Ooo, a shiny new cover! I figured since everyone on the old cover looks completely different by now or is dead, it was time for a change. So now you get to see a screenshot of the actualy Pleasantview neighborhood.
Anyways, this chapter is huge. By huge I don't mean long, I mean BIG things are happening! So please, enjoy and comment away!
Please, if you read this story, love or hate it, I want to hear from you. I'd love a comment, PM, thank, and/or rating. For the readers (if there are any) who do not have an account on MTS, I've decided to provide my email address. Don't hesitate to email me at If you do have an account here, you can just comment or send me a PM.
NOTE: Several people have alerted me that the characters are getting hard to keep track of. Who's related to who and why, names and dates yadda yadda. Considering the nature of my story, knowing that information is pretty important. To help everyone out, I've created an interactive family tree. It's pretty neat, so you should check it out. Especially if you're struggling with names and faces while reading the story. It's up to date with the story as of now. I will try to keep it up to date. So I guess,
spoiler alert, don't look at it unless you're up to date with and have read the latest chapter.
Here is the link to view it. There is also a link on my profile as well as in my signature. Hope it helps, let me know how you like it!

Ricardo Caliente walked into his Aunt’s house and stomped the snow off his shoes. He shuddered from the bitter cold and shouted playfully, “I’m here to collect my girl!”
Jane Stacks’ eyes lit up at the sound of her fiancé's voice. She came running into the living room, her brown wavy hair bouncing around. “Ricardo! You’re here!”, she cried while throwing her arms around the man. Jane had been staying with Ricardo’s mother and aunt to build two additions to her home. Now the house was finished, Ricardo was graduated, and the couple was ready to start their lives. “I’ve missed you so much! How does it feel to be a college graduate?”
Ricardo chuckled and embraced Jane. “It feels great. I can’t wait to show you the apartment I have ready for us. It’s expensive, but worth it. Are you ready to go?”
Jane squealed and squeezed Ricardo even tighter. “Yes! My stuff is all packed! Ooo, I can’t wait to see!”
In the middle of their embrace, Nina entered the living room with a knowing smile on her face. “My my, you’d think you two haven’t seen each other in years.”
The young couple laughed while Ricardo hugged his Aunt. “Hi, Aunt Nina. Thanks for taking care of Jane for me.”
Nina smiled warmly. “It was my pleasure. She’s family; families take care of each other.”
Ricardo winced then forced a smile. He knew all too well his Aunt was taking care of his schizophrenic mother, and had saved her from certain fate in a psychiatry ward.
“Besides, she took more care of
us than I did of
her! Plus, the house is beautiful. She did a wonderful job. I told her to design it just like she’d want her own home and I have to say, the girl has good taste! Want to take a look around, Ricardo?”
Jane blushed at the praise while Ricardo frowned. “Sorry, Aunt Nina. I’d love to, but the landlord is waiting for us to come sign the lease on the apartment. We really need to be going.”
Nina smiled slyly. “Oh nonsense, you don’t need an apartment when you own a whole house!”
Jane and Ricardo looked at each other, confused. Jane cleared her throat. “Aunt Nina, we don’t have a house.”
Nina laughed. “Sure you do!
This house! I’m giving it to you to raise your family in.”
Jane and Ricardo were shocked and immediately overwhelmed. Ricardo’s mouth dropped open. “Aunt Nina! You can’t just
give us your house! Where will
you live? Where will my mom go?”
Jane tried to turn down the offer as well. “Not to mention, if anyone should get the house, it should be Letti. She’s your daughter.”
Nina laughed. “Well, first of all, I
can give you my house and I will. Jane designed and expanded it to her liking; you two belong here. Besides, I’m old. It’s too big for me to keep up. Not to mention those horrendous stairs. Second of all, your mother and I will be fine. I’ve got the perfect setup planned for us; don't you worry your pretty little head. And Letti, she doesn’t want the house. I’ve tried giving it to her already but she’ll barely talk to me let alone move back here. So, it’s yours.”
Jane and Ricardo were at a loss for words.
Ricardo tried to muster up a competent sentence. “Aunt Nina…I…”
Jane stepped towards Nina and wrapped her arms around her. “Thank you. This is the most thoughtful wedding gift in history; plus what we need most of all! We will forever be in debt to you.”
Nina smiled happily and returned Jane’s hug, patting her back. “Thank you for letting me give such a big gift. Seeing you two raise your family here will be enough of a favor for me.”
Nina and Dina were completely moved out within the month, leaving Ricardo and Jane to get settled and finish planning their wedding.
“I still can’t believe this is our house.” Ricardo fluffed his pillow while beaming at Jane.
Jane smiled, still in disbelief herself. “I know. It was beyond generous of your Aunt. Much better than being cooped up in an apartment. We would have been changing diapers on the window sill!”
Ricardo hopped onto the bed and put his arm around Jane. “Diapers, huh?”
Jane raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. “Yeah, diapers…you’re not about to tell me you don’t want kids, are you?”
