Testers Please - recolors of Dees Pots and pans to match the maxis cheap ranges
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I have recolored Dees pots and pans from her kitchen clutter set to match the maxis ranges. If you are not having crash problems with R Giles counter they should work fine. I am having crash problems with the pots and pans and the thyme cabinets on both of my computers. With and without Uni installed. I've tried both cabinets the original and the updated and I still can't use these in my game. Sure would like too. Heavy Sigh! Anyway here they are. Test away and let me know what happens.
I put them in my recolors of R Giles cabinets. I know they don't match, but I was checking to see if I could get them to work. So I took the pics while I could.
Here's the thread for Dees clutter
Uploaded: 11th May 2006, 248.6 KB.
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Updated: 12th May 2006 at 1:42 AM
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