Wes' Bodychop Milkshape Plugin (Outdated)
Replaced by the new Unimesh plugin. Bodychop does supports 2-3 bone weight assignments per point, and supports fit/fat/preg morph. You can add and delete points.
Get Bodychop Here:
Well, you used to be able to get it, but no longer. Use UNIMESH instead - it is SO much better!!!
3D Editor:
Milkshape Only
I strongly recommend using the new Unimesh plugin. Bodychop does supports 2-3 bone weight assignments per point, and supports fit/fat/preg morph. You can add and delete points.
As Milkshape only could support one bone assignment per vertex, the secondary bone assignments are stored on the second body morph. This can complicate things a bit, as the first body and second (and third if there is one) body morphs must have the exact same number of vertexes, so you must either change both body morphs identically as you edit, or replace the second body with your first, move the points to make it a fat morph, and then reassign all the secondary bone assignments.
The normals behave the same way was with Wes' 2.16 plugin (some shadows). The bone assignments use fixed percentages, and animate close to how Maxis produced meshes. You must weld the boundaries to smooth over the seams in the mesh.