a small weed plant already on day two lol I have to see how it is when it's time to harvest. Plus I have a bong haha
I think it's a pretty cool idea, at first I was lookin into the weed bubble blower from sexysims but it seemed too outdated =/
If this is successful it will do just fine!!

Peace, Harmony & Balance... Libra is Love..
Undead Molten Llama
#12 Old 19th May 2014 at 11:54 PM
Yep, you've got the Pandora version. It should be completely successful. And although you can't sell the "produce" in an OFB shop, you CAN "sell" it when it's ready to harvest via the "Sell Produce" interaction on mature plants. Otherwise, you harvest it (It'll be labeled as "Bland Cucumber" in the Sim's inventory, which amuses me greatly.), and use it. I don't think you can stock the fridge with it....but I've never tried. Generally, my pixels "sell" theirs via "Sell Produce," keeping a small amount for their own use and/or to give as gifts to their friends.

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 20th May 2014 at 8:35 PM
Lol yep I used to use the mod for my more "Hippie" farmers and it works well...have fun
#14 Old 20th May 2014 at 8:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iCad
Yep, you've got the Pandora version. It should be completely successful. And although you can't sell the "produce" in an OFB shop, you CAN "sell" it when it's ready to harvest via the "Sell Produce" interaction on mature plants. Otherwise, you harvest it (It'll be labeled as "Bland Cucumber" in the Sim's inventory, which amuses me greatly.), and use it. I don't think you can stock the fridge with it....but I've never tried. Generally, my pixels "sell" theirs via "Sell Produce," keeping a small amount for their own use and/or to give as gifts to their friends.

I just use Pescado's money order mod to send payment to the Sim(s) that 'sell' (shares/gifts) other Sims. That way, my Sims truly are spending their simoleons for the product and can be charged an insane amount.

There are only a handful of Sims in my neighborhood that partake in such things, and it's not the ones everyone would assume either. The politicians in my town are hiding quite a lot.

“Seize the time... Live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” ― Jean-Luc Picard
#15 Old 20th May 2014 at 9:13 PM
Just went to the booty to check out this mod...I'm definately liking the beer they have & will be trying out the "bland cucumbers" soon...but their other stuff?? o..m..g ...rather cheeky imaginations
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#16 Old 20th May 2014 at 11:59 PM
I think I have the Pandora one. Although if you harvest it and let it go to inventory it's worth nothing, so you can't sell it. To make money off it you can only 'sell to the air' when harvesting, which isn't very good when you are trying to avoid money from nowhere. Yes the bland cucumber label on it in inventory is amusing.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#17 Old 21st May 2014 at 1:22 AM
I tried to use a mod to grow marijuana, but it never worked, the plots weren't clickable.

Can you post links to the mods that you're talking about, please? That would be an interesting addition to gameplay.
Forum Resident
#18 Old 21st May 2014 at 1:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
No thank you! I think we have enough of this IRL so let's not introduce them to our sims!

Come on now, stop being a sour-puss...
Weed and Alcohol are on par with each-other in effect. As long as it is done in moderation, like alcohol, it's safe...

PS, we have a representation of it already anyways... It's called the bubble-blower, and has been present in every iteration of The Sims so far... (Also, what do you think is growing in the Hydroponics Slacker Career Reward? Because the answer shouldn't take much more than two seconds of thought...)
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#19 Old 21st May 2014 at 2:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Babahara
I tried to use a mod to grow marijuana, but it never worked, the plots weren't clickable.

Can you post links to the mods that you're talking about, please? That would be an interesting addition to gameplay.

Don't think we can link to it here, but it's called maryjane2 and it's under hobbies.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Original Poster
#20 Old 21st May 2014 at 6:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sweetbaby160
Sounds fun lol...can I ask for the link?

the video desciption
the last link

Peace, Harmony & Balance... Libra is Love..
Mad Poster
#21 Old 21st May 2014 at 8:37 AM
I have the weed mod from Pandora Sims. I need to find a sim who'll actually test it for me. XD

I also DLed a couple of their 'adult' hacks, but I found the size of certain things somewhat unrealistic and I didn't like the way it was set up.

Has anyone tried the new witch spells from Pandora Sims? I've been considering those, but I don't know whether they'd be useful or not.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 21st May 2014 at 1:06 PM
I have the weed mod from Pandora Sims. I need to find a sim who'll actually test it for me. XD

If you have FT, you just need to find a pixel with the 'nature' hobby. They love to grow gardens!
#23 Old 21st May 2014 at 10:35 PM
Has anyone got the instructions for it? I love the idea of this providing a more potent version of "funny bubbles" in my game, but I don't much like downloading things without knowing how they work.
#24 Old 21st May 2014 at 10:41 PM
This may not be the right place but seeing as it is to do with Pandora Sims.... does anyone know if their stuff (adult or otherwise) conflicts with inteen? How would one know if there is a conflict?
#25 Old 21st May 2014 at 11:13 PM
^ I never had any problems/conflicts with Pandora Sims items and Inteen ( when I used to use it , before I switched to S2L teen woohoo,years ago). I just wandered in because I heard iCad mentioning bland cucumbers. " You're still rolling them too tight iCad"

Chaz shows officer Smedley his " bland cucumber" garden

Shotgunning bland cucumbers since 1974
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