UpsideDown Career

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Hi Guys

This career starts at the top and as you get promoted the daily wage goes down. I thought it would be an interesting idea so I made it, and it's a waste not to upload it really, so if your curiosity is piqued, here you go!
Also, I made it difficult to get promoted beyond level one so if you just want your sim to earn bucketloads of cash... :P

All chance cards are included, it's got it's own guid etc, it's ep ready but shouldn't require them. I have tested it in my game but if it's not working for you please let me know, I might be able to tweak it a bit.

So here are the levels:

Level One: Big Spender, $2500, 0900-1300 Mon-Thurs
You are one of the most prominent figures in Simcity, and no restaurant feels valid until you have eaten there at least twice. As such, you need the money to support your profile. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Level Two: Charity Diner, $2200, 1900-2300 Thurs-Sat
It’s not a charity dinner unless you’re there. And what a lifestyle! You spend your time relaxing at luxurious parties, all in aid of needy children or other worthy causes. There is no reason to feel guilty at all! get promoted!

Level Three: Trendy HousePartier, $2000, 1800-0000 Fri-Sat
The high life is still yours, but now you have to contend with little sticky fingers. Balance your responsibilities, and you may find yourself on holiday sooner than you think.

Level Four: Overseas Vacationer, $1700, 0700-1500 Mon-Fri
You are paid to try out pre-packaged holidays, yet you still sleep in your own bed every night. What a way to live!

Level Five: Middleman, $1500, 0900-1700 Mon-Fri
The Rat Race is beginning to catch up with you. The family’s demands are rising and your subordinates at work are biting at your heels. A promotion might provide some relief.

Level Six: Empty Nester, $1300, 1000-1900 Tues-Fri
Whew, you have a bit of breathing space! Your job is yours to do as you will without some manager peering constantly over your shoulder.

Level Seven: Potterer, $1100, 1100-1600 Tues-Sat
You know the ageing artist sometimes seen in the gardens next to the community swimming pool? That’s you, if you like painting. The council has hired you to potter around, wherever you feel the will, to give the community some character.

Level Eight: Roadcone, $800, 0700-1900 Mon-Sat
After all that time pottering, it is nice to finally do something useful! And what could be better than stopping cars crashing into each other at roadworks? It’s a long day but the rewards are worth it.

Level Nine, Early Bedtimer, $550, 1000-1400 Mon-Thurs
Shorter days, less expenses... there are many positive things about going to bed early! Now is your chance. Enjoy the extra sleep!

Level Ten: Hermit, $100, 0800-1200 Wed-Sat
You have reached the top, or rather the bottom, of the UpsideDown Career track. Congratulations! As a hermit you have no need of fancy stuff or expensive furniture. You live happily on very little, and take the time to enjoy the best things in life- the things that come for free.

I hope you enjoy it!

Additional Credits:
The usual...tutorials on this site, simPE, the whole community :P
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