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#1 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 12:53 PM
Default Willkommen in der Gruppe - Welcome to the group
Ich bin kein native speaker Deutsch, aber ich lerne Deutsch für eine künftige Arbeit. Ich hoffe Geselligkeit mit Gruppenmitglieder helfen meine Deutschkenntnisse. (Mein deutsch ist keine gut )

I'm not a native German speaker, but I'm learning German for future work. I hope socializing with group members helps my knowledge of German - if my German is good enough!
#2 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 2:36 PM
Dein Deutsch klingt gut!
It's a good idea to join the group for practicing German!

I changed the group description so it's open for people who want to learn and speak German with native speakers!
Test Subject
#3 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 5:32 PM
ich finde auch das dein Deutsch gut klingt villageidiot4291

I also think that your german looks very well, only a few littel mistakes in it.
Wiki Wizard
#4 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 8:04 PM
Hallo, ich auch lerne Deutsch am Schule, i liebe Deutsch und ich wurde liebe zu sprechen zu du personen (how can i make that plural?) Ich am auch lerne Deutsch fur meine A Level! Meine Deutsch ist sehr sehr nicht gut aber deine deutsch ist astrien!

It's ok, we all laugh-snort occasionally!
Check out some of my other stuff here.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 9:06 PM Last edited by play jarus : 15th Jan 2009 at 10:12 AM.
Ich finde, euer deutsch ist sehr gut. Ich bin tschechin und ich bin von etwa 12 jahren nach deutschland gekommen. Ohne deutsch sprechen zu können!!! Was ich damit sagen wollte: ihr schafft es auch!

I think, your german is very good. I am czech and I have come from about 12 years to germany. Without speak in german!!! What I wanted to say with it: you also create it too!

All people smile in the same language.
Test Subject
#6 Old 12th Jan 2009 at 7:21 PM
ich finde es interessant zu sehen wie viele Deutsche bzw. deutsch sprechende Leute es hier gibt.
Deluxe Destiny:"Personen" ist schon das Plural, der Singular heißt Person.
Test Subject
#7 Old 14th Jan 2009 at 6:12 PM
Ich finde es toll, dass es nun eine Gruppe für deutschsprachige MTS2-User und solche die es lernen wollen gibt. Es ist eine tolle Idee dadurch sein Deutsch zu verbessern ^^.
Ich hatte zunächst Bedenken hier Deutsch zu schreiben, da ansonsten auf MTS2 ja nur Englisch erlaubt ist, aber wie es aussieht, ist das wohl okay, oder?

I think it's great to have a group for German-speaking MTS2-users and those who want to learn German. It's a good idea to practise German by joining our group.
First I was not quite sure if we are allowed to write in German here since normally you are only allowed to write in English here at MTS2, but it looks like it's okay.
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#8 Old 15th Jan 2009 at 1:59 AM

Kurze Durchsage aus der Chefetage: auch in dieser Gruppe müssen bitte immer alle Posts *auch* auf Englisch geschrieben werden. Leider geht das nicht anders – die meisten der Moderatoren hier können kein Deutsch, wir sind aber trotzdem für den Inhalt der Site verantwortlich, müssen also dafür sorgen, daß alle Moderatoren alle Posts verstehen können. Danke für euer Verständnis .. und bitte seht's positiv: Übersetzungen schreiben braucht schließlich auch Übung!

Short notice from the management: all posts in this group must be *also* written in English please. Unfortunately there is no way around that – most of the moderators here don't speak German, but we are responsible for the content of the site, so we have to make sure that all staff can understand all posts. Thanks for your understanding .. and please look at the bright side: writing translations is also something that needs practice!

Stuff for TS2 · TS3 · TS4 | Please do not PM me with technical questions – we have Create forums for that.

In the kingdom of the blind, do as the Romans do.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 15th Jan 2009 at 2:18 PM
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es hier soviele deutschsprachige Mitglieder gibt und sogar welche, die es extra lernen
@ Deluxe Designs: Dein Deutsch ist schon ganz gut, wie lange lernst du das denn schon? Hast du es dir selbst als Fremdsprache ausgesucht oder ist es Pflicht an deiner Schule?

