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#1 Old 7th May 2013 at 9:58 PM
Sims 4 Newsletter Page Translated
Hey all. I've been looking into translating the front page for the sign up for the sims 4 newsletter signup page found here and thought I'd share what I've found.

lorm ipsum dolor sit amet, consectur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor indiunt ut labore et dotore
- duis aute irure dotor in reprehenderit in voluptate
- mtyc, bonkdmgfs, fjlfnnfldfvfjslfkjleipru
- excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidihnbvnncent
numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut laboguire
et dolore magnam aliquam quaeral voluptatem

That's the direct translation using the immager-simlish font found here thanks to inkandchaos.

I've found on a few other forums that it's a placeholder but couldn't find a post of the translation. So I hope this solves at least a few mysteries.
#2 Old 7th May 2013 at 11:59 PM
Minor problem being that inkandchaos seems to have made up his own font. I don't think it's accurate, especially given the translation.
#3 Old 8th May 2013 at 12:04 AM
"Lorum ipsum" etc. is standard placeholder text in graphic design circles for when you just need a block of text to fill something in. It's Latin, and I don't think that if you translate it from Latin to English (or any other language) that the meaning has any significance. It's just easier than trying to make something up that people will read things into when the look, not the meaning, is what's important.

Fourth line down looks like the designer got frustrated and just banged on the keys for a bit, though.

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#4 Old 8th May 2013 at 12:35 AM
lorm in residential motherboards, Consecr WIN!
but because occasionally circumstances in which toil and indiunt Doto
- Doto in the charms of pleasure of bullet train
- Mtyc, bonkdmgfs, fjlfnnfldfvfjslfkjleipru
- These cases are perfectly simple and proidihnbvnncent
of such a nature that they may never occur at all times of the laboguire
and a great pleasure quaeral

When translated from latin to english-either some of the translations are off or just as esmeiolanthe
Forum Resident
#5 Old 8th May 2013 at 12:48 AM
Ah! Thanks for reminding me. It seems I missed the "consectur adipisicing elit" in my post that you can find here .
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 8th May 2013 at 1:00 AM
That's too bad. I was hoping that maybe EA had hidden some kind of hint about TS4 for us to find. Oh well, maybe we'll learn more at E3 next month.
#7 Old 8th May 2013 at 7:53 PM
Easy translation...

lorm ipsum dolor sit amet, consectur adipisicing elit, = Expect to pay too many dollars for each EP , and to be inundated with in game advertising to spend more
sed do eiusmod tempor indiunt ut labore et dotore =You will lose your temper waiting for us to fix the many bugs We Won't That work will fall to the modders
- duis aute irure dotor in reprehenderit in voluptate = There will be a Katy Perry stuff pack It's title will be Reprehensible
- mtyc, bonkdmgfs, fjlfnnfldfvfjslfkjleipru =glitches , general borkedness , lots of DRM and quite possibly a total product recall
- excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidihnbvnncent =Except this time it's quite likely your computer will actually explode
numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut laboguire = We've decided that to temporarily increase store purchases you will be required to undergo a lobotomy
et dolore magnam aliquam quaeral voluptatem = The first dollar of each purchase will go directly to our CEO's yearly bonus

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