2 Louisiana Way, Furnished, 3BR, Spanish Split Level

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Picked Upload!   This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.
2 Louisiana Way, Furnished, 3BR, Spanish Split Level

Play Tested And Scanned With Clean Installer If You Like It, Please Hit the Thanks Button. FeedBack Welcome.

Although, this house was built in a neighborhood using Any Game Starter (University, NightLife, OpenForBusiness and Season's) AGS is NOT required to play the house . AGS was created by Numenor and can be found HERE.

Additional Content: Not included but required if you want your house to look like pics.
Sims Design Avenue Louisiana Set (Found in Contemporain / Louisiana Set *I used the Fridge from Season's*) Here
Sims Design Avenue Sunset Livingroom (Found in Contemporain /Livingrooms) Here
Recolor for Sunset Living Room by Me Here
Recolors & Mesh of 2x3 & 4X3 Rugs by Frances at Sims Design Avenue
Here (Found in Contemporain / Misc)
Chimney "Stack 'Em Up" Stone recolor by Kimsie an found Here

If you like my creation or effort, please hit the THANKS button. It only takes a few seconds.

Lot Size: 4x4
Lot Price: 181,217

Custom Content by Me:
- Pink recolor of Maxis Poppies (These are in the RAR File as CI wouldn't pack them)
- Blue Tile
- LightPink Tile
- FawnStuccoEnhancedMaxis
- FawnStucco_BothSidesBottomStone
- FawnStucco_BothSidesStone
- FawnStucco_BottomStone
- FawnStucco_LeftSideBottomStone
- FawnStucco_LeftSideStone
- FawnStucco_RightSideBottomStone
- FawnStucco_RightSideStone
- StackEmUpStone Wall Enhanced
- Grass N Rocks
- HalfWall White and Blue Tile 
- LightPink Tile
- HalfWall White and LightPink Tile
- Blue Tile

Custom Content Included:
- BathTub by -Maylin-
- BPlant by -Maylin-
- Mirror by -Maylin-
- Sink by -Maylin-
- Toilet by -Maylin-
- ceilingrim by 4esf
- ceilingrimRECOLORwhite by 4esf
- syringa by 4esf
- tamart22t by dermarcel
- tamart22t-nauru-black by dermarcel
- ArchedElegance_GarageDoor_MESH by corvidophile2
- ArchedElegance_GarageDoor_rec15 by corvidophile2
- SpringBlossomTree_MESH by corvidophile2
- Chic Stairs by Crocobaura
- Glucksbotedach-recol3 by engelchen
- floor_10c03122 by Shoukeir
- floor_113d3b01 by NeptuneSuzy
- floor_12b2b0ba by Holy Simoly
- floor_313d3606 by NeptuneSuzy
- floor_90c0301c by Shoukeir
- floor_f0d993a4 by karinssims2
- Hibiscus coccineus RECOLOR (rose) by alex_stanton1983
- Hibiscus coccineus Mesh by alex_stanton1983
- Stairwall1 by Inge
- Stairwall2 by Inge
- Stairwall3 by Inge
- Stairwall4 by Inge
- Stairwall_recolCC by Inge
- japanesedesk by nectere
- CCulture_Floor_Marble-Teakadobe by MaryLou & Numenor
- MaxisMatchbookcase01 Mesh by Sgoobysnacks
- MaxisMatchbookcase02 Mesh by Sgoobysnacks
- MaxisMatchExpensiveStereo Mesh by Sgoobysnacks
- MaxisMatchExpensiveTelevision Mesh by Sgoobysnacks
- LiberatedPoppiesHalftile by HystericalParoxysm
- LiberatedPoppies by HystericalParoxysm
- Bambuszaun (Fence) "Beetbehuter" in OrangeThe Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch15 by PG
- 1 Tile Italian Baroque Arch - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- 2 Tile Italian Barouqe Arch - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- 1 Tile Italian Barouqe Glass Door - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- 2 Tile Italian Baroque Glass Door - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- 1 Tile Italian Baroque Solid Door - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- 1 Tile Italian Baroque Solid Door - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- Italian Baroque 1 Tile Window - Short - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- Italian Baroque 1 Tile Window - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- Italian Baroque 2 Tile Window - Circa 1705 by Simnuts
- wall_30c032f2 by Shoukeir
- wall_90d9925c by karinssims2
- wall_ATS_poured_Lagorette_white by Sandy

Additional Credits:
Thanks to all the Custom Content Creators
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