Chapter 55. Aftermath
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Aliendre had no visible injuries that Alexander could see but she seemed so weak. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She will recover but she must rest.” King Eraldor’s voice trembled, from anger or sorrow Alexander could not tell. “All her strength was exhausted when we battled the Dark elf lizard. She’s turning mortal and there isn’t much magical power left in her now.”

”I will always hate you, but blood honor impedes us from seeking revenge,” Queen Eliene said. “For our grandson we had to fight on your side, for our mortal grandson and for our daughter´s heart and future.”

At the mention of his son Alexander’s heart jumped. “Blood honor, hrmf. You spoke of my son. Where’s Alex now?”

“Our grandson is safe in our palace. But as mortals neither he nor Aliendre can stay there. They belong to the mortal world now.” Queen Eliene said.

“What happened with the Dark elf king, the lizard I mean?”

“We battled him and won.” King Eraldor replied. “He lost his horse and staggered into the woods but will be caught by our warriors. There will be no mercy for him and this will be the end of what’s left of the Dark elf realm.”

A stir in Aliendre’s bed silenced everyone, turning their eyes on her. She had opened her eyes and was smiling at Alexander. “We must never part again my love, I have missed you so much. Don’t worry about me, I will be fine.”

As much as Alexander would have wanted to stay beside Aliendre’s bed watching her forever, he could not. There were other people who also needed him. First of all he had to find Sigrid.

Alexander’s horse, Galaxy, was grassing outside and looked up as he heard Alexander’s voice. Although there was much to be done Alexander couldn’t help himself but rushed forward and stroke his friend on the neck. “Dear boy, I feared that I’d lost you.” Quickly he examined Galaxy. He let his hands wander down each leg searching for swellings or wounds and found everything to be fine. Relieved Alexander sighed and ordered a soldier to take care of his horse.

He found Torfast the scarred, leaning, on a tree.

“I’m looking for Sigrid.” Alexander said. “She must be richly rewarded for without her I wouldn’t have been here.

“Your majesty,” Torfast looked up, his eyes red and swollen. “Her reward will have to be a really fine burial. She’s with the gods now, but her remains rest over there. She took an arrow in her forearm. The wound wasn’t too bad but the arrow was poisoned, so the Light elves told us when they examined her.”

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