*Hello, I didn't think, that there are so many German speaking users here and even some, who learn it extra. @ Deluxe Designs: Your German is already very well, how long have you been learning it? Did you choose it on your own as a foreign language or was it an obligation at your school?*

Well I'm not that good in Englisch and translating it word by word is sometimes very difficult- because it happens often enough that the LEO dictionary I like to use has so many different words in Englisch that mean nearly the same
#10 Old 16th Jan 2009 at 7:28 PM
@plasticbox: Ich wusste absolut nicht, dass Du auch Deutsch kannst. Darf ich fragen aus welchem Land Du bist?
Kein Problem - wir können es auch auf Englisch schreiben. Habt ihr Moderatoren wohl Angst, wir planen hier eine feindliche Übernahme auf Deutsch.

@plasticbox: I didn't know, that you can speak German too. May I ask from which country you are?
No problem, we will write in English. Maybe the mods have the fear, that we're going to take over the forum and plan that in German here in our group.
Test Subject
#11 Old 17th Jan 2009 at 11:12 AM

Ich finde es toll das es sowas gibt auf MTS! Ich habe deutsch gelernt mit tv-kucken. (Ich war drei jahre alt). Meine muttersprache ist niederländisch (ich bin kein niederländer). Ich spreche deutsch problemlos aber ich kan es nicht gut schreiben auberdem bin ich auch nog dyslectisch. Ich hoffe ir habt dar kein problem mit. Fon was kent ir deutsch?

I think it's great that theres something like this on MTS! I've learnt my german by looking to the tv. (I was three years old). My original language is dutch (I'm not a dutchwomen). I can speak properly german but I can't write it good + I'm dyslectic. I hope you all don't have a problem with that. From wath did you all learnt geman.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 17th Jan 2009 at 1:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by loni93

Ich finde es toll das es sowas gibt auf MTS! Ich habe deutsch gelernt mit tv-kucken. (Ich war drei jahre alt). Meine muttersprache ist niederländisch (ich bin kein niederländer). Ich spreche deutsch problemlos aber ich kan es nicht gut schreiben auberdem bin ich auch nog dyslectisch. Ich hoffe ir habt dar kein problem mit. Fon was kent ir deutsch?

I think it's great that theres something like this on MTS! I've learnt my german by looking to the tv. (I was three years old). My original language is dutch (I'm not a dutchwomen). I can speak properly german but I can't write it good + I'm dyslectic. I hope you all don't have a problem with that. From wath did you all learnt geman.

Hi, your german is very good. I still learn german, my husband help me (he is german). I have problem with english!!!

All people smile in the same language.
Test Subject
#13 Old 17th Jan 2009 at 10:30 PM Last edited by Eilian : 1st Feb 2009 at 1:25 PM.
@loni93: dein Deutsch ist sehr gut und deine Rechtschreibung ist auch recht gut, meine Schwester kann auch nicht besser schreiben, obwohl sie Deutsche ist! Jetzt weißt du auch warum ich Deutsch kann, geht halt nicht anders wenn man in Deutschland lebt...auch wenn die eigene Muttersprache eigentlich Plattdeutsch heißen würde(das Problem ist das es in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer mehr nicht Friesen hier gibt, die auch kein Plattdeutsch können.)

@loni93: Your german is really good and your spelling is also quite good, my sister can't write german better and she is german! Now you know why i can speak german. If you live in Germany you have to speak german, even if your original language would be low german(the problem is that in the last decades more and more not-frisians moved here and they don't speak low german)

somehow it feels crazy to translate this, normally I speak and write only one of these languages not both. In Germany everyone learns English at school, so in german forums you can speak english whenever you want, every moderator is able to speak it.(i know that it is allowed in most german forums i know, in one we even have a thread in which everyone speaks english, just for fun!) But i think german is not such a popular languages as english and it is not so easy to learn, even for the german There are people in my class who can't speak german as good as some people here do!
Test Subject
#14 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 11:36 AM
@play jarus du kanst doch auch gut deutsch als ich den post was nach oben lese! Ich lebe in belgien und da ist die dritte landessprache deutsch, aber wir krigen franzözisch in die schule naja ist auch die zweite landessprache.
@Eilian Ja ich finds auch een bisschen fremd om zwei sprachen zu schreiben, aber es ist nicht wahr das deutsch nicht besonders populär ist (ich weib englisch ist populärer) wen ich in meine klasse sage ich kan deutsch dan sagen ohh das möchte ich auch lernen.

