A Day With Damian

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Hello everybody...

It's been quite a while since I last upload anything eversince my neighborhood got corrupted and I have to reinstall everything. Things do get pretty annoying when I installed Bon Voyage and after a few days I finally decided to uninstall the EP since it slows my game pretty bad. However, today I start uploading again and this time it's a Sims's Special and I called it "A Day With Damian".

I think some of you guys might recognized him. He is my main model for my previous upload called Casual 2 Dark. I never thought about uploading him but since I have quite a request for him and finally found a perfect skintone that resembles my custom made ones, I decided to share him with you all fellow simmers here . For those who are requesting him before, I'm so sorry if it takes such a very long time for me to upload him.

Okay, let's just get to the point. His name is Damian Sheridan and he's one of my many models and also playable sims in my current neighborhood (Yes, I do play... ). He's a very versatile character and he can fit himself in any situations.

The reason why this thread is called "A Day With Damian" is because I also included 8 outfits especially for him to be worn the whole day and for some special ocassion (Bonus) outfits too. I've made seperate downloads for anyone who are interested into downloading certain outfits only.

Damian in his Everyday outfit

(Note: You'll need meshes by Rabid Angel at Sim Connection for this set of clothing)

Sims Connection

* Workout Time, Guy's Night Out and Lounging Time (the one included in the Sims2pack) need mesh zip called MESH_RabidAngelamAthRetroBells.
Go to Men's Fashions and click on 70s Madness Day on page 2 for the mesh.

* A Dip In The Pool needs mesh zip called MESH_RabidAngelamATHBoardShorts.
Go to Men's Fashions and click on Swim Shorts on page 1 for the mesh.

* BedTime need mesh zip called MESH_RabidAngelAMAthleticBaseBody.
Go to Men's Fashions and click on Skimpy Skivies on page 1 for the mesh.

Damian Bonus Outfits:

* As for Formal, I'm using mesh by Lueppi. Actually, I don't think this requires a mesh but if this outfit doesn't showed up in your game, you'll need to download this one clothing file on her site.

Go to Men's clothes - Student & Adult - Casual (Page 2, the last pic)

Lueppi sims

* Winter needs mesh by Myos at The Sims Artist Union.
You need to go to Downloads - Clothes - Page 12 - MYOS Male Clothes 01
(Note: This outfit also enabled for Everyday)

The Sims Artist Union

* Since Damian is my Casual 2 Dark model, I've also included an extra goth outfit for him. Top is by Maxis but definately need a mesh by Q3tbo for the pants.


Not Included Custom Contents:

* Skintones by Coris at Sims Artist Union.
Go to Download - Genetics - Page 5 - New Skintone by Coris (Adult LIGHT)

* Hair by MyoS at Sims Artist Union.
Go to Download - Genetics - Page 11 - MYOS Male Hair 12

The Sims Artist Union

Well, I hope you guys like him. Many thanks to Rabid Angel, Q3tbo, Myos and Lueppi for their indeed wonderful meshes. Also, I would like to thanks to all creators for each and every custom contents I've used whether it's included or not. Without them, nothing like this can be done.

Do whatever you want to do with him. Whether you want to treat him nice or bad, it's up to you :D. Enjoy and happy simming everybody.


Custom Content by Me:
- Pinstripe Shirt by Noogie@MTS2
- Noogie Red Formalwear by Noogie@MTS2
- Volcom Outerwear by Noogie@MTS2
- Zipper Leather Pants by Noogie@MTS2
- BlueShirt & LeatherPants by Noogie@MTS2
- GymWear by Noogie@MTS2
- Fox Boardshort by Noogie@MTS2
- Diesel Underwear by Noogie@MTS2
- Damian Sheridan
- Camo Top & Jeans by Noogie@MTS2

Custom Content Included:
- www.sims24ever.de by Rene
- copyright by http://www.serasims.de by serasims
- helaene - february shadow - 15 by Helaene
- Keira's Lashes by Bruno @ MTS2 by Bruno @ MTS2
- {Light} Louis@SimCribbling by Ren
- ByBarcelonista by Just Sims2
- BrunoBritneyLip enabled for male by Bruno @ MTS2
- Charlize Theron nose V2 by martyk


I don't take requests but....

You may:
* Include my creation in your package sims with credit. A link back to thread is much appreciated.
* Redistribute them to any other sites that are FREE.
* Use my texture for your own personal use. You don't need my permission for this. If you're planning on uploading them, please keep the credit.
* Of course, use my skin in snapshots, movies, stories, avatars, etc...with or without credit. No permission needed.

You may not:
* Upload or redistribute my creation to any PAY-related sites.
* Use my texture for profit if you're planning on uploading them, not just Sims 2 but for another game also.
* Include my recolors of Q3tbo's meshes if you're planning to upload my stuffs outside of MTS2. I strongly suggest you to PM Q3tbo first for permission to include my recolors in your package. Respect her policy too.


Additional Credits:
Thanks to every custom content creators that I've used in my package and my snapshots.
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