Bring friends home more often [UPD 2008-10-16]
If the sim is 0 or 1 points shy, will almost never bring friends home, and the overall probability is not very high (25% from work and 35% from school).
These two hacks raise these probability values to 75% for all sims with 2 or more points in outgoing personality.
Your sims will bring friends home almost every day; notice that any household member will be affected, till the "maximum visiting sims" limit, so you have to consider also this, in your calculations. The default limit should be 4, unless you've raised it already with some hack or cheat code.
Suggested additions which may help:No conflicts found with both these hacks.
*confirmed* marhis-probgetfriendfromwork75.package does NOT work with Seasons EP. A workaround is hopefully on the way, but in the meantime remove it from your downloads if you have installed Seasons EP.
UPDATE 11-MAR-2007
Thanks to reesenpieces help, I've managed to update these mods for Pets and Seasons: if you have installed one of both of those EPs, download the updated version.
Only the zip is renamed (with EP4-EP5), while the package itself has the same name; just let them overwrite the outdated copies, and you'll set

UPDATE 16-OCT-2008
Updated to Bon Voyage, FreeTime and Apartment Life.
If you have any or all of this EPs, you should use "probfriendfromwork75-EP6-7-8". "Probgetfriendfromschool", instead, is the same as Seasons version (EP5): no update needed.
I've also addeeded a version which also includes a 0% probability of snow day during winter, suitable from Seasons EP and later, if you like it.
Uploaded: 16th Oct 2008, 218 Bytes.
Uploaded: 16th Oct 2008, 235 Bytes.
Uploaded: 11th Mar 2007, 281 Bytes.
Uploaded: 11th Mar 2007, 303 Bytes.
Uploaded: 16th Jan 2007, 300 Bytes.
Uploaded: 16th Jan 2007, 279 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 16th Oct 2008 at 8:30 AM - updated for FT and AL
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About Me
which name starts with letter B,
don't use on Sundays until moon raising,
clap your hands twice every morning,
shave your head,
worship me and all my relatives till the fifth generation.
Serious part: do whatever you want with my stuff and enjoy;).