Homestar Runner THEME SET!!

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Hey guys! I worked forever on this and it's finally finished. It's a Homestar Runner themed (bed)room, complete with carpetting, walls, blinds, beds, pictures and couch plus a Pom-Pom pot and a TROGDOR! game.

All objects shown are recolours done by me. Except for any tables shown, the windows and the SOLID RED carpet.

Also, I searched for about an hour looking how to classify this as a theme set, like everyone else has.. but I couldn't find how to do this. I also could not find any info telling me where to do this or anyone willing to help me. So the best I could do, even though walls and carpet are not buy mode... was putting them there, and in the "multiple rooms" subcategory.

Please feel free to instruct me on how to re-list this in the proper theme set category.

Items included:

In "Items" rar - Pom Pom pot, Homestar bedsheets, white blinds, TROGDOR! arcade game, orange couch w/ patch.

In "Walls/Floor" rar - Red star on white carpet, white star on red carpet, white carpet, red Strong Bad wallpaper w/ stripes, red Strong Bad wallpaper w/ zigzag.

In "Pics" rar - Marzipan picture, Coach Z picture, Strong Mad picture, Homestar/The Cheat/Strong Sad/Strong Bad picture, 'NO LOAFING!' sign.

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 1st 2008!!:
Thanks to the wonderful work of Winsyrstrife, the TROGDOR arcade game can now play the video and audio of the real thing!

Download it here:

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