Ricardo chuckled. “Of course not. I can’t wait to be a father. I want our children to have only one dad, and know without a doubt who that is. I don’t want them growing up like I did.”
Jane nuzzled up to Ricardo and sighed happily. “I know, sweetie. You’re going to be a terrific father. I believe that with all of my heart.”
Ricardo closed his eyes and smiled. “Your faith in me means everything, I love you.”
The two lovebirds sat close, kissing softly in their new bed, both anticipating their new life that was finally starting.
Carmen Lothario sat on her living room floor while practicing writing her letters. “Homework is such a drag,” she said with a grumbly sigh. “I already know how to write
and read.” Don Lothario, Carmen’s father, heard the girl complaining and decided to set her straight.
“Young lady, doing your homework is very important! Both your mother and I always did all of our homework. That’s how we reached the top of our career and why we have this nice house.”
Carmen sighed, annoyed. She was almost positive that her parents missed at least one homework assignment. She wished her father would let her be. “Somebody is at the door, Dad.” Don quirked an eyebrow at his daughter and turned around.
Don saw his daughter, Letti Caliente, peeping through the glass. Before he could grab the handle, she burst through the front door. “Daddy!”, she whimpered. The girl was sure to burst into tears at any moment.
Don studied Letti, perplexed and worried. “Carmen, why don’t you go upstairs with your mother?”
Carmen scurried upstairs and Letti’s sobs begun. Don hurried over to his daughter and put his arm around her. “Hija, what’s happened? Why are you crying?”
Letti continued wailing and Don held her, unsure of how to handle the situation and why his daughter was coming to
him rather than Nina.
Has something happened to Nina? Don’s heart skipped a beat at that thought.
Letti’s shoulders heaved as tears rolled down her cheeks. Through hiccups and near hyperventilation Letti managed to say, “Da..Dad..I..I..I’m..I’m..preg..pregnant.”
Don’s mouth fell open. “Pregnant?!
You? How?!”
Letti, now calmer since she'd broken the big news, was able to explain her story with less tears. “Well, it was the big graduation party. My last day of college. I had
so much juice. I never had
any before that night.”
Don understood the situation immediately. “Oh no…Letti you've never been one to drink!”
Letti sighed. “I know! But everyone kept telling me to relax and celebrate. So I did. I was tired of being the goody two shoes who only has time for books. I don’t even remember how much I drank. I don’t remember much of anything. But I do remember waking up in my bed, in my room. Then realizing there was somebody in bed with me. I panicked, and hoped it was my friend Allegra, maybe even Lorenzo or Ricardo.”
Don listened intently, upset yet intrigued. “Letti, who was it?!”
Letti sighed, visibly ashamed. “Martin Ruben. I slept with Martin Ruben.”
Don cringed. “You mean that guy who kept following you around the entire night? He obviously has feelings for you…and you obviously couldn’t stand him.”
Letti sniffled. “That’s the one. Now we’re having a baby.”
Letti buried her face in her hands. “I’m so embarrassed.”
Don grew angry, his fatherly instincts kicking in. “That little creep. I bet he was handing you drinks all night.”
Letti groaned. “Ugh Dad, don’t say that. That makes it worse.”
Don’s face softened and he hugged his daughter. “I’m sorry. But it’ll be okay. You’re smart, brave girl. You’ll get through this. I’ll help. Having a baby isn't the end of the world.”
Letti sighed peacefully, her father’s words brought her comfort. “Thanks, Dad. I love you.”
In the Goth household, Lucy and Alex were comfortably settling into married life. When the couple wasn’t at work or desperately trying for a baby, they devoted a lot of their time to their hobbies. Lucy, an aspiring journalist, clicked away at her computer researching and writing articles. Alex spent a lot of time inventing new machines and robots in his laboratory.
Despite his new love for robotics, Alex didn’t lose sight of what really mattered to him: proving his father’s sanity and his mother’s disappearance. Night after night, Alex stood on the roof gazing up into the sky through his telescope. Even though he owned the most expensive telescope that money could buy, the summer sky was lacking in UFOs. Still, Alex enjoyed stargazing and he knew his motives were very important; it was a labor of love.
After years of research and investigation, Alex thought he had finally deciphered and mastered the written language these so called aliens were likely to use. “By shining this flashlight into the lens of my telescope”, he had tried explaining to Lucy one night at dinner, “I can attract and communicate with any spaceships flying by. They will see the light and recognize their language, then hopefully I can observe them.” What Alex
didn’t tell Lucy was that truthfully, he hoped the aliens would abduct him like his mother. Lucy already thought trying to communicate with potentially dangerous life forms was a bad enough idea, without knowing Alex's true goal. So one night when Lucy was in bed, Alex decided to try signaling the aliens.
Giddy with anticipation, Alex began flashing the light beam into the night sky. His heart pounded as his eyes darted around, hoping to catch and sign of life. Alex gulped, feeling nervous.
