Aussie Digger - present day

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Sorry I didn't get this out in time for ANZAC Day.
I was helping some of the new blokes get ready for the march (for many of them, it was their first) - you know, practicing drill, how to starch the uniform, a few emergency hat-bashings, the usual.

And of course, we've all been on the grog since the evening before (and on a strip-joint crawl since finishing) the march - many are still out and won't be home till tomorrow.

Anyway, this is pretty much what we fight in these days. I didn't have meshes for our kevlar, and in any case we don't wear it much.
So he's in the giggle hat instead.

All the custom content is my own, and being released for the first time (not counting my SelfSim). Giggle hat is a Maxis mesh - the body mesh is included in the zip file.

Right, dress uniforms - I didn't know if you all meant Polys (short for 'polyester', for ceremonial duties) or Service Dress (what we wear to dinners and cocktail nights), so I did both.

The Parade Dress needs a mesh; included. Not happy with it, to be honest - SimPE's been playing silly buggers with my meshes lately. If anyone else would like to try one, it's the Police mesh with the radio removed.
The hat's a recolour of tiggerypum's Hat Khaki Fur Felt (1 of) (that's how it's described in Q records), based on mine (badge is Royal Aust. Infantry).

The Service Dress is a Maxis recolour. You don't normally wear a hat with this.
If these look a bit bare, that's intentional - our army doesn't do much decorating.

They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
-Ode to the Fallen
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