LOTS of Eyes in Many Colours & Styles.
Eye Collectionsmaller.jpg - width=800 height=325
Fantasy Eyes Collectionsmaller.jpg - width=473 height=461
Clean Eyes Collectionsmaller.jpg - width=800 height=329
Basically: I decided to make my own eyes from a photo. You know, for personal use, no idea I'd ever be attaching them to a post on MTS2... It turned out as your pretty basic blue... (not a self sim in the picture - I just threw her together to take a picture... Poor unloved Sim.)

(I think that's a Raon hairstyle. Nouk lipstick? No idea what the rest might be. Sorry.)
Then, naturally, followed some "basic" recolours. So I arrived at a massive set of "normal" eyes, which, looking back, are nearly all eyes one would only use for a more "fantasy" sim.... After the first greens and blues, they became more and more hand-painted - the light brown and golden yellow I practically remade the whole eye. I'm rather pleased with the red, though.
And after that I kind of blinked awake at 2am, metaphorically surrounded by crumpled up rejected attempts, and a massive heap of eyes blinking back at me - the obligatory alien eyes, then some with stars as the reflections, a random one with leaves in it, some which I'd attacked with the blur brush when I was annoyed, and then found something new and interesting... And several random experiments, which I can't explain.
I use eyes with really shadowy schleras for my fantasy sims (which my attempts at a self sim always turn into anyway), but I made a "clean" version, with the eye cut and pasted onto the Maxis schlera, so it's all white... I was going to use one of the awesome schleras out there, but by the time it occured to me, I was halfway through "fixing" the eyes, and I just threw my arms up in annoyance, and carried on.

Oh - I have a thing for large eyes in the sims - they look better from a distance, and I don't play the whole game zoomed into my Sims faces... so these probably dwarf the delicate little eyes I see a lot of here, but they're not THAT much bigger than the maxis eyes, which I always treat as the "normal" size, as it was what they intended Sims to look like... Just a warning, if you hadn't already noticed, and prefer cute ikkle eyes.
(The blocks of eyes are using the Maxis alien skin (not sure why I did that...) and that's louis hair falling into his eyes. He's a cutie. :P)
I think that's all I have to say for myself, as an apology for this.

Additional Credits:
Credit to pretty much anyone who's ever put mouse / tablet pen to eyes and made something shiny.

Uploaded: 26th Dec 2007, 222.2 KB.
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2007, 289.3 KB.
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2007, 302.3 KB.
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New set of eyes in 5 different colors
by moonluck9 26th Aug 2005 at 9:19am
A set of 4 eyes!! by scxlildevil4lyf!!!
by scxlildevil4lyff 30th Jun 2007 at 10:17pm
Some Recolours of decorative Elephant!
by DUpheaul 29th Dec 2007 at 10:37pm
Seriously, I'm amazed I haven't seen someone else seriously recolouring this adooorable mesh yet... more...
19 18.8k 29
New eyes! "Heart Eyes" (many colours)
by DUpheaul 5th Jan 2008 at 10:14pm
Yeah, she's at it again... Making so many eyes... more...