Ioun Stone (magic stone spinning around head) *animated* accessory for all age/gender

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From out of Dungeons & Dragons we have the Ioun Stone, a mystic stone that spins around your head granting you a magical boost. That game took its inspiration for them from a similar item in the novel Rhialto the Marvelous by Jack Vance. Now one of these stones is available for your Sims as a particularly interesting fashion statement, these can be found under glasses for every age and gender: Its flight path has even been made wide enough to accomodate my Lord Woot Sim.

This accessory should work without any expansions. If you use Pets or later however the trail behind the stone may bleed through partially do to a drawing distance bug instituted in that version of Sims. The workaround for that problem is unfortunately not compatable with animation, but since the stone moves so fast and these are essentially speed lines, its not much of an issue here so it should still be fine for all versions.

Feel free to recolor the stone, pointing back here for the meshes if you do. Adjusting the alpha and colors correctly could easily produce several stones circling at once or two heading in opposite directions.

Comments on the results, installation issues, ways to improve my next project's design/presentation, etc are of course welcome...

Polygon Counts:
MESH_IounStone_UU-Akabarl = 1460 Face, 1465 Vertices.
This is an animated item, so its processor requirements will be slightly higher.

Additional Credits:
Documentation by JWoods was key to making this a reality, though material from the other great documentation writers on the site (especially Dr Pixel, Snowstorm, Tiggerypum, Mininessie, and Demon432) was always important to refer to. Also thanks to the makers of SimPE and Milkshape for providing the tools, Jack Vance for dreaming up such stones, and the letter "D" (at least when followed immediately by "&D").
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