Maxis-Match Fuller Floppy Hair (Updated)
fullerfloppyhair-long.jpg - width=908 height=839
fullerfloppyhair-short.jpg - width=908 height=839
Huge thanks to Stella at starsims for the great alpha and for permission to post this hair. I shortened it a bit for the "short" version, but the "long" version is pretty much all Stella's alpha.
Colour Binned. Child - Elder. Elders are not grey. Base Game Maxis Mesh. No EPs required.
Update: Oopsie! I forgot to delete the purple toddler hair before (it wasn't proper purple, just a fugly Maxis default style) so I've fixed that now. Please redownload if you want the new improved purple. It's a nicer shade too, yay!
Update #2: More colours here! Triple yay!
Uploaded: 17th Dec 2006, 1.05 MB.
Uploaded: 17th Dec 2006, 1,022.9 KB.
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Updated: 6th Sep 2008 at 9:41 PM - editing search parameters
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