Freckling tops, post three of three: "Dark"
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Despite first impressions, all freckles visible in the screenshots are special effects produced by the top-- they are not present on the skintone. (The model is an unremarkable S1.) The patterns cover the body from neck to toe.
Documentation and examples of clothing making use of tops like these as a starting point appear in .
This set, "dark", is "dark" in that the tint thrown is quite intense. The tint itself varies with location to location, but is at or around a brown - orange - burnt orange. These shades are suitable for Sims whose freckles include a fair amount of pheomelanin-- which in humans is almost invariably associated with a relatively pale skin.
There are three tops in one archive, throwing three distinct patterns:
* "Dark dense": freckling is approaching contiguity.
* "Dark medium": there are locations where freckling is almost totally absent.
* "Dark sparse": regions with very little freckling response are common.
To convert the alpha to a starting point for a low-cut dress, skintone, or other purpose requiring restoration of uniformity over the entire torso, select the two dark-spotted bright rectangular regions and invert the colors.
If you compare (say) "Pale medium" and "Medium medium", you'll note that the freckles are in different places. This is good if you're looking for greater individuality-- but it can be bad if you're expecting a top change to make the freckling more intense without changing the freckles' locations. Similarly, while anywhere that's freckled on a "dense" version will be freckled on the sparser versions, "medium" and "sparse" share some but not all freckles. (Of course, one can always dim down an alpha to yield a version with the same pattern but less intensity.)
* * *
This stuff came about in its present form as the result of my interest in alkaloid's Natural Redhead Project. See .
Genensims Dark 5 is part of the ancestry of the freckle tops, although one would be hard put to recognize it after all the modifications it's been subjected to. Nevertheless, this stuff is derived from Genensims Dark 5-- and so Genensims deserves a great deal of the credit for this stuff and anything derived from it. See .
Please do not upload this stuff or anything derived from it to pay sites.
Uploaded: 6th Jan 2007, 5.80 MB.
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