Animated Elephants - Rideable and Statue Versions - Custom Sound

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rebecah unfortunately passed away in Jan 2024. She was a profilic creator and will be missed by the whole community both here and at AffinitySims.
Picked Upload!   This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.
Added a Pink Elephant for Jeka:

I created a pink version of the statue. It's not a recolor but has it's own gui. I didn't actually create this by cloning a maxis has a default to fall back to but that item couldn't be animated so I had to pretty much create it with bits and pieces. I wasn't able to get it to work as a recolorable item.

This creation was requested by my dear friend Carolus and I want to thank him for helping with testing and for all his valuable input.

I have an animated elephant statue and a rideable version. I did both versions for those who don't care for the rideable option. My leg movements are still have a glide effect...I'm sorry I'm just not able to get rid of this.

Sims will sometimes ride the wrong end of the elephant or sideways. It depends on the position of your lot as to the direction you have to face the elephant to have the sims ride it properly. Sorry this is also something I've had a difficult time figureing out.

Both versions only actually use one tile as I've found creating animations for more than one tile causes problems. I also wanted to find how to make them visible from the neighborhood I cloned one of my hay stacks that is visible. But my Elephant isn't haystack is. Does anyone know the setting to do this?

Note: Both versions use the same sound file so I've posted that seperate. You will need this if you want the sounds for either version.

Both have 3 animations, the statue version has view option all of which give fun to your Sims. The rideable version give body skills, fitness, and fun.

Statue version is found under Deco/Statues for $1000.
Rideable version is found under Knowledge/Exercise $1500.

These should work for Base game and any combination of EP's.

Both versions:
Poly count is 4372.


I have posted a video here:

I have posted the rideable action here:

Additional Credits:
All that help make this possible. SimPE creators, CEP creators, Peter & Inge Jones for the PJSE SimPE plugin, this site, Stephen Cox creator of UVMapper, and creators of MilkShape. Echo who has taught me more than anyone and I highly recommend her tutorials. Wes_h for his animation plugins. Dr Pixel for his base meshes. Shaklin for her original rideable item. Hexameter for his sound tutorial. I'm so sorry if I forgot anyone.

All the users that have given me so much support and encouragement. I really appreciate you all very much.
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