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The Pleasantview Diaries (22, Part 2)
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Yay! Part 2, part 2! I think this one is shorter than part 1, but still important! Part 1 got me a lot of comments, and I LOVED every single one of them. You all keep me writing!
Pleasae enjoy, comment, rate, thank, blah blah. Family tree link in my signature, blah blah. My e-mail is hmrnd3@aim.com blah, blah, blah. Onward!


The Broke-Long family, young and old alike, were gathered at Beau and Allegra Broke’s house for little Dimitri's first birthday party. The young couple had already graduated, wed, and got busy having babies. Dimitri was their first and the whole family doted on him, excited for the first grandson in the family.
Brandi played with Dimitri, making faces at him. “He’s so sweet, Allegra! You and my son make some cute babies. I’m so happy he has your pretty emerald eyes!”

Allegra smiled proudly. “Thanks, Brandi!” No one who had ever known Allegra considered her the motherly type. Allegra herself never wanted children. Beau, however, desperately wanted kids so Allegra agreed. Once Dimitri was born, she fell in love. She was unable to imagine a world without the baby boy she so dutifully cared for and protected.
Brandi scowled internally at her daughter in law calling her by her first name. She wished Allegra would call her “Mom”, like Angela did.

Allegra handed Dimitri off to Benjamin to get something to eat while Brandi located her son for an important conversation.
“Oh hi, sweetie! I’m glad I found you. I was just telling Allegra what beautiful babies you two make.”
Beau laughed. “Thanks mom, I think so too. I love that little guy to death. Allegra too, of course.”
Brandi smiled. “I knew you would dear, you’re a family sim! So do you…think you’ll have anymore?” Also a family Sim, Brandi was hopeful she’d end up with more than the four grandchildren she already had.

Beau’s face lit up. “Oh Mom, I’d love to! Allegra though, she’s not really a kid person.”
Brandi frowned. “But she’s so good with little Dimitri!”
Beau nodded, a serious expression on his face. “I know; she loves him more than I can say. But I’m lucky I even convinced her to have one baby. I don’t think she’ll ever want anymore.”
Brandi threw her hands into the air. “Oh, that’s just crazy! Why, I had four children and I could have had double, no, triple that! Happily!”
Beau sighed. “I know Mom, I know. I’d love a houseful myself, but not everyone feels that way.”
Before Brandi could retort, Allegra called everyone over for cake.

The whole family crowded in the peach colored kitchen to sing and cheer for baby Dimitri. Allegra cradled her son and rocked him back and forth. He smiled up happily at his mother, vaguely aware of the celebration around him. After the candles were extinguished, Allegra threw Dimitri into the air as everyone waited in anticipation to see Dimitri in toddler form.

Allegra caught Dimitri while confetti rained down around the two of them. Dressed to impress, Dimitri smiled at his mother and all his guests while everyone let out a simultaneous “Awh”. Yes, Dimitri was cute and everyone knew it.

After the festivities ended and the guests returned to their respective homes, Beau took sleepy Dimitri to his room. “Now, you look very dashing in your baby tuxedo. You really know how to dress for a party. But, it’s bedtime and I hate to say it…jammy time!”
Dimitri giggled and spun into his pajamas as Beau tossed him in the air.

Beau walked towards the crib and Dimitri wrapped his chubby fists around his father’s neck. “No, Daddy! No bed!”
Beau’s heart melted and he hugged his son tightly. “I’m sorry, son. You have to sleep.” He pried Dimitri off his chest and sat him gently in his crib. He rubbed Dimitri’s cheek gingerly. “Goodnight, birthday boy. Daddy loves you.”

Dimitri felt the plush cribbing under his bottom and his eyelids immediately felt heavy. He tried to resist the inevitable sleep but was soon overcome, falling back onto his bed fast asleep. Beau tried to muffle his chuckle as he tucked the tot in, and kissed his one last time.


“Alright everyone, say, ‘old people’!” Lilith laughed at her joke as she clicked the camera. It was Cassandra and Darren’s anniversary party, and they requested a family picture. Eden laughed along with Lilith; the girls had a similar sense of humor as well as a feisty attitude. Since marrying Dirk, Eden and Lilith had been spending more time together and really getting along.

