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AntonioIvetto's missing post in "How to write a good story" thread (Sims 2 Stories)
This a very minor issue, and not at all urgent, but it's a bit irritating all the same.
When you look at the front page of the Sims 2 Discussion Forum, It shows a post by AntonioIvetto on 6th June in the "How to write a good story" thread, as the newest post in the Sims 2 Stories sub-forum. But when I click on it, the post doesn't exist. And when I click on AntonioIvetto to check out his user profile, he doesn't exist either. It says at the bottom, "This discussion has not had a reply for 2 months", but the last post in the thread is actually over eleven years ago!
Now I think I know what's probably happened here. I think it likely that somebody calling themselves AntonioIvetto posted spam in the thread, and a mod correctly deleted the post. Now, if I'm right, that would leave AntonioIvetto with no posts, and since the only thing he had posted was spam, he was removed as a user too. The trouble is that some remnants of the deleted post remain. If my analysis is correct, could these remnants be removed too, as they only cause confusion?
One good thing that has come out of this is that it led me to look at the thread, and, though old, it is still relevant and interesting. So, whatever you do, please don't delete the thread. It's quite rightly been stickied.
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