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More Oneway Doors

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The doors are basically finished. Although I still would love feedback since both sets are basically a first effort for my part. And I well know I had to have made mistakes or missed key methods in the process.

Doc Holladay

I have managed to expand the oneway door selection a good bit by adding the doors from the following ep's and stuff pack:
University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Glamour Life and Pets.

Each door is packed separately so you can pick and choose the ones you want to utilize in your neighborhoods.

If you haven't looked at the previous set they are available here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=208468

For this set I can't completely say which doors came with which ep or the glamour life pack since some of them seemed to be common between them when I extracted them with SimPe.

So for now the best I can say about the usage of them is if you don't have the original door from Maxis in your game, you probably will not be able to use a particular door.

As far as my testing has shown all the original Maxis colors are available, as for recolors done for those doors I just don't know at this time since I don't have any on hand to test with. CEP should of course be available just as a standard however in my opinion for the game anyway.

I have tried to keep both the doors and filenames as close to the original door name as I could, but I am kind of dumb at times so some won't match exactly in the naming I used.

Please let me know how you like them. I will be adding each door here along with some pictures I took mainly utilizing one community lot building. The single doors I setup as double doors in the pictures to show a possible usage for traffic control purposes.

The building I used is one I like for a car dealership for one of my sims. Great income, but I can't upload or share that building even if asked. I downloaded the original building from MTS2 and although its been totally gutted and changed its still not my work, so I won't share that lot.

I need to express a special thanks to Inge Jones for telling me that I could do these doors using her work as a guideline. I do admit I took one of her BHAV's since I had no idea of how to create it.
Also a special thanks to the creators of SimPE and CEP for such great tools.
An extra special thanks has to go to all the great folks who have encouraged me to do this and in the case of Kathy for one kept an eye on my doors for a while after my mother passed away.

And as always any mistakes are mine, not the people who told me I could do it and/or provided guidance along the way.

I packaged each door separately because I felt you should have the option of downloading only those doors you might actually use in game.

Even though its listed as requiring all game eps and the stuff pack I have, you might get by if you already have the original door in your game from maxis, as I found in trying to extract the originals some showed up in multiple combinations with the base game (which is definitely required). So my best advice is if you don't have the original door it will probably not show up properly.


If these doors and the other oneway doors need to be in the building/doors forum, would a moderator please relocate tehm for me.

Additional Credits:
Inge Jones for her encouragement and granting me to use her great work for an example. SimPE for the great tool it is. CEP which I consider a required tool in my downloads folder.
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