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#1 Old 8th Jun 2017 at 7:14 PM
Default Help With Rolling Plains Land and the Oceanic Border
Good afternoon.

It's always been my dream to make a Mongolian Vacation World for "Sims III". Having finally resolved all issues with the Mod Editor, I am ready to begin my adventure.

The first question I have concerns the edge of the Map. Beyond the editable range is the oceans that surround the Map. The problem, obviously, is that Mongolia is landlocked, and there are no oceans on the great steppes. How do I go about hiding this when there are also no mountains in most of Mongolia? Obscuring the area with mountains is the reccomended action, but Mongolia consists of plains.

What is the remedy for this? I want to put effort into this World, so I need to get this resolved.

If anyone is willing to help, it will be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,


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dodgy builder
#2 Old 8th Jun 2017 at 8:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TurtleShroom
Good afternoon.

It's always been my dream to make a Mongolian Vacation World for "Sims III". Having finally resolved all issues with the Mod Editor, I am ready to begin my adventure.

The first question I have concerns the edge of the Map. Beyond the editable range is the oceans that surround the Map. The problem, obviously, is that Mongolia is landlocked, and there are no oceans on the great steppes. How do I go about hiding this when there are also no mountains in most of Mongolia? Obscuring the area with mountains is the reccomended action, but Mongolia consists of plains.

What is the remedy for this? I want to put effort into this World, so I need to get this resolved.

If anyone is willing to help, it will be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,

Between SimsIII and map editor, I take it you have no clue what so ever

Perhaps you come from Cities Skylines? I just have to warn you. CAW helps you nothing. You will have a steep learning curve. CAW has routing, and that is important to be aware of. For that reason making maps can be very timeconsuming.

To get on with the issue here we need to know if you can meshing, if not you will have to use a "distant terrain" from somewhere else, or find some workaround.

As an artisty kind of builder I would try to lift the edges of the map a little bit and use a foggy environmental mod. If you use a big map and reserve some of the edges for unroutable terrain and also paint it with the noncamera paint, the sims won't get there, and the camera won't move there.

Bigger maps lags more though, and lag is important for Sims 3.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 11th Jun 2017 at 9:54 PM
The way most EA worlds fix that issue is via a "distant terrain" object- which is really a large deco object that hides the edges of the world.

There are some premade ones that come with the game, but obviously as you stated- they are too mountainous to work with a Mongolia world.

If you have any knowledge of 3D modelling, I would suggest altering those into a new one.

Alternatively, tjstreak had an old (completely) flat terrain object that would cover the edges of a large-sized world. However, his/her website is down now, so I would suggest asking in the Sims 3 WCIF forum.

http://createaworldblog.tumblr.com/ also might have what you're looking for.

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retired moderator
#4 Old 17th Jun 2017 at 12:20 AM
The Riverview distant terrain is hilly but not too much so; it could easily be recoloured. I extracted it here:
Although you do need Riverview installed to use it.

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