Maxis Match eyes (10 colors)
maxis-match-1.jpg - width=342 height=423
maxis-match-2.jpg - width=670 height=420
maxis-match-3.jpg - width=286 height=441
The white around the eyes is a totally clear white, like the originals. No shadows, no photo-iris. Just simple to match better with the originals. As base I've used my very old handpainted eyes and changed the color and style to match more the maxis eyes.
Looks good with Maxis skintones or my Maxis matching skin (which I've used in the picture). Additionaly to the Maxis colors I've made 5 more colors: light blue, light brown, light green, bluegreen and black.
When I'm back from holiday I will do some defaults. If you are faster: Go on. So I haven't so much work.

Uploaded: 22nd Aug 2007, 66.3 KB.
Uploaded: 22nd Aug 2007, 67.5 KB.
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Updated: 10th Oct 2008 at 11:43 AM
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