Orion Galaxon - An alien student

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Meet Orion. He's from a distant galaxy called Aloisia Minor. His homeworld, Alaadia, is in a state of political unrest so prompted by the constant urging of his parents, he boarded a Pan Galactic Space Cruiser and is headed towards Terra to escape the probable assasination of his lineage. Orion desires to further his education on Terra, make friends, and possibly settle down with a human girl. He's just like Terrans except for his family lineage crest which has been implanted onto the side of his face, his fangs, and his pale green skin. While enjoying his intergalactic cruise, Orion has used the ships stores quite frequently to try and change his appearance so he can better adapt to the terran culture. He's got terran clothes (which he finds the pants too binding), jewellery, and is even trying to sport "facial pricklies", all for the sake of just trying to fit in.

There are 5 things which I haven't included in this package. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to, so I just left them out. In order to have Orion appear in your game as I've created him (man, I sound like I'm God), you will need the following.

Stylish Beard (Black) - Pimp My Sims
Sexy Designer Stubble - Pimp My Sims
Default Replacement Teen Clothes from this site. Man, you guys are awesome!
Medium Wolf Cut For Males

I would like to thank all of the wonderful creators out there whose work I have used to come up with Orion. I thank each and every one of you for your talent. Without people like you, who give so freely and ask such little in return, people like me wouldn't be able to create our ideas. This truly is a wonderful experience by which we can all share.

Custom Content Included:
- helaene - realistic brows 2 - 8 by Helaene
- Our Visitors, by Pickpock by Pickpock
- Facial Tattoo by Shimmeringcat
- Bad Eye Bags by Hairfish
- Ascarion2007 by ascarion at MTS2
- Eyeshadow #2 {Louis@SimCribbling} by Louis
- {Yellowgreen} Louis@SimCribbling by Louis / Ren
- Ascarion2007 by ascarion at MTS2
- Ascarion2007 by ascarion at MTS2
- "Fishy?" - Scaled Lip-Gloss by Woglinde by sunken-woglinde
- Vampire Fangs by generalzoi
- Paleo male teen diamond left by Paleoanth
- Paleo Diamond earrings male right by Paleoanth
- {Yellowgreen} Louis@SimCribbling by Ren

**UPDATE** It has been brought to my attention that my package file for this sim contained only the custom content and not the sim with the custom content. Opps.
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