Villa Renate
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two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room-dining room, kitchen, basement, garage and pool
Mesh rug moutton not included this in the Set livingroom Alexandra of reflexsims
Price 112.032$
All the photos
Recolor doorinterior of forgotten maxis, download here
I have used the invisible wall of Numenor

Lot Size: 3x4
Lot Price: 112.032
Custom Content by Me:
- cuadrohorizontal brucke
- deco2 junior
- deco3 junior
- decorativo1 junior
- mesilla junior
- escritorio junior
- Lampara mesa Anastasia
- pili-lightingtableAnastasia-yelow
- lamara mesa Bianca1
- lampra mesa bianca P
- mesa cafe equilibrio
- armario people puertas correderas
- camadoble people
- silla señorita junior
- sillón con cojin ibiza
- sillon ibiza
- sofa brucke
- sofa ibiza
- pili_Alexandra_rug_moutton
- calas
- pili_centro-rosas-madera
- centro mesa rosas
- pili_centro-rosas-white
- pili_consolacasual2_cosmos
- consolacasual2
- pili_cuadrovertical1-calidoscopico1
- pili_cuadrovertical1-calidoscopico2
- cuadro vertical1
- set_ozieri
- set_geometric
- set_cloque
- floor_metalic-cobaltoliso
- parquet
- paves
- floor_Bilbao negro
- set_cloque
- armario junior
- Craftmeister's Pine Bed
- pili-chairdining-century-fuego
- silla century
- cuadro horizontal1
- pili-cuadrohorizontalbrucke-6H
- mesa dining modena2
- pili_fucsia
- piedra3
- pili_ojas verdes
- piedra2
- pili_recubrimieno dunas
- pili_recubriento-gravilla
- metalizada
- black&white
- serie-art
- serie-art
- estuco
- black&white
- black&white
- serie-art
- Bunny
- pili_cuadrovertical1-mis angeles
- mesita people
- mesita2 people
- pili_espejocasual2-cosmos
- espejocasual2
- pili_jarron1-cosmos.package
- pili_jarron1-wengue
- jarron1
- lampara Jazz
- lampara mesa casual
- pili_lamparamesa-casual-wengue
- lapara suelo casual2
- pili_lamparasuelo-casual2-wengue
- libreria ibiza
- libreria x
- pili_lightingceilingJoe-blanco
- lampara techo Joe
- lampara mesa carmen
- mesa ibiza
- mesita equilibrio
- silla Ibiza
- pili_silladiningdmodena-blanco
- silla comedor modena
- sillon casual
- pili_silloncasual-wengue
- mesa cafe junior
- pili_tablediningModena-blanco
Custom Content Included:
- 4ESF Bedroom8 Fence by
- 4ESF Other10 Staircase by 4eversimfantasy
- Rosenstrauss by birgit
- vase l-rose by birgit
- 4ESF Outdoor2 Globe Shrub by 4eversimfantasy
- 4ESF Outdoor5 Rock Fountain by 4eversimfantasy
- 4ESF Outdoor5 Rocks by 4eversimfantasy
- "Eponymous Garden" Blackberry by parsimonious
- "Eponymous Garden" Columbine by parsimonious
- "Eponymous Garden" Ginseng by Kate
- k8-eponymousgarden-ginseng-yellrecol-051606 by Kate
- "Eponymous Garden" Lavender by kate
- "Eponymous Garden" Radish by Kate
- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyLargerRCY by khakidoo
- Birch Tree Shrubby by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyRCY by khakidoo
- Cypress Based Shrub by khakidoo
- Mono Kitchen - Airpump by
- Mono Kitchen - Counter by murano
- Mono Kitchen - Counter by murano
- Mono Kitchen - Counterfinish by
- Mono Kitchen - Shelf by
- Mono Kitchen - Lamp by
- Mono Kitchen - Sink by
- Mono Kitchen - Stove by
- Mono Kitchen - Table Deco by
- WallWindow Seamless Garage Door by Numenor
- rdrglx_invisibledriveway. by roddyaleixo
- Open Wooden Stairs (by Reyn) by Reyn
- bathroom 1- bath by Sims In Paris
- Bathroom 1- curtain by Sims In Paris
- Bathroom 1- mirror by Delphine
- Bathroom 1- deco towel by Delphine
- Bathroom1- sink by Delphine
- Bathroom 1- table by Delphine
- Bathroom 1- toilet by Delphine
- bedroom5** -curtain2- by by Jasmine
- bedroom5** -flowers- by by Jasmine
- The Flat Artefact by Ergo - by SimtopiX by SimtopiX
- The Top Artefact by Ergo - by SimtopiX by SimtopiX
- 2x3 Floor Rug by Numenor
- Reflex_Windowset_Windowclear by reflex
- Monticello Window by reflex
- ziiz Dongle Arch by shufonk
Filename | Type | Size |
parte1.rar | rar | |
pili_tablediningModena-MESH.package | package | 234830 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