Eden sauntered off to the bathroom and Darren chuckled as well. “Very funny, Lilith. We may be old, but we can still pack a punch!” She winked at her father in law and went upstairs to put Liam to bed.
Cassandra, not paying attention to jokes or the party for that matter, pulled Darren aside. “Do you realize who we’re missing?!”
Darren looked around the room. “Umm…”

“Alex and Lucy didn’t show up!” Cassandra frowned while looking to her husband for explanation.
Darren chose his words carefully as to not upset his wife; this party was very important to her. “Well…did they say they would be here?”
Cassandra thought a moment. “Well…no…but, he’s my brother! Where could they be?!”

Darren gave his wife a look. “I don’t know, a honeymoon maybe?”
Cassandra snorted. “It’s a little late for that. Something must be wrong. You’re right. They didn’t even RSVP.”
Darren tried to sooth Cassandra. “Cassie, calm down. I’m sure they’re fine. Maybe they’re even on their way.”
Cassandra screwed up her face, not believing a word Darren said. “Destiny isn’t here either.”
Darren widened his eyes, surprised at his wife. “Did you really expect her to show up after your last conversation with her?”
Cassandra scowled and ran her hand through her hair, embarrassed. “No.”

Darren sighed. “You’re worrying too much. Please, just relax and try to celebrate with the people that are here. Okay?”
Cassandra let out a half sigh, half groan noise and threw up her hands in defeat. “Okay, I’ll try.”

Cassandra tried her best to let loose and have fun dancing with all her guests. Everyone laughed and boogied down until Darren called everyone in the kitchen for a toast.
They all crowded around as Darren passed out the champagne filled glasses. The kitchen grew silent while the guests waited for Darren to speak.

Darren cleared his throat. “To my beautiful wife, Cassandra, who has been planning this party since before we even met.” Everyone laughed; Cassandra blushed.
“Cassandra, after I lost Darleen…I never thought I’d love again. But then I met you, and you changed my world. You’re a wonderful step mother to my son and almost everyone else you meet in need of Mom. Your heart is so big; it astounds me. We all love you, and we’re all so grateful to have you in our lives.”

“Thank you, my dear, for putting love back into my world and making the last two decades some of the best of my life. I couldn’t have made it this far without you.” Darren lifted his glass into the air. “To Cassandra!” Everyone echoed Darren before they tipped back their glasses and drank to the women they knew and loved.

After a few more hours, the party ended and the guests went home. Satisfied with their golden anniversary, Darren and Cassandra hobbled up the stairs to retire to bed. Cassandra stopped in the bathroom to wash up. She called to Darren who was in the nearby bedroom as she felt the warm water trickle down her cheeks. “I think that ended up really well.”

Darren didn’t respond and Cassandra kept talking. “I mean, I was so worried at the beginning. My siblings didn’t show up and that really hurt. It still does but, I took your advice and just appreciated those who were there.” Cassandra smiled to herself. “I still have so much to learn from you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Still, Darren did not respond. Cassandra shut off the water. “What was that, sweetie? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the water.” Cassandra waited patiently for her husband’s voice until a terrified scream filled the air. Cassandra’s eyes went big and she froze in place. “Darren?” She called hopefully.

Cassandra threw open the bathroom door only to find the Grim Reaper standing with a cloud of smoke in her bedroom. Her stomach flopped and her heart skipped a beat as she saw the vile being talking to her husband. “No…”, she breathed quietly, unable to move.

Darren stared at the Reaper in amazement and terror, unable to break focus and assure Cassandra he would be alright. He was too far gone and shortly, faded away against the burgundy wall paint without a word.

Lilith heard the crying and scream, and rushed into the bedroom carrying Liam on her hip. “Is everything…” Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes locked with the urn on the floor. Cassandra stood in front of it, weeping. “Oh no…” she breathed and rushed over to Cassandra. She set Liam on the wood floor and kissed his cheek before putting her arm around Cassandra. Liam looked up at his grandmother curiously, wondering why she was so sad.

Neither of the women spoke, well aware of each others’ thoughts and feelings. Lilith simply rubbed Cassandra’s arm soothingly, letting her cry and grieve until no more salty tears could be shed.


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