Gir Wallpaper
snapshot_00000007_d2a30c8f.jpg - width=600 height=450
This also happens to be my first wallpaper, please enjoy. I plan on making a matching floor and possible furnature. So, please do enjoy.
Uploaded: 31st Dec 2006, 8.7 KB.
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by SwampMama 7th Feb 2005 at 7:09am
3 3.9k 2
Gir (Invader Zim) Bedsheet of doom.
by Toria_ 24th Jan 2006 at 12:02pm
by caliberxkiss 20th Jan 2007 at 2:16am
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by caliberxkiss 20th Jan 2007 at 2:17am
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Invader Zim Bedding and Poster
by Red Storm13 28th Jul 2007 at 11:50pm
Monkey Picture in Zim's Living room
by blackguardspork 31st Dec 2006 at 11:54pm
This I my first picture. It is from Invader Zim and is the picture that hangs over his house. more...
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Inverted Vertigo, Cover Art Recolor. Invader Zim's "Earth Food Rocks!" poster.
by blackguardspork 4th Aug 2007 at 5:07am
The "Earth Food Rocks!" poster from the kitchen of the lead character of Nickelodeon's "Invader Zim." This is a more...
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