Makeup - Embarrassed Blushes
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4 colors - Blushing bride, oops, go and hide, and no sweat.
Lia (asian) is wearing blushing bride,
Xiomara (dark skintone) is wearing no sweat
Katie is wearing oops
should be comaptible with all cause it's maxis defaults.
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2005, 108.6 KB.
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Updated: 15th Dec 2005 at 3:35 AM
by Barcelonista 23rd Jan 2006 at 12:27am
Cheekbone defining Blush, 14 blushes
by La_exotique 19th Apr 2007 at 9:53am
by azurajen 20th Jan 2006 at 9:07am
This is a collaborative effort, thanks to the help of Suplyndmnd. So cool all the help, and pics! more...
9 10.7k 1
Female » Mixed Sets » Adult