Pompeiian mosaic walls and floors.
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Since a few weeks the mountain Vesuvius is smoking. The smoke becomes thicker and thicker. The ground is rumbling and every day there are series of earthshocks.
August 24 79 AD.
Around 1 pm suddenly all hell breaks loose. The top of the mountain split open and tons of rock and ash burst into the sky. The dark, mushroomshaped cloud darkened the whole of southern europe. Suddenly the cloud dropped down to the earth burrying Pompeii and neighbouring Herculaneum under toms of rubble, rock and lava. When the pyroclastic cloud reached the citizens who didn't get out, they burned to death right where they lay down their bodies. Six meters of rock burried both towns for almost eternity...
A farmer whos digging a trench for water finds a stone with the inscription: "Pompeii". He decides to report his find to the government. Charles III of Spain, King of Naples and Sicily, hears from the find and calls a few workers to dig around. No-one knows what they find.
Giuseppe Fiorelli, archeologist, is digging with his men. They find the first bodies and decide to inject plaster into the voids left by the bodies of the citizens who didn't escape.
Today. 4/5 of the whole site has dug up. Many antiquities have been found. Pompeii has become a popular tourist destination, with approx. 2,5 million visitors a year. The site was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

I bring you four walls and two floors from Pompeii. The rich mosaics will make your sims house much grander.
The walls and floors can be found under tiling and will cost 10 simoleans. Nowhere near as expensive as the real floors would have been for the rich Pomeiians.
All walls and floors have discriptions telling you what exactly is shown on it.

Uploaded: 20th Aug 2007, 758.9 KB.
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Updated: 5th May 2009 at 6:55 PM by Canoodle
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About Me
You can always include my walls in any of your houses. Just link back to my profile, so people can find more stuff from me.
I want to say a big thanks to all the creators who are kind enough to let me share their creations in my houses. Without their content i wouldn't be able to build the houses i'm building.
I won't be uploading anything again.