Llama Express Post Office Project – 1 Corner Lot, 12 new meshes and 3 recolors

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Updated 04.03.08 - Both the original lot and base game lot .rar's were empty. This has been fixed. Please redownload. Thanks swampybr549 for letting me know!

Updated 03.30.08 - Base Game compatible meshes uploaded and sign shadow fixed. Base Game Lot added (not tested)
Please redownload the LlamaExpressMeshes.rar file as it has been updated to make the mail cartons, post office boxes, and lobby supplies base game compatible. As well, I have fixed the shadow for the Llama Express Sign. Just unrar to the same location as before and they will overwrite the old ones! I also noticed that I had included the mail carrier outfits in the screen shots but not in the downloads - these will come soon! Sorry about that.

View screenshots of new BaseGame Post Office Lot.

Why a post office project?
I am working on a new custom neighborhood called Crystal Cove. I was filling up some empty community buildings and decided to make a post office. Other than mods from PCSims and a scant few other objects by some talented creators, there wasn’t much to be found for decorating a post office. I set to work creating a few postal items – the post office boxes, mail cartons, etc. Then I was chatting with HystericalParoxysm on IRC chat and was trying to come up with a logo for my post office. She suggested the llama and that was when it occurred to me – since Americans have the Pony Express why can’t Sims have a Llama Express. From there it snowballed into an entire project.

I got to wondering why EA chose the llama as the mascot in the University expansion and found out that the llama goes far beyond The Sims2 game. Here are a few things I found through a bit of research.

The llama, according to a CNN interview with Will Wright, came about due to a company-wide vote for an informal mascot. The llama’s competitors were a Boston tree-fern and a beef tape worm – thank goodness the llama won that vote! Can you imagine what kind of a mascot a beef tape worm would be? The llama appears in various Sims games in the form of cheats, events, and even in game guides – most notably in SimCity as the second slowest speed “llama-speed” and in SimCity 4 and SimCity 3000 as cheat codes. Wikipedia offers an entire paragraph in reference to the llama and “Sim” games and another paragraph in reference to a variety of other formats and games including Counter-Strike. I never knew there was such a big hype about llamas. Check it out!

Here are the items I am sharing with you today:

A fully furnished post office lot with 3 recolors and 12 new meshes:

More views in Thumbnail section.

Two of the recolors are from PCSims Parcel Mod and Post Boxes Mod that can be found at the Sims 2 Graveyard – these include the parcel point register in a light wood color and the post box in blue with a Llama Express logo on back. I fully recommend both mods and can confirm that they work well with all expansions including FreeTime installed.

The other recolor is of the Independent Expressions 2-tile shop door – adds the Llama Express logo and office hours to the glass.

All objects are in simlish font with the exception of the bulletin board items which were too texty to translate.

View a slide show to see each mesh and recolor up close.

Polygon Counts
Llama Express Sign – 1240 polygons – 150 simoleons
Llama Express Lobby Bulletin Board – 86 polygons – 150 simoleons
Llama Express Mail Room Carton – 566 polygons – 25 simoleons
Llama Express Mail Room Carton Stack – 607 polygons – 75 simoleons
Llama Express Mail Sorting Rack – 616 polygons – 99 simoleons
Llama Express Lobby Supplies – 1244 polygons – 10 simoleons – Requires Seasons
Llama Express Post Office Boxes – Center – 524 polygons – 125 simoleons – Requires Seasons
Llama Express Post Office Boxes – Right – 432 polygons – 125 simoleons – Requires Seasons
Llama Express Post Office Boxes – Left – 376 polygons – 125 simoleons – Requires Seasons
Llama Express Canvas Mail Bag – 803 polygons – 73 simoleons
Llama Express Post Office Packages – 174 polygons – 73 simoleons
Llama Express Post Office Letter Scale by Detecto – 1400 polygons – 150 simoleons
Standard Parking Block – 615 polygons – requires Glamour Life

PCSims Parcel Point Recolor Get Mesh
PCSims Post Box Recolor Get Mesh
Independent Expressions 2-tile door Recolor

I built the lot using all expansions and stuff packs. To view the lot as I have it decorated the following expansions and stuff packs will be required in addition to all of the RAR files below and the meshes for PCSims Mods mentioned above: University, NightLife, OFB, Pets, FreeTime, H&M Fashion, and Glamour Life.

I have also included a custom collection file and icon for ease of finding the objects. Most are under decorative-miscellaneous. The scale is under electronics-other.

I am in process of learning to use the AnyGame Starter from Numenor so please look for a base game compatible Post Office Lot to come soon. All custom objects require base game only except for the Lobby Supplies and the Post Office Boxes – Center, Right, and Left which require Seasons and the Standard Parking Block which requires Glamour Life Stuff Pack. I am working on a base game compatible version of these as well.

Please leave me a comment on how you like the objects and lot - constructive criticism is always appreciated and helps me become a better creator!

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: 67,963

Custom Content by Me:
- Llama Express PO Set by wndy26
- Standard Parking Block
- Llama Express Postal Service Sign
- Llama Express Lobby Bulletin Board
- Mail Room Carton
- Mail Room Carton Stack
- Mail Sorting Rack
- Post Office Lobby Supplies
- Post Office Boxes - Center
- Post Office Boxes - Left
- Post Office Boxes - Right
- Post Office Canvas Mail Bag
- Post Office Packages
- Post Office Letter Scale by Detecto
- PCSims Parcel Point Register Recolor
- PCSims Post Box Recolor
- Independent Expressions 2-tile Door Recolor

Additional Credits:
Big Thanks to Hysterical Paroxysm for the llama suggestion and taking the time to view my work.

Thanks goes to the creators at PCSims who worked hard on the postal mods - their work is exceptional.

Thanks also goes to Numenor for the color enabler pack and anygame starter, the makers of SimPE, Delphy and the MTS2 staff – without all of these wonderful people I would still be stuck wishing for cool items!
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