Chobits - Freya's alpha black oufit
Chi_queen2.jpg - width=640 height=480
Chi_queen.jpg - width=442 height=472
it might look simple but that net thing around her shoulder took me ages to get it right..
and u cant really c it when u r zooming out =(
another problem is when she sit down, the net thing would come above her knee,
as u can c in the screen shot..
I dunno how to fix that..I hope u guys dun mind :P
please please please leave me some comment~~
I'd like to know what u think

btw, I just did a dress for Chii (a recolour of Freya's),
but the post system was a bit weird..
it was in a waiting queue, it have just showed up yesterday.
but I posted it the day b4,
so somehow my thread just been added after some post that was already there...
(dunno how to explain :P)
anyway wt i want to say is, if u didnt know abt that ,
pls go to hv a look,hehe~~ ^^

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Uploaded: 3rd Feb 2006, 311.5 KB.
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by kellybelly117 29th Aug 2006 at 10:21pm
The Chobits Project - 8 Dresses for Chii + School Uniform
by Sango_91 updated 30th Dec 2008 at 7:14pm
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