[BLUE!] Woglinde's Movie-Star Sims! [Jonathan, Ophelia and Edith]
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These three Sims have been around for some time, and have quite a bit of sim-movie experience under their belts. For me, these noble Sims, who sacrificed life and limb to let me film to my heart's content, are something truly special. Through filming, each of these sims have developed their own personalities beyond normal...and now that I'm setting them free, they're prepared to stir up some craziness in your neighborhoods!

First, we have the #1 star of both The View from Heaven and BLUE-- Jonathan!
Jonathan is probably my favorite Sim that I've ever made; not because of appearance, but because of the Sim that he's become. He's an extremely thoughtful and loyal young man who thrives off of socialization, and will occasionally have strange hallucinations. (Most frequently, his eyesight tends to have an, ehh, blue sort of tinge.

Jonathan is the sort of Sim who will look for friendship more than love, but if he does find someone he cares for, he'll stand by their side through thick and thin. He's generally mild-mannered and polite; though he enjoys childishly fun and simple things, like fishing or rollerskating, the most.

Next up is Ophelia, who co-starred in BLUE as the 'Sweet Asylum Girl' who saves Jonathan from his insanity and hallucinations. Much like Jonathan, Ophelia is rather quirky, but in contrast doesn't rely at all on socialization. She's a glass-half-full sort of girl that will find humor in practically anything, and her hyperactive, innocent sort of playful and talkative attitude never fails to drive anti-social sims batty. Often, Sims and doctors alike strain to figure out if Ophelia is actually insane, or if she's making odd sorts of jokes; but whatever the case, her strange remarks and way of life landed her a place in the Simwood Insane Asylum alongside Jonathan.
Most of the time, Ophelia insists on wearing her vintage Catra masquerade mask, for odd reasons that are never consistent; and seems to have Ball Joint Doll marks painted on her skin, which she applies every morning with a sharpie(she's afraid of needles, so no tattoos). Ophelia LOVES cats and birds, so if you have Pets, be sure to give her a ridiculous amount of them.
Ophelia most enjoys speaking with John, and is practically his best friend; especially considering that they both find humor in each other and can relate with each other's insanities. Her feelings toward John aren't spoken, but it would be easy to guess what they might be. Ophelia is a popularity Sim, and should be very playful, active and kind.

Last but not least, there is Edith; co-star of The View from Heaven and 'the Girlfriend' in BLUE. Edith, in contrast to Ophelia and John, is extremely nit-picky and thankfully completely sane. She's rather preppy and can be fairly judgemental, but overall Edith means well to those around her. Edith is one of the sims that absolutely can't stand being around Ophelia- doubly so because Jonathan so enjoys speaking with her- and tends to get possessive of things and people easily. Edith is that 'girl next door' who grew up in Jonathan's hometown, and has liked him ever since she was young. However, she does have a habit of ignoring him and being irritated with his hallucinations even if she loves him; which was demonstrated when she let him be dragged away to the insane asylum.
Either way, she wants to rid him of his hallucinations for good and stay by his side. She loves to paint and has many talents, on top of being fairly popular to boot. Edith is probably either a popularity or knowlage sim, and make sure to give her lots of neat points so she can clean house like crazy!
As you can all see, these three Sims have a sort of love triangle going...and Jonathan is so oblivious, haha! Who will Jonathan love? That descision is now up to you...

Skintone (#7 LIGHT) by Louis
Male Hair 0024 by Peggy (MESH and color required)
Optionals: Jonathan has been packaged with one of Fanseelamb's untuckable tops and his favorite pair of Maxis jeans(seriously, he wears them everywhere!). However, if you want his clothes worn in both BLUE and The View from Heaven, please download the LOSTCharlie's Clothing set by Paperbackwriter.

Aerith Hair Mesh by Rosesims2.net (MESH and Color)
Catra's Mask by Go Go Glamour Girl
Eyeshadow by Peggy(Sorry, I don't know what one...it just says "Peggy"...but, Peggy has lots of great eyeshadows, and Bruno's eyeshadows look good on Ophelia too. =)
Clothing wise, Ophelia likes theSilver Rose Ballgown by liegenschonheit, the Jack Skellington Clothing Collection (she's pictured in the pink one) orFanseefem Casuals by HystericalParoxysm.
I was going to include the Jack Skellington outfit and Catra Mask with Ophelia, but until I get permission they will be excluded from her file. For Catra's mask, just download the Catra sim itself- it's an awesome Sim. =)
Also, Ophelia is not packaged with any clothing.

Skintone (#7 LIGHT) by Louis
Platinum Blonde Peggy Hair 198 Recolor by Wednesday17 (NOTE: The one in the pictures is a recolor by me, which is for my own private use. Besides, Wednesday17's looks better than mine, so it's all good.)
Hair Mesh
Untuckable T-Shirt and Jeans Meshes by HystericalParoxysm
Almost anything by Hopawaay109 or Fanseefem Casuals by HystericalParoxysm. Edith is already packaged with

Please do NOT re-upload or modify these three sims, OR use them in movies/stories without permission! If you want to use them in a movie/story, I'd be flattered- just ask first and give me a link!

If you want to watch these Sims's movies, watch BLUE and The View from Heaven
Custom Content by Me:
- Full Sim
- Full Sim
- Full Sim
- Necklace - Saint Ceclia by Woglinde
Custom Content Included:
- helaene - realistic brows - 3 by Helaene
- Below by Enayla by Enayla
- Just Lips ~Light01~ by A.S.K. by AtomicSpaceKitty
- by fanseelamb by fanseelamb
- helaene - realistic brows - 3 by Helaene
- PIN Eyes by Pinstruck
- helaene_diorblush - peach veil by Helaene- dior blushes
- CandyLips -Pink Icing- Bruno@MTS2 by bruno
- seomi_eyeliner by Seomi
- Ephemera_BJDSkin_NaturalWhite by teru_k
- helaene - 0109 brow - medium brown by Heleane
- helaene - beautiful stranger - snowfall by helaene
- helaene_diorblush - peach veil by Helaene- dior blushes
- Shy Sheen -Chaste Carnation- Bruno@MTS2 by bruno
- helaene - soft beautiful lashes by Helaene
- HystericalParoxysm - DemusedSims - MTS2 by HystericalParoxysm
- HystericalParoxysm - DemusedSims - MTS2 by HystericalParoxysm
Uploaded: 9th Jul 2007, 1.19 MB.
Uploaded: 9th Jul 2007, 455.6 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Jul 2007, 1.01 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Fanseefem Casuals - Untuckable Shirts + Slouchy Jeans... for the Laydeez by HystericalParoxysm |
freearea.peggysims2.net/ (non-MTS link) |
rosesims2.net/sims2/hair/sims2hair_12.htm (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 9th Jul 2007 at 9:41 PM - Removing non-redistributable content
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+2 packs
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About Me
I've returned! I'm Kat, and currently most of my Sims activity is based at plumb-forgotten.tumblr.com.
Feel free to use any of my stuff in any movies, photos, etc, just don't try and claim it as yours. Also don't edit my sims and claim their faces as yours either. They're my babies, and baby stealing is generally to be frowned upon in society.
I used to make retextures but then I started college so now all I have time to do is make new sims occasionally. I no longer make Sims 2 content and can't really help with any of the old stuff that's broken, that's all on an old long gone computer. :( Sorry!