@play jarus you can speak german goood to when I see the post above! I live in belgium there's german the thirth language, but we get french in school, ok it's the second language of belgium.
@eilian Yes I also find it a bit weird to write in two laguages, but it's not true that german isn't that popular (I know that english is more popular) when I say in my class that I can speak German they say ohh I want to learn it to.
Test Subject
#15 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 3:09 PM
@loni93: vielleicht ist es populärer als einige andere Sprachen, aber trotzdem nicht so populär.In Europa wird es noch relativ häufig gesprochen, aber außerhalb von Europa nicht. Ich spreche sowieso eigentlich lieber Englisch, ich kann es fast genauso gut wie Deutsch und es ist einfacher zu schreiben.

@loni93: perhaps it is more popular than other languages, but not so popular. In Europe it is spoken relatively frequently, outside from Europe not. I speak rather English than German, i speak it nearly as good as german and it is easier to write.
Test Subject
#16 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 5:39 PM
Ich weib nicht als ihr mir helfen könt: bei vitasims kan ich irgendwie nicht bei der kleidung kommen, weib jemand was los ist?
@Eilian Ich meinte auch nur in europa. Da hast du auch recht das english einfacher ist zu schreiben

I don't know if you guys can help me: at vitasims I don't get to the clothes, does anyone knows how to get there?
@Eilian I had the meaning to say europe. You're right that english is easier to write.
Test Subject
#17 Old 19th Jan 2009 at 10:40 PM Last edited by Susi1982 : 19th Jan 2009 at 11:01 PM.
Ah cool. Dieses Topic gefällt mir. So bekommt man einen guten Einblick, wer denn der deutschen Sprache mächtig ist.
Ich selber bin gebürtig aus Deutschland und bei mir hapert es eher am Englisch aber bislang habe ich es immer irgendwie geschafft, mich hier durch zu suchen.

Googletranslate und leo.org hab Dank


Ah cool- I like this Topic. So I can look, who can speak german.
I am native from Germany and my Problem is english.
But so far I have ever success with searching all things.

Thanks google translate and leo.org

Oh gott, das ist bestimmt alles total verkehrt geschrieben.

Edit: Eine Frage hätte ich da aber mal. Wen oder wo kann ich denn mal fragen, wenn ich einen Mesh benötige? Oder jemanden der mir einen machen kann? Gibt es hier sowas?

Edit: But one Question I have. Who oder where I can asking, if i need mesh? Or anybody, it can do it?
Captain Louie
retired moderator
#18 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 1:53 AM
Hallo, mein deutch (teacher) ist sehr (bad = schlect?)

Ah, i tried. I love speaking german, it is a fun language, but i have learned NO vocabulary, hopefully i will pick some stuff up.

Now streaming on at Twitch.tv/SeveralNerds or UglyHoesConnect.com - whichever is easier for you to type in your browser.
Test Subject
#19 Old 27th Jan 2009 at 8:22 PM
@QBUILDERZ: teacher heißt Lehrer, bad, wie du gesagt hast, schlecht.

@QBUILDERZ: teacher means Lehrer, bad, as you said, schlecht
#20 Old 28th Jan 2009 at 6:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by QBUILDERZ
Hallo, mein deutch (teacher) ist sehr (bad = schlect?)

Ah, i tried. I love speaking german, it is a fun language, but i have learned NO vocabulary, hopefully i will pick some stuff up.

Meine deutsch lehrer ist auch nicht so gut...Ich kann deutsch nicht so gut sprechen, mein englisch ist sehr besser.Aber ich mag deutsch sprechen mit meine freunde.

My german teacher is also not to good...I can't speak german very good, my english is much better. But I like speaking german with my friends for fun
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 29th Jan 2009 at 10:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Susi1982
Ah cool. Dieses Topic gefällt mir. So bekommt man einen guten Einblick, wer denn der deutschen Sprache mächtig ist.
Ich selber bin gebürtig aus Deutschland und bei mir hapert es eher am Englisch aber bislang habe ich es immer irgendwie geschafft, mich hier durch zu suchen.

Googletranslate und leo.org hab Dank


Ah cool- I like this Topic. So I can look, who can speak german.
I am native from Germany and my Problem is english.
But so far I have ever success with searching all things.

Thanks google translate and leo.org

Oh gott, das ist bestimmt alles total verkehrt geschrieben.

Edit: Eine Frage hätte ich da aber mal. Wen oder wo kann ich denn mal fragen, wenn ich einen Mesh benötige? Oder jemanden der mir einen machen kann? Gibt es hier sowas?

Edit: But one Question I have. Who oder where I can asking, if i need mesh? Or anybody, it can do it?

