SimSanta1992's Lots #1: Improved Version of "Modern Masterpiece - 3BR 2BA"

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This is my first upload to modthesims2, so don't be hard when criticizing the upload in the posts, but don't be shy to criticize!!!
And after having problems with the "Attatchment Manager" there are pics in a good size available:
I forgot about the fact, that *.png files are MUCH bigger (file size(kb)) than *.jpg images .

About the lot:

This lot is an Improved Version of the Maxis Lot "Modern Masterpiece - 3BR 2BA".
Useing this lot with the expansion-pack Seasons caused always problems with the weather:
It always started to rain in the lot and the upper bedroom and the little room with the stairs in on the 1st floor where counted as balcony/outside room, so i fixed this problem by adding roofs directly on the rooms on the 1st floor and replacing the fences with a wall.
Another problem i had with this lot in combination with the expansion-pack Nightlife was, that wall at the back of the building didn't complete with the wall of an attached garage. So i "moved" the whole building 1 tile backwards; the Result(s):

This is erverything i know to write, so far, but there's one thing I want you to know:
I'm sorry for my bad english and sending you greets out of Germany!

Lot Size: 4x3
Lot Price: 43,740
furnished: Only the kitchen
played/tested: yes - about 14 days

Custom Content by Me:
- My black recolor of "Elegant Chef FlameBay Gas Range"

Custom Content Included:
- Tornado Solid Steel Fence - Black by HoneyB
(not any more available)

Additional Credits:
Thank you to HoneyB for beeing agreed with the inclusion of her "Tornado Solid Steel Fence - Black"-Recolor
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