RS_OpenTimberStairs_022207.package | package | 230480 |
sip-bathroom1-bath.package | package | 995411 |
sip-bathroom1-curtain.package | package | 188144 |
sip-bathroom1-mirror.package | package | 467952 |
sip-bathroom1-rug.package | package | 367841 |
sip-bathroom1-sink.package | package | 817857 |
sip-bathroom1-table.package | package | 526073 |
sip-bathroom1-toilet.package | package | 482317 |
sip-bedroom5-curtain2-jasmine.package | package | 323799 |
sip-bedroom5-vase-jasmine.package | package | 233205 |
terrainPaint_12d0f8ea.package | package | 87665 |
terrainPaint_738533a7.package | package | 84193 |
terrainPaint_92d0f91a.package | package | 85610 |
terrainPaint_93853348.package | package | 82130 |
terrainPaint_b2e888be.package | package | 76853 |
terrainPaint_d2e88959.package | package | 81150 |
UX_FlatArtefact.package | package | 526074 |
UX_TopArtefact.package | package | 654398 |
wall_3311b97b.package | package | 80297 |
wall_332c290c.package | package | 2887 |
wall_33338deb.package | package | 4421 |
wall_53336b19.package | package | 11471 |
wall_930fe612.package | package | 51551 |
wall_932c25a0.package | package | 23879 |
wall_932c28d9.package | package | 11290 |
wall_93336abb.package | package | 17826 |
wall_f2a6dc44.package | package | 32628 |
wind_echorug2x3.package | package | 27634 |
Windowset_Windowclear.package | package | 347540 |
Windowset_WindowLoft.package | package | 347447 |
ziiz_donglearch_MESH.package | package | 300424 |
pili_cuadrovertical1-mis angeles.package | package | 177492 |
pili_endtable-people-MESH.package | package | 215669 |
pili_endtable2-people-MESH.package | package | 104551 |
pili_espejocasual2-cosmos.package | package | 24313 |
pili_espejocasual2-MESH.package | package | 64354 |
pili_jarron1-cosmos.package | package | 177266 |
pili_jarron1-wengue.package | package | 177272 |
pili_jarroncasual-mesh.package | package | 681305 |
pili_lampara-jazz-MESH.package | package | 430616 |
pili_lamparamesa-casual-MESH.package | package | 239282 |
pili_lamparamesa-casual-wengue.package | package | 26962 |
pili_lamparasuelo-casual2-MESH.package | package | 253719 |
pili_lamparasuelo-casual2-wengue.package | package | 56965 |
pili_libreriaIbiza-MESH.package | package | 899054 |
pili_libreriaX-MESH.package | package | 844072 |
pili_lightingceilingJoe-blanco.package | package | 48551 |
pili_lightingceilingJoe-MESH.package | package | 158443 |
pili_lightingtableCarmen-Mesh.package | package | 338027 |
pili_mesaibiza-MESH.package | package | 324364 |
pili_mesitaequilibrio2-MESH.package | package | 111315 |
pili_silla-IbizaMESH.package | package | 199279 |
pili_silladiningdmodena-blanco.package | package | 68615 |
pili_silladiningdmodena-MESH.package | package | 801468 |
pili_silloncasual-mesh.package | package | 525677 |
pili_silloncasual-wengue.package | package | 89940 |
pili_tablecoffee-junior-MESH.package | package | 168670 |
pili_tablediningModena-blanco.package | package | 91195 |
Villa Renate.rar | rar | 784220 |
recolores.rar | rar | 268525 |
Uploaded: 12th Jul 2007, 7.12 MB.
Uploaded: 12th Jul 2007, 5.74 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 13th Jul 2007 at 4:06 PM
by patul 10th Jul 2006 at 1:14pm
5 8.3k 1
by darkwytche2006 7th Mar 2007 at 10:26pm
+2 packs
Open for Business
by MaORiLiCioUs7 5th Jun 2007 at 6:41am
+7 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
Heaven's Villa (Fully furnished)
by Licia21 12th Aug 2008 at 9:47pm
+7 packs
Glamour Life
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
by nazariopilar 27th Apr 2007 at 9:08am
Recolours Set-solar the murano mesh floor mirror transparent more...
by nazariopilar 6th May 2007 at 9:02pm
Unfurnished terrain 4x3 Price 59.056 outside Planos All the more...
+5 packs
Open for Business
by nazariopilar 6th Feb 2007 at 9:23pm
Living-Diáfano mesh here more...
6º recolor the set-Lolita "Tribal"
by nazariopilar 7th Apr 2007 at 10:20am
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Special for season recolor maxis more...
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |