Various Maxis Sleepwear Recolours for Elders
heartsnighty.JPG - width=600 height=450
starsandmoonsnighty.JPG - width=600 height=450
simspajamascreenshots.jpg - width=728 height=667
I'm posting two recolours of the Maxis nightgown for elders. One is a colourful, bright heart print. The other is an elegant black one with gold moons and stars, and a gold sash around the waist.
I'm very new to this, so please let me know if I've made any mistakes (with the recolour or with this post itself)! Thanks!
EDIT: I've done some more recolouring, so rather than clog up the site with yet another thread, I'm adding the files here; I hope that's alright? Like the first two nightgowns, all of these will show up under "sleepwear" only. Each picture is labelled so you can easily tell which file contains which outfit.
Uploaded: 5th Jan 2006, 1.96 MB.
Uploaded: 24th Dec 2005, 319.8 KB.
Uploaded: 24th Dec 2005, 292.0 KB.
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Updated: 5th Jan 2006 at 4:52 AM - Added more sleepwear!
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