Sprich doch einfach jemanden, von dem du denkst, dass er diesen Mesh machen kann und will, per PM an. Guck aber vorher ins Profil, manche Leute nehmen grundsätzlich keine Anfragen an.

Just write the person, who you think can and wants to do that mesh for you, a pm. Take a look into their profile before doing that, since some people don't take requests.
#22 Old 31st Jan 2009 at 8:57 AM
Dann sag ich auch mal "Hallo"! Deutsch und Englisch sind kein Problem für mich. :D
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 12:03 AM
ich lerne deutsch am schule...I'm learning on my own with rosetta stone, its a good program, but I can't get any help from teachers

My cousin lives in Bavaria, ever since she fell in love with the country! I'm planning on studying abroad in hamburg (where my german buddy lives!) in college.

I'm having a hard time knowing when to use das, der, die, dem, den...also ein, eine...and all of those others!

Is there a way to remember which of these words go with which nouns?

its also confusing when words like "der kellner" suddenly changes to "die kellner" when its at the beginning of a sentence.

Please help!!

"Well I'm in business...business of kickin' your a**, and let me tell you, business is booming! I'm open for business, business of givin' you the business...up your butt!" ~Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hungerforce
Test Subject
#24 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 2:02 AM
Sadly I don't know any tricks about how to remember which article is used together with a noun. You basically have to learn that I think. I know that problem from Spanish, sometimes it is hard to remember which article to use, although in Spanish you only have two options whereas in German there are three.
So yeah, I think the best is just to learn the nouns together with the article like "die Katze = cat" instead of "Katze = cat" and then learn how the 3 articles change for the different cases. Then you can always practise that with new nouns you are learning, e.g.:
(1) die Katze
(2) der Katze
(3) der Katze
(4) die Katze
(the numbers are for the different cases)
Then you can also do that for plural of course. Do the same with the indefinite article.

I don't know how long you've been learning German now, so depending on how good your German already is you can also try to do some simple sentences where you have to use your noun in different cases. If that's too difficult yet, then try to do the above.

If you have further questions or need more advice, then ask. I just did not want to flood you, so yeah... XD. And I'm sure there are other people here who also have some good tips ^^.

Oh and about the issue with "der Kellner --> die Kellner", I think you may already know that "die" is just the plural of the definite article. You'll just have to get used to reading and identifying it. For some other nouns it is easier because they change when they occur as a plural, but if it stays the same like with "Kellner" it can be difficult to see that they use the plural here if you don't know for sure which article it uses in singular.
I know that it might sound stupid and you may think there has to be another way, but I think the best you can do is to just learn which article to use for which noun and then this will make German much easier.

By the way, I think it is interesting to see where foreign people who want to learn German have difficulties, cause as a native speaker everything seems easy to you, since you know that language from the inside out and don't have to think about it when you're talking to somebody.
But I think that applies for every language. Here in Germany there are also many English-learning people who have difficulties to use 3rd person singular verbs with the -s in the end. I have chosen English as one of my major subject and there is one girl in my course who still does it wrong. Although everyone of us has been learning English for 9 years now. Maybe it gives you some hope to see that there's also other people struggling with problems like this.

Why did your cousin move to Bavaria? Because of Pretzels, Octoberfest? The beautiful landscape and the mountains to go skiing in winter? Or because of the strange dialect that makes it even more difficult for foreigners to understand what one is saying? XD
Just kidding ^^. I'm from Bavaria myself and I like living here ^^. I don't speak Bavarian dialect though and sometimes even for me as a native speaker it is difficult to understand what somebody with a very strong dialect is saying.

I've also got a friend who lives in Hamburg and my parents have been there several times. They all say it is a beautiful city, so if you decide to study there I'm sure you will enjoy your stay ^^.

Sorry for the long message, I just started writing and then it became that long XD...
Test Subject
#25 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 1:23 PM
Ich verstehe nicht wie man nach Bayern ziehen kann, In Norddeutschland ist es viel schöner und die Leute sprechen viel besseres Deutsch. Wir haben zwar auch einen Dialekt oder besser gesagt eine eigene Sprache(ja, Plattdeutsch gilt als Sprache, genauso wie Friesisch) aber die ist vor allem für Niederländer und Engländer einfach zu lernen und zu verstehen.

I can't understand how people can move to Bavaria. Here in the North of Germany it is more beautiful and the people speak a better German. We have a dialect or better said a own language too( yes, Lowgerman and Frisian are languages) but this languages is ,mostly for English and Dutch people, better to understand and to learn
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