This will work. It has to.
Alex spent hours signaling and observing. He started to belive his efforts were in vain, knowing the sun would rise soon.
Maybe tomorrow night. Just as Alex started packing everything up to go inside, a blinding, bright light shot down on him. He froze, and slowly raised his head towards the heavens only to find the light was too bright to look directly into.
Heart pumping wildly, Alex closed his eyes and shouted towards the light. “Yes! You’re here! You’re finally here! Please, I want to talk to you!” Instead of an answer, Alex heard some clicks and what sounded like turbines switching on. A loud whirring sound made Alex conver his ears as the light beam began shooting down in waves. “What in the…” Before Alexander could finish, he felt his feet lift from the ground. He suddenly realized what was happening, and all his desire to be abducted vanished. “Oh no! No no no!”
Alexander screamed as he rose higher and higher into the air. “Stop! Don’t take me! I don’t want to go anymore!” He’d never felt so afraid in all his life. Completely off the ground now, Alex desperately thrust his hands out towards his telescope. He grabbed on and held tight. “You’re not taking me!”
The sucking power of the tractor beam grew more, and more intense as almost all of Alex’s body was being pulled upward. His grip began to loosen on the telescope; he heard his back crack. If he didn’t let go, the beam would pull him in half. Alex yelled out in pain. “Goodbye, Lucy”, he whispered and let go, letting his body whirl further into the light until he finally disappeared.
Several hours passed by; Lucy slept soundly in bed. She was unaware of her husband's absence as well the loud whirring noise that filled the house as the UFO returned with Alex.
Before opening its doors, the spaceship hovered in front of the Goth mansion for a few moments. Finally, the strong metal door of the UFO retracted and Alexander fell out rather ungracefully. He screamed and fell through the air, finally landing in the street with an unpleasant thud.
Alex laid still and flat in the street for several moments. Groaning in pain, he tried to stand up. “What just…” The familiar swooshing of the spaceship behind him refreshed his memory. Alex stood up, quickly yet wobbly, and gasped. “Am I dreaming?”
Alex turned around slowly, fearfully, and saw the UFO still behind him. He screamed, and watched it hover eerily. After a few more moments, the door shut and it flew away. Alex stood in the front yard, speechless with terror and excitement. “I’m alive!” he cried. “Oh no…what year is it?!” Alex remembered how his mother had been abducted only to return years later. He screamed his wife’s name over and over while running towards the house, stumbling up the steps.
Alex bolted into the bedroom and found his wife sleeping peacefully, still young and beautiful. “Oh thank goodness! Lucy, Lucy wake up!” He flicked on the nightstand light and continued hollering. “Lucy you’ll never guess what just happened!”
Lucy woke up groggily and sat on the edge of the bed. Unimpressed and still tired, she stared at the wall. “This had better be good, Alexander Goth.”
Alex could barely contain himself. “Lucy, I’ve just been abducted by aliens!” Before she could reply, Alexander's eyes went wide and he covered his mouth while running towards the bathroom.
Slightly alarmed, Lucy followed Alex into the bathroom only to find him hunched over the toilet, vomiting up a peculiar blue liquid. “Oh Alex. Sweetie are you okay?”
Alex recovered quickly and stood up, wiping his mouth on a nearby towel. "I’m more than okay! Did you not hear what I said?! I have just been abducted by aliens! I was right all along! My father was right! He’s not crazy and my mother really was abducted!”
Lucy didn’t know what to think. “Whoa slow down there. You’re freaking me out Alex.”
Alex smoothed his hands over his sweater vest and took a deep breath. “My apologies. I was on the roof, stargazing. A bright beam of light shown down on me. It sucked me up into a spaceship and then spit me back out in front of the house. I’ve been gone for hours!”
Lucy was skeptical. Alex had been working really hard and not getting a lot of sleep. Was it possible he hallucinated? “You’re sure of this?”
Alex put his hands on his hips. “Yes, Lucy. I’ve waited my whole life for this. Of course I’m sure. Do you not believe me?”
Lucy bit her lip. “No no, it’s not that. It’s just…how will anyone else believe you?”
Alex pouted. “Well I don't know. I have not thought about that yet.
Excuse me, I've just returned from outer space.”
Lucy sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m happy for you. Yay. Let’s go back to bed, okay? You’re worrying me.”
Alex nodded a little sadly then reluctantly returned to bed with his wife.
Neither Lucy nor Alex got much sleep for the reminder of the night. By the next morning, Lucy still couldn’t stop thinking about everything her husband had said. She’d been helping him research alien activity since they met, but she never thought this day would actually come. Lucy frowned while she baked her berry pie, a futile attmept to get her mind off the situation at hand. She slipped the pie into the oven and heard someone enter the kitchen behind her.
“Uhm, Lucy…”
She shut the oven door and turned around at the sound of Alex’s voice. She saw him; she gasped and brought her hand to her heart. “Alex! You’re…you’re…”
“…You’re pregnant!?”