Sim Air Flight 815
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Hi everyone. Tonight I bring you an airplane that your sims can use. Not to actually fly, but to live in. It was requested by funney250 and Simbuilder8. The plane is fully built on the lot, but there are some extra bits in the in the construction kit pack, including a collection file for easier location in your downloads folder. Also I included a version that's compatible with expansions packs upto Seasons because it shows in the neighbourhood view, if it works in your game you might want to keep that instead of the basegame version which doesn't show up. You can use it for movies or as a living space for your sims, or as a community attraction such as a restaurant or nightclub. There is some issue with the lightning during the night, the lights are not strong enough like in a normal house. The plane was cloned from a statue, and technically speaking, the sims are outside. It will also snow, raind and hail on them if you have seasons. It is better to turn winter season off as it takes a while for the snow to melt. Well, hope you like it. Enjoy!

:. For crew uniforms, please check out this thread by lemontour.

Lot size: 5x5
Price: approx. 60.000 $imoleons
Created and tested for base game compatibility with Base Game Starter Pro by Numenor.

Poly counts:
Door - 14 faces / 16 vertices
Fake wall - 98 faces / 92 vertices
Stairs edging - 20 faces / 24 vertices
TV - same as Maxis
Plane - 6930 faces / 6528 vertices
Luggage compartments - 97 faces / 92 vertices
ceiling pieces - 59 faces / 52 vertices
Seat - 1179 faces / 956 vertices
curtains - 72 faces / 74 vertices
ceiling lights - 84 faces / 128 vertices
stairs - 86 faces / 84 vertices
Spotlights - same as maxis

I would like to thank Numenor for the Base Game Starter Pro and for teaching me a ingenious trick to make the plane clickable only on the wings so it doesn't interfere with the gameplay inside; Echo, whose awsome carpets I have cloned for the overhead luggage compartments and ceiling pieces; CycloneSue from TSR for the wonderful modular stairs tutorial; and Maxis for the great game and for putting in the dancecube which has helped me a lot with some of the measurements.
!!! In order to make the stairs work in your game, you need to put the file 2007_CrocobauraAirplaneModularStairs.txt in your Scriptorium_ModularStairs folder if you're using the Scriptorium or you need to copy the text inside it at the bottom of the modularstairs.txt file from this path:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts
Lot Size: 5x5
Lot Price: approx. 60.000 $imol
Custom Content by Me:
- Airplane Fake Wall Left
- Airplane Ceiling Lights
- Airplane Curtain Left
- Airplane Curtain - Right
- Airplane Stairs Ballustrade
- InFlight TV
- Jumbo Jet Basegame
- Plane Ceiling
- Plane Luggage Compartments
- Plane Seat
- Airplane SpotLights
- Airplane Stairs
Additional Credits:
Made with Wings3D, UVMapper, Paint Shop Pro, SimPE
Filename | Type | Size |
Crocobaura_Airplane Construction Kit.rar | rar | |
Crocobaura_Jumbo Jet Basegame.package | package | 1412849 |
Crocobaura_JumboJet.package | package | 1412655 |
Crocobaura_Plane Ceiling.package | package | 108906 |
Crocobaura_Plane Luggage Compartments.package | package | 115065 |
Crocobaura_Plane Seat.package | package | 655561 |
Airplane Construction Kit_COLLECTION FILE.package | package | 5344 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Ceiling Lights.package | package | 292852 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Curtains Left2.package | package | 194712 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Curtains Right2.package | package | 194761 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Door.package | package | 87385 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Fake Wall Left.package | package | 108937 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Spotlights.package | package | 72413 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Stairs Edging.package | package | 60576 |
Crocobaura_Airplane Stairs.rar | rar | 18853 |
Crocobaura_In Flight TV.package | package | 216845 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Airplane Assembling instructions.rar | rar | |
Airplane Assembling instructions.doc | doc | 5994496 |
Jumbo Jet_Seasons_Air Alaska Recolour.rar
Uploaded: 23rd May 2007, 187.5 KB.
Jumbo Jet_Basegame_Air Alaska Recolour.rar
Uploaded: 23rd May 2007, 190.2 KB.
Airplane Assembling instructions.rar
Uploaded: 10th May 2007, 5.66 MB.
Crocobaura_Airplane Construction Kit.rar
Uploaded: 10th May 2007, 1.04 MB.
Uploaded: 10th May 2007, 839.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 7th Sep 2008 at 10:38 PM
by crocobaura 2nd Jul 2007 at 11:15pm
+7 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
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Kitchen & Bath
Ikea Home
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+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by Sims2BuilderNoCC 14th Nov 2021 at 2:03pm
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Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
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About Me
If you want to convert any of my Sims2 objects to be used in Sims3, please feel free to do it yourself. Thank you!