La Maison du Deborah de Sorciere

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This download is part of the Fairytale Creator Challenge
Nestled in a forest on the outskirts of Fantasia sits a quaint home. La Maison du Deborah de Sorciere was once the home to a woman simply known as Deborah. She was a remarkable woman, always more than willing to lend a hand to help a neighbour, always offering "special" goodies to her friends. Things always seemed to be different at Deborah's house. Neighbours often commented on how they could hear whooshing sounds accompanied by flashes of light coming from her home. Some swore that at night they would see a silhouette, sitting side saddle on a broomstick, floating effortlessly through the night sky. As always, her cat Lucinda was with her. People started to wonder, started to talk amongst themselves, always asking the same question. Could it be? Could it actually be true? Was Deborah, our friend and neighbour, actually a broomstick riding, cauldron stirring witch? The answer was yes. Deborah was shocked to learn that her friends and neighbours had found out the truth about her but was relieved that what she got was total acceptance from them. Years went by and Deborah lived out her life with her friends and neighbours until she passed away. Her last words before passing was a hope that a truly magical person live in her home. It would be shown to them as to having power, if the candles started to float around her home. A statue of Lucinda, her trusty familiar was placed on the counter in her kitchen as a reminder of the kind of remarkable woman that she was. La Maison du Deborah de Sorciere is now on the market and the asking price is $357,212. Situated on a 6x5 lot, the home features 2 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, living room, and special magic room. A hidden bookcase door will open when approached to reveal the staircase that will take you to the converted dungeon or to the upstair level. The grand waterfall at the back of the property spills into a meandering river that empties into a swan filled lake. Total peace and tranquility for all aspiring witches and wizards who desire to reside in Fantasia. To complete the magical fairytale theme, I would recommend downloading items from The Harry Potter Project .

Custom Content Included:
- 4ESF Outdoor5 Plant by 4eversimfantasy
- Mighty Miscanthus large by buggybooz
- The Mumbo Jumbo Grass by buggybooz
- Secret Bookcase Door by boblishman
- Bog Arum by macarossi
- Pond Waterfall Cascading by macarossi
- Chains by Lerterimas
- "La Gargouille" Ornamental Sculpture by gromit
- Fireplace Facade by CTNutmegger
- Medevil Torch by Dr. Macabre
- Toilet Paper Cosie by IndigoRage
- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo
- Alchemy notes by Lethe_s
- Broom by Lethe_s
- Pile o' books by Lethe_s
- Clump of grass by Lethe_s
- Dragonhead wall-shelf by Lethe_s
- Fire protection rune by Lethe_s
- Witchy Kitchenshelf by Lethe_s
- Magick bookcase by Lethe_s
- Medieval toilet by Lethe_s
- Wash-basin by Lethe_s
- Mortar and pestle by Lethe_s
- Small cauldron by Lethe_s
- Tea set by Lethe_s
- Waterbutt by Lethe_s
- Witches' tools by Lethe_s
- Dragonhead desk by Lethe_s
- Floating Candles, floor by lorelly
- Floating Candles, wall by lorelly
- Nimbus 2000 by lorelly
- Simple Spiral Stairs - Left turn by Marvine
- medieval candles I by Paleoanth@MTS2(permission granted to include)
- Medieval Stocks by Lerterimas
- Gentrific "Flame-O-Rama" Fireplace WITHOUT CHIMNEY by mia86
- Fireplace Tools by momma b
- Fireplace Logholder by momma b
- Mosaic PLant by macarossi
- Rustic Waterwheel by MsBarrows
- Sitting Black Cat by mickyss
- "Good Ol' Times" Coal Stove (UV) by Numenor
- Antique Scroll-in-a-Box Table Phone by Hysterical Paroxysm
- slot_accessoryphonewallhandset_ring_fx by Hysterical Paroxysm
- Pond Rocks by macarossi
- Swan by smithycpl
- Taro by macarossi
- Rock by Nancy by Enelya
- Grass4 by Nancy by Enelya
- clearblue water by lemonontour
- Thalia Dealbata by macarossi
- 1-Story Waterfall by Tiggy027
- Wand by XxHalfBloodPrincexX
- Small Pool Waterfall by macarossi
- Xanathonian Crystalsphere Personal Conjurer (PC) by xanathon
- Insane Sorcerer Hedra TV by Cthulhu Gizmos Inc. by wintermuteai1

Additional Credits:
Special thanks go out to all of the wonderful content creators whose work I have used in making this, my very first home in Sims2. Special thanks also go out to Christine for the easy to follow spire tutorial, tkdjunkie for the swimmable lake tutorial, and simcastic1 for the basement tutorial. Finally, a big hug goes to my wife, Deborah, whom this home is named after. You will always be my sorciere. I love you, Dee.
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